- Getting Started
- Chart of Accounts Design
- Account ChartField
- Budget Entity ChartField
- Category ChartField
- Contract ChartField
- Fund ChartField
- GL Business Unit ChartField
- Grant ChartField
- Organization ChartField
- Other Accumulator 1 & 2 (OA1 & OA2) ChartFields
- Project ChartField
- Project Related ChartFields
- State Program ChartField
- Appendix 1 - ChartField Attributes
- Appendix 2 - ChartField Combination Edits
- SpeedKey Overview
- Creating Your Agency’s SpeedKeys
- Statewide COA Configuration Workbook
- Budget Structure Design
- Organization Security
- Topics and Activities
- Chart of Accounts Design
- Business Processes 5
- Account Management & Financial Reporting
- Account Management and Financial Reporting Overview
- Set Up and Maintain Chart of Accounts Lifecycle
- Enter and Process Journals Lifecycle
- Analyze and Reconcile Accounts Lifecycle
- Setup and Maintain Chart of Accounts (10.1)
- Agency Add or Modify ChartField Value (10.1.1)
- Enterprise Add or Modify Statewide ChartField Values (10.1.2)
- Enterprise Add or Modify Fund Values (10.1.3)
- Enterprise Add or Modify Budgetary ChartField Values (10.1.4)
- Enterprise Set Up and Maintain Trees and or Combination Edits (10.1.5)
- Agency Set Up and Maintain SpeedKeys (10.1.6)
- Appendix A – Florida PALM ChartField Summary
- Appendix B – ChartField Structure Request Workflow
- Enter and Process Journals (10.2)
- Source Module Journal Entry (10.2.1)
- Edit Check (10.2.2)
- Agency Create and Approve Journals (10.2.3)
- Enterprise Create and Approve Journals (10.2.4)
- Appendix A – Accounting Date Concepts (10.2)
- Appendix B – General Ledger Journal Sources (10.2)
- Appendix C – Investment Activity Entry Page (10.2)
- Appendix D – Financials Wave Journal Source Workflow (10.2)
- Analyze and Reconcile Accounts (10.3)
- Close General Ledger and Consolidate Results (10.4)
- Budget Management & Cash Control 1
- Disbursement Management 2
- Disbursements Management (DM) Overview
- Supplier Lifecycle
- Encumbrance Lifecycle
- Voucher Lifecycle
- Payment Lifecycle
- Set Up and Maintain Suppliers (30.1)
- Establish and Maintain Encumbrances (30.2)
- Create and Maintain Encumbrances (30.2.1)
- Monitor Encumbrances (30.2.2)
- Establish Enterprise Encumbrances (30.2.3)
- Appendix A - Revolving Fund Reimbursements (30.2)
- Appendix B - Commitment Control Date Concepts (30.2)
- Appendix C - Disbursement Accounting Date Concepts (30.2)
- Appendix D - Order of Precedence Based upon Voucher Creation Method
- Enter and Process Vouchers (30.3) Updated
- Process Vouchers (30.3.1)
- Voucher Matching (30.3.2)
- Review and Approve Vouchers (30.3.3)
- Enterprise Process Vouchers (30.3.5)
- Run Prompt Payment Interest Calculation (30.3.6)
- Process Carry Forward Payables and Vouchers (30.3.7)
- Appendix A - Revolving Fund Reimbursements (30.3)
- Appendix B - Commitment Control Date Concepts (30.3)
- Appendix C - Disbursement Accounting Date Concepts (30.3)
- Process Payments (30.4) Updated
- Manage Payments (30.5)
- Record Manual Payments (30.5.1)
- Manage ACH/EFT Notifications (30.5.2)
- Manage Stale Payments (30.5.3)
- Cancel and Reissue Payments (30.5.4)
- Appendix A – Budget Period and Budget Date (30.5)
- Appendix B – AP Payment Cancellation Accounting Events (30.5)
- Appendix C – Record Manual Payments using the Manual Payment Method (30.5)
- Manage Tax Reporting (30.6)
- Manage AP/PO Transactions (30.7)
- Tracking and Processing Retainage
- Asset Accounting & Management
- Revenue Accounting
- Accounts Receivables 1
- Banking
- Projects Management
- Grants Management
- Contracts Management
- Payroll Management
- Payroll Management Overview
- Set Up and Maintain Positions (100.1)
- Set Up and Maintain Employees (100.2)
- On-Cycle Payroll (100.3)
- Off-Cycle Payroll (100.4)
- Miscellaneous Processing (100.5)
- Payroll Adjustments (100.6)
- Payroll Accounting Distributions (100.7)
- End of Period Processing (100.8)
- Process Daily Payroll Tax Data (100.8.1)
- Reconcile Monthly Payroll Taxes (100.8.2)
- Prepare Quarterly Payroll Taxes (100.8.3)
- Produce Employee W-2 Forms (100.8.4)
- Produce Employee W-2c Forms (100.8.5)
- Maintain Fiscal Year End Updates (100.8.6)
- Process Year End Off-Cycles (100.8.7)
- Reset Employee W-4 Exempt Status (100.8.8)
- Inter/IntraUnit Transactions
- Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Types
- Establish and Maintain Inter/IntraUnit Encumbrances (110.1)
- Establish and Maintain Inter/IntraUnit Accruals (110.2)
- Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Processing (110.3)
- Agency Record Inter/IntraUnit Transactions (110.3.1)
- Enterprise Record Inter/IntraUnit Transactions (110.3.2)
- Process GR Service Charge (110.3.3)
- Manage Trust Fund Loans (110.3.4)
- Inter/IntraUnit Reclassifications (110.3.5)
- Appendix A - Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Statuses
- Appendix B - Reverse IU Transaction
- Inter/IntraUnit Period Close and Year-End Processing (110.4)
- System Access and Controls 1
- Interface Error Handling Process (120.1)
- User Roles Updated
- AM Module
- Agency AM Asset Administrator
- Agency AM Asset Approver
- Agency AM Asset Custodian
- Agency AM Asset Processor
- Agency AM F&A Processor
- Agency AM Sensitive Asset Processor
- Agency AM Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Agency Asset Mass Transfer Approver
- DFS AM Asset Administrator
- DFS AM Asset Approver
- DFS AM Asset Processor
- DMS AM Asset Approver
- DMS AM Asset Transfer Approver
- AP Module
- Agency AP Approver
- Agency AP Finance & Accounting (FA) Approver
- Agency AP Payment Cancellation Approver
- Agency AP Payment Cancellation Processor
- Agency AP Processor
- AP Reporter
- Agency AP Retiree Voucher Processor
- Agency AP Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Agency AP Supplier Processor
- Carry Forward Payable Processor
- Carry Forward Payables Viewer
- Carry Forward Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Confidential AP Viewer
- DFS AP 1099 Maintainer
- DFS AP 1099 Processor
- DFS AP 1099 Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- DFS AP Approver
- DFS AP Maintainer
- DFS AP Payment Cancellation Processor
- DFS AP Payment Processor
- DFS AP Processor
- DFS AP Supplier Approver
- DFS AP Supplier Banking Processor
- DFS AP Payment Viewer
- DFS Payroll AP Payment Cancellation Approver
- DFS Payroll AP Payment Cancellation Processor
- FRS AP Retiree Supplier Viewer
- Treasury AP Supplier Approver
- AR Module
- Agency AR Deposit Approver
- Agency AR Deposit Processor
- Agency AR Deposit Reporter
- Agency AR Deposit Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Agency AR Item Approver
- Agency AR Item Processor
- Agency AR Item Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Agency AR Reconciler
- Agency AR Write-Off Approver
- Agency Customer Maintainer
- DFS AR Audit Approver
- DFS AR Deposit Processor
- DFS AR Electronic Receipts Maintainer
- DFS AR Write-Off Approver
- DFS CM Bank Reconciliation Processor
- DFS Same Day Deposit Approver
- CM Module
- CT Module
- GL Module
- Agency GL COA Maintainer
- Agency GL COA Processor
- Agency GL Financial Statement Processor
- Agency GL Fiscal Approver
- Agency GL Journal Approver
- Agency GL Journal Processor
- DFS GL BFR Approver
- DFS GL Close Processor
- DFS GL COA Approver
- DFS GL COA Maintainer
- DFS GL COA Processor
- DFS GL Financial Statement Processor
- DFS GL Journal Approver
- DFS GL Journal Processor
- DFS SpeedKey Approver
- Enterprise Component Unit GL Financial Statement Processor
- Florida PALM GL Batch Processor
- GL Reconciliation Processor
- GL Reporter
- GM Module
- IU Module
- Agency IU Encumbrance Approver
- Agency IU Encumbrance Processor
- Agency IU Payroll Reclassification Approver
- Agency IU Payroll Reclassification Processor
- Agency IU Receiving Approver
- Agency IU Receiving Processor
- Agency IU Sending Approver
- Agency IU Sending Processor
- Agency IU Spreadsheet Upload Processor
- Agency Reverse IU Processor
- DFS IU Approver
- DFS IU Auditing Approver
- DFS IU BFR Approver
- DFS IU Processor
- IU Reporter
- KK Module
- PC Module
- PO Module
- PR Module
- Agency Payroll Accounting Reporter
- Agency Payroll Approver
- Agency Payroll Processor
- Agency Payroll Reporter
- Agency Position Funding Maintainer
- BOSP Employee Record Maintainer
- BOSP Garnishment Processor
- BOSP Online Check Processor
- BOSP Payroll Approver
- BOSP Payroll Maintainer
- BOSP Payroll Processor
- BOSP Payroll Reporter
- BOSP Tax Maintainer
- BOSP Year End Processor
- DFS Print Room Operations
- AM Module
- Account Management & Financial Reporting
- Reports Catalog Updated 20
- Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) Reports
- Accounts Payable Module Reports 1
- Prompt Payment Interest Paid Report (APR001)
- Prompt Payment Compliance Report (APR002)
- Outstanding Vouchers Report (APR003)
- Voucher Match Exceptions Report (APR004)
- Supplier Payments Report (APR006)
- Scheduled Payments Report (APR007)
- Voucher Detail (APR009)
- Voucher Activity Report (APR013)
- Voucher Workflow Status Report (APR014)
- Outstanding Warrants Report (APR018)
- Payment Register Report (APR021)
- Prompt Payment Report (APR024)
- Travel Expense Report (APR025)
- Payment Summary (APR027)
- Payment Detail Report (APR032)
- Warrant Printing Report (APR033)
- 1099 Withholding Report (APR036)
- Employee Suppliers Report (APR047)
- Payment Cancellation Report (APR050)
- Contract Expenditures Report (APR051)
- Employee Reimbursement Report (APR055)
- Clearance Pattern Report (APR064)
- Supplier Detail Report (APR068)
- Duplicate Suppliers Report (APR069)
- AP Holds by Hold Type Report (APR091)
- AP ACH Returns and Reissued Warrants (APR102)
- 1099 Updates Report (APR103)
- 1099 Summary Report (APR104)
- Supplier Authorized Banks Exception and Updates Report (APR112)
- Payment Lifecycle Report (APR118)
- Budget Check Errors WorkCenter (APR125)
- Cash Check Errors WorkCenter (APR126) Updated
- Funds Transferred to Unclaimed Property and Funds Exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property Report (APR140)
- Accounts Receivable Module Reports
- Asset Management Module Reports
- Asset Improvement Report (AMR006)
- Asset Report by User and Location (AMR007)
- Asset Acquisition by PO or Supplier Report (AMR013)
- Asset Disposition Report (AMR014)
- Asset Summary Depreciation Report (AMR017)
- Asset Register Report (AMR019)
- Asset Physical Inventory Report (AMR020)
- Asset Depreciation Forecast Report (AMR023)
- Asset Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report (AMR039)
- Asset Staging Report (AMR042)
- Asset Workflow Status Report (AMR045)
- Asset Statewide Rollup Report (AMR047)
- Building Contents and Values Detail with Accumulated Depreciation (AMR048)
- Incomplete Asset Profile Report (AMR060)
- Asset Replacement Cost by Asset Category Type (AMR062)
- Summary of Asset Record Changes (AMR068)
- Detailed Asset Listing Report (AMR069)
- Cash Management Module
- Commitment Control Reports
- Schedule of Allotment Balance Report (KKR008)
- Spend Plan Report (KKR010)
- Negative Budget and Cash Balances Report (KKR016)
- Agency Commitments Report (KKR018)
- Budget Detail Activity Report (KKR019)
- Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report (KKR022)
- Revenue Report (KKR023)
- Continuing Appropriations Balance Report (KKR044)
- February Reversion FCO Projects Worksheet Report (KKR046)
- Tentative Carry Forward Certified Forward Balances Report (KKR057)
- Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report (KKR058)
- Trust Fund Cash Balance and Activity Report (KKR059)
- General Ledger Module Reports 2
- GR Cash Balance and Activity Report (GLR079)
- Cash Balance by Fund Type (GLR080)
- Investment Activity Report (GLR083)
- Revenue CAP Report (GLR086)
- Trust Fund Report (GLR088)
- ChartField Value Report (GLR091)
- Trial Balance Report (GLR099)
- Capital Assets Account Reconciliation Report (GLR110)
- Agency Balance Sheet Report (GLR112) Updated
- Adjustment Period 998 GL Journal Entry Report (GLR115)
- Journals Ready for Processing WorkCenter (GLR132)
- Incomplete Journals WorkCenter (GLR133)
- Journals Pending My Approval WorkCenter (GLR136)
- Journals with Errors WorkCenter (GLR139)
- Journals with Edit Errors WorkCenter (GLR140)
- Journals - Commitment Control Exceptions WorkCenter (GLR143)
- Annual Budgetary Basis Expenditures Report (GLR160)
- Trust Fund Terminations Report (GLR161)
- Census Bureau Detailed Expenditures and Revenues Report (GLR163) Updated
- Equity Comparison by Fund (GLR164)
- Combination Edit Detail Report (GLR167)
- Multi-Year Project, Contract or Grant Activity Summary Report (GLR168)
- Annual GAA Load Values Report (GLR169)
- Cash Basis Transaction Reconciliation Report (GLR171)
- Cash Balances Reconciliation Report (GLR172)
- Grants Management Reports
- Inter/IntraUnit Module Reports
- GR Service Charge Report (IUR002)
- Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Reconciliation Report (IUR003)
- IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report (IUR004)
- Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report (IUR005)
- Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter) (IUR006)
- Pending Submission IU Transactions (WorkCenter) (IUR007)
- Received IU Transactions (WorkCenter) (IUR008)
- IU Pending Approval (WorkCenter) (IUR009)
- Denied IU Transactions (WorkCenter) (IUR010)
- IU Edit Errors (WorkCenter) (IUR011)
- Payroll Module Reports 17
- HR Accounting Line Report (PRR001) Updated
- Salary Refund Report (PRR004)
- Earnings Register (PRR007) Updated
- Payroll Register (PRR010) Updated
- Payroll Tax Report (PRR011) Updated
- Payroll Summary Report (PRR012) Updated
- Payroll Deduction Report (PRR016)
- Payroll Period Compare Report (PRR021) Updated
- Preliminary Payroll Cash and Budget Balance Report (PRR023) Updated
- Actuals Funding Report (PRR030) Updated
- Payroll Warrant Status Report (PRR035) Updated
- Editing Paysheets Changes Report (PRR036) Updated
- Beneficiary Payment Report (PRR037)
- Employee W-4 Exempt Status Report (PRR045) Updated
- Payroll Funds Transferred to Unclaimed Property and Funds Exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property Report (PRR046)
- Position Funding Report (PRR051) Updated
- Payroll Deductions Not Taken (PRR055) Updated
- Inactive Position Funding SpeedKeys Report (PRR059) Updated
- Payroll Error Messages - Query (PRR061) Updated
- Deductions Register (PRR062) Updated
- Expired W-4 Exemption (PRR068) Updated
- Annual Leave Payments Report (PRR069)
- Projects Management Reports
- Purchase Order Module Reports
- System Design Reports
- Interface Catalog 1 5
- Interface Standards for Agencies
- CMS Wave Interfaces
- Inbound Interfaces 3
- Accounts Payable Module Interfaces 1
- Accounts Receivable Module Interfaces
- Asset Management Module Interfaces
- Commitment Control Module Interfaces
- Contracts Management Module Interfaces
- General Ledger Module Interfaces
- Grants Management Module Interfaces
- Inter/IntraUnit Module Interfaces 1
- Payroll Module Interfaces
- Projects Management Module Interfaces
- Purchase Order Module Interfaces
- System Design Module Interfaces 1
- Outbound Interfaces 1 2
- Accounts Payable Module Interfaces 1
- Accounts Receivable Module Interfaces 1 1
- Asset Management Module Interfaces
- Cash Management Module Interfaces
- Commitment Control Interfaces
- General Ledger Module Interfaces
- Inter/IntraUnit Module Interfaces
- Payroll Module Interfaces
- Projects Management Module Interfaces
- Purchase Order Module Interfaces
- System Design Interfaces
- Conversion Catalog Updated 1
- Accounts Payable Module Conversions 1
- Accounts Receivables Module Conversions
- Asset Management Module Conversions
- Budget Management & Cash Control
- Contract Management Conversions
- General Ledger Module Conversions
- Grant Management Conversions
- Project Management Conversions
- Purchase Order Module Conversions
- Configuration Data Values 1
Interface Description
The Deploy and Maintain Assets business process is within the Asset Accounting and Management (AAM) business process grouping. AAM includes a collection of business processes that:
- Manage the records of agency property that supports State operations, including financial and custodial information.
- Establish the controls that ensure the integrity of statewide financial reporting.
- Perform month-end and year-end closing activities.
This business process includes maintenance of asset records over an asset's life cycle, including record maintenance, depreciation, transfers, dispositions, and physical inventory. In accordance with section 216.102(1), Florida Statutes (F.S), the Agency Asset Custodian (Custodian) maintains financial and physical information of State-owned assets. Maintenance of asset records in Florida PALM includes scheduling regular, periodic functions such as depreciation, inventory, transfers, disposals, and end of period closing activities.
Below requests are received from the Agency Business Systems as a part of AMI002 – Inbound Asset Transfers and Disposal Request interface:
- InterUnit Transfer of an Asset
- IntraUnit Transfer of an Asset
- Retirement/Disposal of an Asset
Agencies provide the Asset details and the corresponding request type in the inbound file. The Inbound Asset Transfers and Disposal Request Interface sends the Assets for approval to be transferred or disposed within Florida PALM.
Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.
Business Process Model
This interface can be found in the following business processes:
Selection Criteria
File Layout
Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below.
Data Field | Record Type | Data Field Description |
Record Code | Detail | Record Code identifies the category/type of information on the record. |
Interface Type | Detail | Interface Type represents the type of asset transaction being requested such as, retirement/disposal, interunit or intraunit transfer. InterUnit transactions are transfers between Agencies. IntraUnit are transfers within an Agency. |
Business Unit | Detail | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions. |
Asset ID | Detail | Florida PALM generated Asset ID. Asset Identification represents asset being transferred or retired. |
Asset Book Name | Detail | Florida PALM asset book used for the transaction. |
ChartField Sequence Number | Detail | The ChartField Sequence Number determines which asset ChartField row should be updated. |
Transaction Date | Detail | The date the transaction is performed on the asset. |
Accounting Date | Detail | The Accounting Date is the date which determines the Accounting Period in which the transaction is performed on the asset and is posted. |
Business Unit To | Detail | Business Unit To represents Agency Business Unit asset will be transferred to. |
Asset Profile To | Detail | Asset Profile ID identifies the Accounting Template that determines financial, depreciation and retirement attributes of asset being added. |
Organization To | Detail | Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization. Organization To field represents Agency Organization value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Fund To | Detail | Segregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. Fund To field represents Agency Fund value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Budget Entity To | Detail | Budget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program. Budget Entity To field represents Agency Budget Entity value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Category To | Detail | Category ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes. Category To field represents Agency Category value to which asset should be transferred to. |
State Program To | Detail | State Program is used to identify the plan for an organization and use of resources to meet specified objectives of the State. State Program To field represents Agency State Program value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Grant To | Detail | Grant ID value used to track financial assistance that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose. Grant To field represents Grant value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Contract To | Detail | Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements. Contract To field represents Contract value to which asset should be transferred to. |
OA1 To | Detail | OA1 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use. OA1 To field represents OA1 value to which asset should be transferred to. |
OA2 To | Detail | OA2 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use. OA2 To field represents OA2 value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Project To | Detail | Project ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked. Project To field represents Agency State Program value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Location To | Detail | Location To field represents Agency Location To value to which asset should be transferred to. |
Area ID To | Detail | Agency administered field that identifies a more specific area within the location that houses the asset. |
Quantity | Detail | Represents the quantity of this transaction. |
Transaction Cost | Detail | Asset Cost is amount used to establish acquisition of the asset in Florida PALM. Cost represents asset acquisition cost (the funds disbursed to acquire the asset such as price, installation cost, freight, etc.). |
Salvage Value | Detail | Salvage amount assigned to the asset. The Salvage Value is subtracted from Acquisition Cost to determine Depreciable Cost of the asset in Florida PALM. |
Transaction Code | Detail | The Transaction Code determines the Accounting Entry Template used for accounting entry. |
Disposal Code | Detail | The Disposal Code field is a memo field detailing the method used to dispose of this asset. This field is used for retirement transactions only. |
Transaction Proceeds | Detail | Proceeds obtained from disposal of asset. This value is used in the depreciation calculation program to derive the gain/loss amount. |
Transaction Removal Cost | Detail | Removal cost incurred as a result of retirement or disposal of asset. This value is used in the depreciation calculation program to derive the gain/loss amount. |
Filler1 | Detail | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler2 | Detail | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler3 | Detail | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler4 | Detail | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler5 | Detail | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
01/07/2024 | Original Version |
05/24/2024 | Updated to add "Area ID To" to the File Layout |
06/24/2024 | Updates for DDID # 0687 to add 'Asset Book Name', 'ChartField Sequence Number' and 'Quantity' fields to layout. |