Open Encumbrances (POC001)
  • 26 Jun 2024
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Open Encumbrances (POC001)

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Article summary

This is not applicable for inter-agency encumbrances

Conversion Description

This conversion will load all identified open Encumbrances from the Source Systems to Florida PALM. A pre-defined pipe-delimited formatted file is received from the Source Systems and pushed to the applicable inbound file server location. The open encumbrances conversion file will contain open encumbrance balances that are authorized for continued use. 

This conversion will leverage the custom Inbound Encumbrance Load (POI002) interface to load the initial list of open encumbrances extracted from the Source Systems.

Click below to view the conversion file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Models

This conversion can be found in the following business processes:

Source Data

The table below details the files from the integrating systems that will provide the source data for this conversion.

File Name

Source System




File which contains all open encumbrances from the Source Systems that will be loaded in Florida PALM.

Conversion Layout

The layout of the conversion is listed below. 

Data FieldRecord TypeData Field Description
Record CodePO Header DetailsIndicates Encumbrance Header information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each header row.
PO Header ActionPO Header DetailsUsed to designate which type of action is to be taken on the file data.
Business UnitPO Header DetailsUsed to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.
PO IDPO Header DetailsFlorida PALM Encumbrance ID.
Hold StatusPO Header DetailsFlag to temporarily prevent further processing of the encumbrance. The encumbrance will not be eligible for approval or denial or any processes to pick it up for updates.
PO DatePO Header DetailsDenotes date encumbrance line was established in source system.
PO ReferencePO Header DetailsFree text reference field. Source encumbrance number.
Confidential PO?PO Header DetailsConfidential Encumbrance flag to determine if the Encumbrance/PO is confidential
Supplier SetIDPO Header DetailsSetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit.
Supplier IDPO Header DetailsThis field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier ID for the Supplier SetID provided above.
Supplier LocationPO Header DetailsThis field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier Location for the Supplier ID provided above.
Address Sequence NumberPO Header DetailsSupplier Address Sequence Number field will contain a valid Florida PALM Invoicing Supplier Address Sequence Number for the Supplier ID provided above.
PO OriginPO Header DetailsThis value will be specific to each agency and/or system. The Origin Indicates the source system of the transaction.
Approval required?PO Header DetailsFlag to determine if Agency Approval is needed in FL PALM for the encumbrance. If Y is selected, the Encumbrance will route through workflow within Florida PALM.
Source System User IDPO Header DetailsField to determine the User who requested the addition of the Encumbrance.
Filler1PO Header DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2PO Header DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3PO Header DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4PO Header DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5PO Header DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodePO Line DetailsIndicates Encumbrance Line information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each line row.
PO Line ActionPO Line DetailsUsed to designate which type of action is to be taken on the Line data.
Line NumberPO Line DetailsEncumbrance line number.
Category CodePO Line DetailsProvide the category code that you want the system to use to locate the catalog in which you want to search for item categories.
Unit of MeasurePO Line DetailsThe Unit of Measure for the encumbrance line.
Amount Only FlagPO Line DetailsTo designate the line as an amount-only line. If entered as 'Y', the encumbrance quantity value on the line ship details should always be 1.
Physical NaturePO Line DetailsIndicates whether an item is a good or a service.
Item DescriptionPO Line DetailsDescription of the encumbrance line item.
Filler1PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10PO Line DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodePO Line Ship DetailsIndicates Encumbrance Line Ship information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each line ship details row.
PO Total Line AmountPO Line Ship DetailsTotal line amount of the PO/encumbrance.
PO QuantityPO Line Ship DetailsQuantity of the encumbrance line to be distributed.
Filler1PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10PO Line Ship DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodePO Distribution DetailsIndicates Encumbrance Distribution Line information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each distribution line row.
PO Distribution ActionPO Distribution DetailsUsed to designate which type of action is to be taken on the Line Distribution data.
Distribution Line NumberPO Distribution DetailsDistribution Line number for the encumbrance line. Numeric value starting with 1.
Distribution PO QuantityPO Distribution DetailsQuantity to be distributed on the encumbrance distribution line.
Distribution PercentagePO Distribution DetailsEnter Distribution Percentage to distribute the cost by a percentage of the total amount. Enter a proration percent value for each distribution line. Total Percentage for single/multiple distribution lines for a single Encumbrance ID must always equal 100%.
Distribution Line Merchandise AmountPO Distribution DetailsTotal amount of the encumbrance distribution line.
OrganizationPO Distribution DetailsOrganization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.
AccountPO Distribution DetailsGeneral Ledger Account, specified as balance sheet account (e.g., asset, liability, equity) or operating account (e.g., expenditure, revenue).
FundPO Distribution DetailsSegregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
Budget EntityPO Distribution DetailsBudget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program.
CategoryPO Distribution DetailsCategory ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes.
State ProgramPO Distribution DetailsState Program ChartField tracks revenue and expenditures for programs within or across your organizations.
GrantPO Distribution DetailsGrant ChartField tracks grant Ids within or across your organizations.
ContractPO Distribution DetailsContract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions as required for two party agreements.
OA1PO Distribution DetailsOther Accumulator ChartField can be used for various purposes, such as, tracking for optional reporting, or cost pools.
OA2PO Distribution DetailsAgency Unique ChartField is a flexible field reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.
PC Business UnitPO Distribution DetailsUsed to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for Project related ChartFields.
ProjectPO Distribution DetailsProject ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked.
ActivityPO Distribution DetailsTracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID.
PC Source TypePO Distribution DetailsThe Source Type ChartField identifies the purpose or origin of a Project-related transaction.
PC CategoryPO Distribution DetailsThe Proj Category ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
PC SubcategoryPO Distribution DetailsThe Subcategory ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
Budget DatePO Distribution DetailsRepresents a calendar date field on module transactions. Based on the budget date entered, budget checking functionality checks the transaction against the appropriate budget period (i.e., FY).
Asset Profile IDPO Distribution DetailsAsset Profile ID identifies the Accounting Template that determines financial, depreciation and retirement attributes of asset being added.
Filler1PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10PO Distribution DetailsThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

4/3/2024Updated PO Total Line Amount field name and description.

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