Outbound ChartField Values (GLI001)
  • 29 May 2024
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Outbound ChartField Values (GLI001)

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Article summary

Interface Description

ChartField values configured in Florida PALM are used for budgetary and financial reporting. The Outbound ChartField Values interface file contains Florida PALM Chart of Accounts (COA) values. This file is made available to Agency Business Systems, and Enterprise partners.

This Interface will provide Statewide ChartField values and Agency Specific ChartField values.  This interface will create separate files for each agency and one consolidated file for Enterprise partners.  

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria includes the following: 

Data FieldData Field Details

Agency of All(%) (Required)

This field is used to reference the population of values to extract.  If an agency BU is selected, then extract agency specific ChartField values for the agency selected and statewide ChartField values.     If % is selected, then extract all statewide and all agency specific values in Florida PALM.

ChartField Status (Optional)

ChartField status is selected as Active or Inactive if COA for a specific status to be extracted. In case of blank, both the statuses (Active and Inactive) will be extracted. Before a selection is made, ChartField Status value should be defaulted to ‘Blank’ on run control page.

Data Extract (Required)

  • Delta Extract
  • Full Extract

Full extract (Agencies): It will extract data for all available max effective dated COA values from Florida PALM.

Delta extract (Enterprise Partners): It will extract data for all COA values which are newly added or updated in Florida PALM from last batch run to current date time.

Before a selection is made, Data Extract value should be defaulted to ‘Full Extract’ on run control page.


One batch run control ID should be setup as follows:

    • Agency specific,

      • All applicable agency values (one-by-one)
      • Status = 'Blank’
      • Data Extract =’Full Extract’

To produce all statewide and agency specific ChartField values per outbound file to be sent to respective agency subfolders.

    • Enterprise partner specific,

      • Agency or All(%) = %
      • Status = ‘Blank’
      • Data Extract =’Delta Extract’

To produce one consolidated file with changes to statewide and agency specific ChartFields values for applicable Enterprise (STMS, PCard Works)


File Path and File Name can be configured using custom Interface Configuration page.

File Layout

The layout of the interface is listed below. 

Data FieldRecord TypeData Field Description
Record Code1Record Code for GL Business Unit ChartField details.
GL Business Unit1GL Business Unit represents an organization/agency at an appropriation level and is used to define a financial reporting entity for General Ledger reporting.
GL Business Unit Description1GL Business Unit Description
GL Business Unit Short Description1GL Business Unit Short Description
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Record Code2Record Code for Organization details.
SetID2SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Organization2Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.
Effective Date2Designates the date the Organization value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status2Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Organization Description2Organization Description
Organization Short Description2Organization Short Description
Organization Long Description2Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Organization value.
Budgetary Only2Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code3Record Code for Account details.
SetID3SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Account3Specified as balance sheet account or operating account.
Effective Date3Designates the date the Account value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status3Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Account Description3Account Description
Account Short Description3Account Short Description
Account Long Description3Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Account value.
Account Type3Identifies a category of accounts that appears on the balance sheet or income statement of the enterprise. Each general ledger account is associated with an account type (also called a "monetary account type").
Statistics Account3A flag that indicates whether or not an account is used to track statistical amounts rather than monetary amounts. Statistical amounts represent information such as square footage, head count, or number of units.
Control Flag3This flag in used to designate an Account as a Control Account.
Budgetary Only3Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code4Record Code for Fund details.
SetID4SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Fund4Fund is used to segregate and capture specific activities or classify certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations (e.g., restricted Fund).Legacy Mapping: GAAFR, SF, FID
Effective Date4Designates the date the Fund value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status4Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Fund Description4Fund Description
Fund Short Description4Fund Short Description
Fund Long Description4Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Fund value.
Budgetary Only4Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code5Record Code for Budget Entity details.
SetID5SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Budget Entity5Budget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program. Budget Entity will retain the same value as in the current business system
Effective Date5Designates the date the Budget Entity value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status5Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Budget Entity Description5Budget Entity Description
Budget Entity Short Description5Budget Entity Short Description
Budget Entity Long Description5Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Budget Entity value.
Budgetary Only5Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code6Record Code for Category details.
SetID6SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Category6Category represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes. Category in PALM is mapped one-one with the current business system
Effective Date6Designates the date the Category value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status6Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Category Description6Category Description
Category Short Description6Category Short Description
Category Long Description6Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Category value.
Budgetary Only6Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code7Record Code for State Program details
SetID7SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
State Program7State Program is used to identify the plan for an organization and use of resources to meet specified objectives of the State.Legacy Mapping: State Program Component
Effective Date7Designates the date the State Program value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status7Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
State Program Description7State Program Description
State Program Short Description7State Program Short Description
State Program Long Description7Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Contract value.
Budgetary Only7Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code8Record Code for Grant details
SetID8SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Grant8Grant ID value used to track financial assistance that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose.
Effective Date8Designates the date the Contract value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status8Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Grant Description8Grant Description
Grant Short Description8Grant Short Description
Grant Long Description8Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Grant value.
Budgetary Only8Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code9Record Code for Contract details.
SetID9SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Contract9Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.
Effective Date9Designates the date the Contract value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status9Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Contract Description9Contract Description
Contract Short Description9Contract Short Description
Contract Long Description9Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the Contract value.
Budgetary Only9Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code10Record Code for OA1 details.
SetID10SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
OA110OA1 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.Legacy Mapping: None
Effective Date10Designates the date the OA1 value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status10Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
OA1 Description10OA1 Description
OA1 Short Description10OA1 Short Description
OA1 Long Description10Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the OA1 value.
Budgetary Only10Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code11Record Code for OA2 details.
SetID11SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
OA211OA2 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.Legacy Mapping: None
Effective Date11Designates the date the OA2 value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status11Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
OA2 Description11OA2 Description
OA2 Short Description11OA2 Short Description
OA2 Long Description11Identifies the long description which may contain historical details regarding the OA2 value.
Budgetary Only11Budgetary Only Indicator which identifies values that are limited to use in budgetary transactions
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Record Code12Record Code for Project details
Project Costing Business Unit12Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions
Project12Project is used to capture a planned undertaking, having a finite beginning and a finite ending, can cross fiscal years, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked
Effective Status12Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Project Description12Description
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Record Code13Record Code for Activity details
SetID13SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Activity13Activity tracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID.
Activity Description13Activity Description
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Record Code14Record Code for Source Type details.
SetID14SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Source Type14The Source Type ChartField identifies the purpose or origin of a Project-related transaction. Legacy Mapping: None
Effective Date14Designates the date the Source Type value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status14Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Source Type Description14Source Type Description
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Record Code15Record Code for Proj. Category details.
SetID15SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit
Proj Category15The Proj. Category ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project. Legacy Mapping: None
Effective Date15Designates the date the Proj. Category value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status15Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Proj Category Description15Proj. Category Description
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Record Code16Record Code for Subcategory details.
SetID16An identification code that represents a set of control table information or table sets. SetIDs enable the sharing of a set of control table information across two or more Business Units.
Subcategory16The Subcategory ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
Effective Date16Format "MM/DD/YYYY": Designates the date the Subcategory value is available for use within Florida PALM.
Effective Status16Effective status identifies whether the ChartField value is active or inactive. Effective status enables the system to select the appropriate effective-dated rows, when combined with the effective date field.
Subcategory Description16Subcategory Description
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Record Code17Record Code for Filler Field.
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Record Code
18Record Code for Filler Field.
Filler118This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM
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Version History

DateRevision Description
12/01/2023Original Version
05/28/2024Administrative update completed to include Record Type 17 and 18.

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