Enter and Process Budget Journals (20.1)
Business Process Overview
The Florida PALM Commitment Control module represents budgetary and cash control. The Enter and Process Budget Journals business process is within the Budget Management and Cash Control (BMCC) business process grouping. BMCC includes a collection of business processes that:
- Manage the tracking and reporting of appropriations, allotments, and revenue estimates, including the exchange of information between the Legislative Appropriations System/Planning and Budgeting Sub-system (LAS/PBS) and Florida PALM;
- Manage budget, cash, and invested balance exceptions; and
- Support the close-out of appropriations.
This business process addresses how LAS/PBS appropriations data files are transferred to Florida PALM, the creation of agency allotments, the daily reconciliation of Florida PALM and LAS/PBS ledgers, and the recording of estimated revenue.
The business subprocesses included are:
- 20.1.1 – Enterprise Post Appropriations
- 20.1.2 – Manage Agency Allotments
- 20.1.3 – Enterprise Budget Ledger Reconciliation
- 20.1.4 – Agency Estimated Revenue
- Appendix A - Commitment Control Date Concepts
- Appendix B - Commitment Control Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions
Dependencies and Constraints
Dependencies and Constraints describe any conditions or criteria that impact how or when the business process should be executed. These could be set within Florida PALM or from external sources (i.e., Law or Rule).
- The General Appropriations Act (GAA) authorizes appropriations that are developed and published in the LAS/PBS and transferred to Florida PALM.
- Budgetary codes are developed and published in LAS/PBS and transferred to Florida PALM for budgeting and transactional use.
- Agency appropriations balances should not exceed appropriations that are authorized in the GAA and subsequently adjusted to reflect vetoes, supplementals, failed contingents, and current FY budget amendments. Authorized/Adjusted appropriations are required to be released prior to recording an expenditure. All appropriations adjustments are first developed and published in LAS/PBS before being transferred to Florida PALM.
- Budgetary Funds are used on budgetary transactions only to store appropriations, releases, and reserves budgets. Transactional Funds are used to record financial accounting entries or budget entries for allotments and revenue estimates.
- The DFS and EOG/OPB publish memorandums that provide direction and guidance for the management of appropriations.
- Agencies are required to create budget allotments of their appropriations to support budget management methods and to enable the processing of transactions.
- Allotments are used to manage agencies’ budgets at the Appropriations level or a level lower than Appropriations.
- The Allotments Budget Structure provides agencies the flexibility to allot to the agency-specific ChartFields (i.e. organization, project, contract, grant, OA1, and OA2) in addition to the Key ChartFields (Fund, Budget Entity, Category) in the Appropriations, Releases, and Reserves Budget Structures.
- The DFS and EOG/OPB work collaboratively to reconcile Florida PALM
Agency Configurations
The table below identifies the Agency Configurations related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams; however, these items are important elements of each Business Process.
Configuration Number | Configuration Description | Configuration Maintainer |
N/A | N/A | N/A |
The table below identifies the Conversions related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams; however, these items are important elements of each Business Process.
Conversion Number | Conversion Description | Source |
KKC001 | Budgets – Current fiscal year GAA appropriation, release and reserve remaining balances, and allotments. | DFS Enterprise System |
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
12/01/2023 | Original Version |
02/05/2024 | Clarified Dependencies and Constraints section |
09/18/2024 | Add Appendix A. |
11/18/2024 | Updated 10/02/2024; Added Appendix B, removed references to available balance dashboard, and administrative updates |