Topics and Activities
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Topics and Activities

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Article summary


The Topics and Activities list, maintained by the Project within Smartsheet and linked below, serves as the foundation for understanding the functions to be performed in Florida PALM and will support preparation for User Acceptance Testing and Training. It is structured to provide greater details for business process groupings.  Below is an outline of the critical columns within the listing:

  • Business Process Grouping (BPG):  Financial management processes used today are categorized into thirteen business process groupings. These groupings are used to organize and communicate the design of Florida PALM for the state.
  • Process Module: The Florida PALM module that will support the activity is listed where applicable. 
  • Topic Name: Each topic is clearly labeled to define the scope and focus of the subject / activity. The topic name provides an at-a-glance understanding of the content, helping agencies quickly identify its significance to their operations.
  • Activity Name: Activities within each topic are the different capabilities under the umbrella topic and represents a function completed using Florida PALM.
  • Business Process Model: The one or more process or subprocess associated with the topic and activity combination.
  • Role(s): The Florida PALM security role that has some capability or responsibility for or within the activity. These include agency and enterprise roles. 
  • System/ Other: Where applicable, the Florida PALM security roles that are not assigned to individuals but that perform a function within the system in support of the activity (e.g., runs various automated processes, reports, interfaces),  or individuals or entities that perform functions outside of the system in support of the activity. 
  • Related Item (RICEFW Items): Any reports, interfaces, forms, and workflows that support the related business process model.
  • Entity: Indicator of the entity (e.g., agency, DFS) to whom the associated role is assigned.
NOTE: It is important to note that the Topics and Activities listing is a living document. As we move forward with materials development, updates may be made to reflect refinements along the way. Therefore, the document should be reviewed on a regular basis to determine if any updates to agency managed training topics are necessary.  The following columns provide information on any changes:
  • As of Date: The date that the row was published or updated.
  • Change History: Indicates the nature of the change (e.g., new row / item, change to a particular field).
  • Comments: Additional information provided about a new or changed item.

Topics and Activities

Here is the list of all Topics and Activities: Florida PALM Topics and Activities -

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