Outbound AR Data (ARI034)
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Outbound AR Data (ARI034)

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Article summary

Interface Description

Agencies have the option to maintain AR Item information in Florida PALM. This outbound interface provides AR Item information from Florida PALM to Agency Business Systems (ABS) to support the alignment of both systems.  

The Outbound AR Data Interface process selects all AR Items newly added (online or through an interface) or modified in Florida PALM and creates a daily activity file for each applicable agency. 

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria include the following:

Data Field

Data Field Details

Business Unit


Accounting Date
Ad hoc
Item Status

File Layout

Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below. 

Field NameRecord TypeDescription
Record CodeItemRecord Code identifying the Item Data
Business UnitItemEquivalent to the Florida PALM AR Business Unit for the Agency.
Customer IDItemCustomer ID to identify a customer associated with the pending item. This value should represent a value from the Customer list set up in Florida PALM.
ItemItemThe Item ID for the Item. 
Item LineItemItem Line number in relation to the Item ID. Item Line starts with 1 and will be sequential on every same Item ID.
Balance AmountItemThe remaining balance amount in the Item. This amount can be a CR or a DR.
As of DateItemThis date is used by the system to calculate the Item's due date based on the payment terms selected.  This date is normally the same as the accounting date.
 As of Date is 6/23/2023
 Payment Terms Code Selected: NET 30
 Due Date will be set to 7/23/2023 
AR Distribution CodeItemIt is the default accounts receivable distribution code (AR Offset Account) for the business unit. This code determines the ChartFields that the system uses when generating system-defined accounting entries for pending items
Payment Terms CodeItemThe code is entered for system to automatically calculate payment due dates.  
 Payment terms govern the length of time that a customer has to pay an item and determine discount eligibility and amount. 
Due DateItemDue date of the item on when a customer has to pay an item. 
Asset ID ReferenceItemThis field identify an Asset associated with the item, if applicable. This value should represent a value from the Asset list set up in Florida PALM.
Supplier IDItemThis field  identifies a Supplier associated with the item, if applicable. This value should represent a value from the Supplier list set up in Florida PALM. 
User Amount 1ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 2ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 3ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 4ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 5ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 6ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 7ItemField for Agency Use
User Amount 8ItemField for Agency Use
User Date 1ItemField for Agency Use
User Date 2ItemField for Agency Use
User Date 3ItemField for Agency Use
User Date 4ItemField for Agency Use
User 1ItemField for Agency Use
User 2ItemField for Agency Use
User 3ItemField for Agency Use
User 4ItemField for Agency Use
User 5ItemField for Agency Use
User 6ItemField for Agency Use
User 7ItemField for Agency Use
User 8ItemField for Agency Use
User 9ItemField for Agency Use
User 10ItemField for Agency Use
Filler1ItemThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2ItemThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3ItemThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4ItemThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5ItemThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeItem ActivityRecord Code identifying the Item Data
Business UnitItem ActivityEquivalent to the Florida PALM AR Business Unit for the Agency.
Customer IDItem ActivityCustomer ID to identify a customer associated with the pending item. This value should represent a value from the Customer list set up in Florida PALM.
ItemItem ActivityThe Item ID for the Item. 
Item LineItem ActivityItem Line number in relation to the Item ID. Item Line starts with 1 and will be sequential on every same Item ID.
Item Sequence NumberItem ActivityItem Sequence in relation to the Item ID.     Sequence is system generated based on the item activity.
Group Sequence NumberItem ActivityGroup number in relation to the Item. Multiple pending items may be associated with a group, and multiple distribution lines may be associated with a pending item. 
Entry TypeItem ActivityAn entry type categorizes your items and the system uses them to create or update items. 
Entry AmountItem ActivityThe original amount entered when item was initially created in PALM.
 For subsequent transactions for the Item, refer to the Foreign Amount at the Item Distribution Line details for impact to the Balance.
Filler1Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10Item ActivityThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeItem DistributionRecord Code identifying the  Item Distribution on the record.
Business UnitItem DistributionEquivalent to the Florida PALM AR Business Unit for the Agency.
Customer IDItem DistributionCustomer ID to identify a customer associated with the pending item. This value should represent a value from the Customer list set up in Florida PALM.
ItemItem DistributionThe Item ID for the  Item. 
Item LineItem DistributionItem Line number in relation to the Item ID. Item Line starts with 1 and will be sequential on every same Item ID.
Item Sequence NumberItem DistributionItem Sequence in relation to the Item ID.     Sequence is system generated based on the item activity.
Distribution Sequence NumberItem DistributionNumeric sequence number for the accounting distribution line for the pending item. This must be a unique value on every distribution line of a pending item (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.).
Budget DateItem DistributionRepresents the budget date/appropriation date including the fiscal year for the budget associated with the pending item. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated.
GL Business UnitItem DistributionEquivalent to the Florida PALM GL Business Unit for the Agency. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM.
OrganizationItem DistributionOrganization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.
AccountItem DistributionIdentifies the General Ledger account value that will be used to record the transactions (i.e. ChartField value for revenue, expenditure, etc.)This value is determined by the Agency and is only for pending items.
FundItem DistributionSegregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
Budget EntityItem DistributionBudget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program.
CategoryItem DistributionCategory ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes.
State ProgramItem DistributionStores Chart of Accounts information and provides the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data.
GrantItem DistributionGrant ChartField is used for tracking  grants funding.
ContractItem DistributionContract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.
OA1Item DistributionOA1 tracks optional organization reporting, cost pools, expenditures, revenues, or other specific use.
OA2Item DistributionOA2 tracks optional organization reporting, cost pools, expenditures, revenues, or other specific use.
PC Business UnitItem DistributionIdentifies the Projects Business Unit if the payment is linked to a project that has been set up in Florida PALM. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM, if populated.
ProjectItem DistributionIf the Pending item is linked to a project which has been set up in Florida PALM, provide the corresponding value. If the Project Costing Business Unit data element is populated for a distribution line, then the spreadsheet must include a Project value within that distribution line. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated. Project value is required when an FCO category is recorded.
ActivityItem DistributionIf the pending item is linked to a project which has been set up in Florida PALM, provide the corresponding Activity ID associated with the project. Only required if the PC Business Unit field has been populated. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated.
PC Source TypeItem DistributionSource types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction.
PC CategoryItem DistributionProject Category provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
PC SubcategoryItem DistributionSubcategories provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
Line DescriptionItem DistributionAdditional description for the distribution line. This line description information is optional for a pending Item
Foreign AmountItem DistributionAmount associated with the Item distribution line. 
Accounting DateItem DistributionSame value as the group control accounting Date. This value is being included here in case there is a need in the future for having accounting dates that vary by pending item. 
Journal IDItem DistributionUnique identifer assigned to each journal entry. 
Journal DateItem DistributionDate that the item was distributed to the General Leder. 
Filler3Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10Item DistributionThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

5/22/2024DDID 0510 ARE006-Asset ID to use delivered SUBROG_CASE_NUM field

DDID 0661 - Administrative Layout Change to align with the key fields of the records.

a. Inter-change the position of the Group Sequence Number and Item Sequence Number fields under the Item Activity Record Type

b. Add Item Line field in the Item Distribution Record Type

12/12/2024Updated File layout and 11/27/2024 updates: 

1. Updated file name on General Information tab to align with interface standards.

2. Changed ITEM_LINE from length of 38 to 6. 

01/02/2025Updated sample layout file and sample file and 12/30/24 updates - Updated Filler 1 & 2 on Item Distribution record to Journal ID and Journal Date

Design Document(s)

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