Set Up and Maintain Customer (50.1)
  • 16 Jul 2024
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Set Up and Maintain Customer (50.1)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

The Set Up and Maintain Customer business process is within the Accounts Receivable (AR) business process grouping. AR includes a collection of business processes that:

  • Manage Customer information, including demographic and receivable information; and
  • Support the receivable process for State revenues.

This business process addresses how the State establishes and maintains customer records. Florida PALM provides a customer record structure that allows each agency to maintain its own customer information. This structure allows the agencies to capture unique customer information. Grantors are also set up as customers in Florida PALM. As an agency provides a customer with services and/or goods, the agency can create the customer record directly in Florida PALM or import customer information through an interface or spreadsheet upload. Establishing a customer record is fundamental to the receivable processes.

Customer records include general information, such as contact information and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). Additional fields are also provided to capture agency specific data. Agencies can attach documents such as revenue agreements and include notes pertaining to customer interactions.

This business process has no subprocesses.

Dependencies and Constraints

Dependencies and Constraints describe any conditions or criteria that impact how or when the business process should be executed. These could be set within Florida PALM or from external sources (i.e., Law or Rule).

  • Customer records are not required in Florida PALM due to the extensive use of agency business systems, unless the agency is creating receivables on a customer account in Florida PALM.
  • Florida PALM provides the ability to integrate customer data with agency business systems. 
  • Customer ID is a 15-digit, system generated number that begins with the first three digits of the agency BU and is increased sequentially (i.e., 430000000000001).
  • Agency will have several user-defined fields available to capture details such as an Agency Customer ID.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 50.1 Set Up and Maintain Customers

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where different parties or systems perform activities. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, is representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess.

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step, describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step IDProcess Step TitleDescription of Process
1Receives Customer InformationThe Agency Customer Maintainer receives customer information to create or update customer data in Florida PALM.

2Manually Create/Update Customer RecordIf a customer does not exist, the Agency Customer Maintainer has the option to manually create a customer in Florida PALM. If a customer exists in Florida PALM, the Agency Customer Maintainer can update customer data in the system. This would include inactivating the customer if they are no longer doing business with the agency.

3Enter General InformationThe Agency Customer Maintainer enters general information for a customer (e.g., customer name, address, parent/child relationship, status, type, and grantor). This is where the customer would be marked as inactive.

4Enter Bill-To Options InformationThe Agency Customer Maintainer enters bill-to options information for a customer (e.g., payment terms).

5Enter Customer Contact InformationThe Agency Customer Maintainer enters customer contact information (e.g., contact name, phone, and address information).

6Enter Miscellaneous Customer InformationThe Agency Customer Maintainer enters miscellaneous customer information. The customer record includes user-defined, alphanumeric fields that have character limits. Once all required fields are complete and the page is saved, the Customer is available to use in a transaction.

7Inbound Customer Spreadsheet Upload (ARI006)If a customer needs to be created or updated, the Agency Customer Maintainer has the option to upload customer data into Florida PALM using a spreadsheet. This is generally used when multiple customer records are being created.

8Inbound Customer Data (ARI009)If a customer needs to created or updated, agencies may provide customer information via a file, which can be uploaded from the respective agency business system to create the customer.

9Load Customer DataAn automated process loads the customer data from the interface file to the customer record. Edit validations are performed on each interface before the data is allowed to load to the AR module. If the file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once the issue is resolved. If the file is not rejected, edit validations are performed on each transaction before the data is allowed to load for processing in the AR module. Additional edits will be performed during the transaction life cycle. Rejected transactions are managed through the 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process.

10Add Revenue Agreement as AttachmentIf a revenue agreement exists, the Agency Customer Maintainer has the option to attach the document to the customer record or submit attachment via the SDI009 Inbound Attachment interface for future reference in Florida PALM.

11Export Customer DataThis process generates and exports a customer data file for agencies and FACTS.

12Outbound Customer Data (ARI002)The customer data file includes customer general information, addresses, bill-to options, and other customer attributes to agency business systems and FACTS.

Customer Entry Page, General Info Tab

Customer Entry Page, General Info Tab

Customer Entry Page, General Info Tab Continued

Customer Entry Page, General Info Tab Continued

Customer Entry Page, Bill To Options Tab

Customer Entry Page, Bill To Options TabCustomer Entry Page, Bill To Options Tab

Customer Entry Page, Miscellaneous General Info Tab

Customer Entry Page, Miscellaneous General Info Tab

Demo Video

Create Customer Demo Video: Click the image below to view a demonstration video on creating a Customer. 

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (U) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated system (S) offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
  • The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID

Accounting Event

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry



Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




The table below identifies the Conversions related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams but are important elements of each Business Process.

Conversion NumberConversion DescriptionSource
ARC001Customers - Conversion of active customers from agency business systems.One-time


The table below provides the Interfaces identified on the Business Process.  

Interface NumberInterface DescriptionInterface FrequencySourceTarget
ARI002Outbound Customer Data – Outbound interface that provides customer data to agency business systems and FACTS (e.g., customer addresses, bill to options, and other customer attributes).
Florida PALM
Agency Business Systems
Inbound Customer Spreadsheet Upload – Inbound interface to load customer data via spreadsheet (Excel) upload.
Agency Business Systems
Florida PALM
Inbound Customer Data – Inbound interface that provides customer data from agency business systems.
Agency Business Systems
Florida PALM


The table below provides the forms identified on this Business Process.  

Form NumberForm DescriptionAudience





The table below provides the workflows identified on this Business Process.  

Workflow NumberWorkflow DescriptionAudience




Agency Configurations

The table below identifies the Agency Configurations related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams but are essential elements of each Business Process.

Configuration NumberConfiguration DescriptionConfiguration Maintainer

Version History

DateRevision Description
02/02/2024Original Version

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