Cash Balance by Fund Type (GLR080)
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Cash Balance by Fund Type (GLR080)

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Article summary

Report Description

A custom report that summarizes balances by Fund type for Transparency site.

Cash Balance by Fund Type report displays a summarization of balances stored in Florida PALM at top of report and details of Trust Funds cash balances at bottom of report, based on State Fund Attribute level for the respective fiscal year for which the report is executed. 

Balances should not change unless there have been adjustments to the prior fiscal year’s ending cash balance. This report is to verify that all prior year ending cash balances are rolled forward to the new fiscal year.

Report Location

Data Warehouse

Report Sample Layout

See the sample layout report below.


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Report Navigation

Coming Soon!

Report Audience

This document should be read and reviewed by:

  • Florida PALM Subject Matter Experts (SME’s)
  • Key enterprise partner

Suggested Report Frequency

  • Annually (scheduled by user)

Business Process Models

This report can be found in the following business processes:

Report Prompts

The report data can be filtered by the following report prompts:

Parameter Name

Default Value

Column in Subject Area

Required (Y/N)

User Input

Fiscal Year


"Time"."Fiscal Year"



Report Columns

The layout of the report is listed below. 

Column Name

Column in Subject Area or TableName.ColumnName

Fiscal Year

"Time"."Fiscal Year"

SF Indicator

"GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator"

SF Indicator Description

CASE WHEN "GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator" =1 THEN 'General Revenue Fund' WHEN "GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator" = 2 THEN 'Trust Fund' WHEN "GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator" = 5 THEN 'Budget Stabilization Fund' END

Business Unit

"GL Fund Details"."Business Unit"


"GL CF Attribute Details"."GAAFR"

Transactional Fund

"GL Fund Details"."Transactional Fund"

Cash Balance Period 0 of FY selected

SUM(CASE WHEN "GL Fund Details"."Accounting Period" = 0 THEN "Fact - Finanicals GL Ledger Transactions"."Posted Total Amount" ELSE 0 END BY "GL Fund Details"."Fiscal Year", "GL Fund Details"."Business Unit", "GL Fund Details"."Transactional Fund", "GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator", "GL CF Attribute Details"."GAAFR" )

Cash Balance Periods 0 to 12 prior FY

SUM(CASE WHEN "GL Fund Details"."Fiscal Year" = ("GL Fund Details"."Fiscal Year" -1) THEN "Fact - Finanicals GL Ledger Transactions"."Posted Total Amount" ELSE 0 END BY "GL Fund Details"."Fiscal Year" -1 , "GL Fund Details"."Business Unit", "GL Fund Details"."Transactional Fund", "GL CF Attribute Details"."SF Indicator", "GL CF Attribute Details"."GAAFR" )


More information about the data fields, including business definition and key values, is included as part of the Interface Catalog and applicable interface file layouts.

More information about the data values is included here: Configured Data Values.

More information about the ChartFields and related values is included in the Chart of Accounts Design.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

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