Inbound Inter/IntraUnit Spreadsheet Upload (IUI001)
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Inbound Inter/IntraUnit Spreadsheet Upload (IUI001)

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Article summary

Interface Description

The Inter/IntraUnit (IU) module allows State agencies to engage in transactions with each other or within their agency. These transactions can take several forms, including loans, transfer of resources, reclassifications, and the provision of services between funds. For instance, one agency may provide a service to another agency and subsequently be reimbursed for the cost incurred. Alternatively, one agency might transfer funds to another to support specific projects or initiatives.   

The Inbound Inter/IntraUnit Spreadsheet Upload (IUI001) allows agencies to record or update IU transactions for their agency via Spreadsheet Upload. Agencies will have the ability to add attachments to IU transaction online or via Inbound Attachments (SDI009).

This Spreadsheet Upload is used to record or update the following Inter/IntraUnit (IU) transactions in Florida PALM: 

  • IU Encumbrances
  • Accruals
    • Payable/Receivable
    • Due To/Due From
    • Advance Issuance
    • Advance Repayment
    • Trust Fund Loan Issuance
    • Trust Fund Loan Repayment
  • Expenditure/Revenue
  • Transfer
    • Transfer
    • General Revenue Transfer
    • Federal Funds Transfer
    • Residual Equity Transfer
    • GR Service Charge Payment
    • Revenue to Revenue
  • Reclassification
    • IU Reclassification
    • Payroll Reclassification

Recording a Close Accrual or Reverse IU Transaction cannot be recorded through the Spreadsheet Upload, these transactions must be performed online.  

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria includes the following:

Data Field

Data Field Details

Attached File


File Layout

Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below.

Field NameRecord TypeDescription
Transaction Group NoHeaderThis is a sequential number that will uniquely identify (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.) for each new transaction. Lines with the same Transaction Group No will be grouped as part of the same transaction.
IU Transaction IDHeaderAuto-generated transaction ID of an existing IU transaction in Florida PALM. This value should only be used when updating an existing IU transaction. 
Transaction TypeHeaderUsed to classify the IU Transaction including:
Transaction SubtypeHeaderA more granular classification of the Transaction Type including Payable/Receivable, Due To/Due From, Advance Issuance, Advance Repayment, Trust Fund Loan Issuance, Trust Fund Loan Repayment, Accrual Balance Adjustment, Transfer, General Revenue Transfer, Federal Funds Transfer, Residual Equity Transfer, GR Service Charge Payment, Revenue to Revenue, IU  Reclassification, Payroll Reclassification
Initiating SideHeaderThe side of the transaction initiated. Typically, the sending agency (S) initiates the transaction. However, the receiving agency (R) may initiate the transaction for Payables/Receivables and Due To/ Due From transactions. 
Sending BUHeaderThe GL Business Unit of the agency who is on the sending side of the transaction.
 Typically, this is the agency who initiated the transaction. However, for Payable/Receivable and Due To/Due From transaction types, this could be the agency that has the liability side of the transaction.
Receiving BUHeaderThe GL Business Unit of the agency who is on the receiving side of the transaction.
 For Payable/Receivable and Due To/Due From transaction types, this is the agency with the accounts receivable side of the transaction.
Receiving FundHeaderFund of the receiving agency. This is applicable for Transfer transaction types, Payables/Receivables, Due To/Due From, Trust Fund Issuance, and Advance Issuance transactions.
 If populated, the Receiving Agency will be required to use that Receiving Fund in a distribution line.
Accounting DateHeaderAccounting date of the IU transaction.
Total AmountHeaderTotal dollar amount of the IU transaction.
 The total of the debit or credit lines on the sending side equals the Header Total Amount.
 The total of the debit or credit lines on the receiving side equals the reversal of the Header Total Amount. For example, if the user-entered lines total -500, the Header Total Amount is 500, and vice versa. (The receiving side is not applicable for Encumbrances or Reclassifications)
 For Reclassifications, the total amount should be zero.
Agency Invoice IDHeaderInvoice ID generated in external system that can be referenced on a Florida PALM IU transaction. 
IU ID ReferenceHeaderTransaction ID of an existing IU transaction in Florida PALM. 
IU Encumbrance IDHeaderThis is the IU Transaction ID of an existing IU Encumbrance that will be used to relieve when creating the following IU Transactions:
 Due To/Due From
 Advance Issuance
 All Transfer Types/Subtypes except Revenue to Revenue
Encumbrance ApprovalHeaderFlag that will indicate whether an Encumbrance will be sent for approval.
Final Payment FlagHeaderThis is a flag that will enable the system to auto liquidate the remaining encumbrance  balance and close the encumbrance that was entered in the IU Encumbrance field
IU Accrual IDHeaderThis is the IU Transaction ID of an existing IU Accrual that will be used to relieve when creating the following IU Transactions:
 Accrual Balance Adjustment
 Transfer Subtypes
 Trust Fund Loans Repayments
 Advance Repayments
Description (Sending)HeaderThis is a free form text field that can be used to capture any additional data. 
External Reference (Sending)HeaderThis field can be used to reference any existing external identifier related to the transaction in Florida PALM
Description (Receiving)HeaderThis is a free form text field that can be used to capture any additional data. 
External Reference (Receiving)HeaderThis field can be used to reference any existing external identifier related to the transaction in Florida PALM
Sending/Receiving FlagDetailThe side of the transaction applicable to the distribution line.
 (S) represents the sending side of the IU transaction. (R) represents the receiving side of the transaction. 
Distribution Sequence NoDetailNumeric sequence number for the accounting distribution line for the payment. Start with 1 and increase for each row of accounting distribution in the payment. If there is only one accounting distribution for the payment, then provide the number 1.
SpeedKeyDetailCode that defines ChartField distribution line information for IU Transactions.  The full ChartField string as defined in the SpeedKey will be populated during the file load process
Budget DateDetailRepresents the budget date/appropriation date including the fiscal year for the budget associated with the payment. 
GL Business UnitDetailEquivalent to the Florida PALM GL Business Unit for the Agency. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM.
OrganizationDetailOrganization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.
AccountDetailProvides functionality to capture detailed transactional data. Can be specified as a balance sheet account or operating account.
FundDetailSegregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
Budget EntityDetailBudget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program.
CategoryDetailCategory ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes.
State ProgramDetailState Program is used to identify the plan for an organization and use of resources to meet specified objectives of the State.
GrantDetailGrant ChartField is used for tracking  grants funding.
ContractDetailContract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.
OA1DetailOther Accumulator 1 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.
OA2DetailOther Accumulator 2 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.
PC Business UnitDetailUsed to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for Project related ChartFields.
ProjectDetailProject ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked.
ActivityDetailTracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID.
PC Source TypeDetailSource types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction.
PC CategoryDetailProject Category provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
PC SubcategoryDetailSubcategories provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
Asset IDDetailFlorida PALM generated Asset ID. Asset Identification represents asset being transferred or retired.
IU Line DescriptionDetailUser Entered text to provide additional information to the IU Line transaction being performed
Foreign AmountDetailSpecifies the monetary amount of a debit or credit (accounting entry line) in the entry currency of the item.  The sum of FOREIGN_AMOUNT values should equal the total amount of the IU transaction.
Accounting DateDetailSame value as the Header Accounting Date. This value is being included here in case there is a need in the future for having accounting dates that vary by line. 
Employee IDDetailThis is a free form text field can be used to reference the Employee ID  from     FIN HR Accounting Line for Payroll Reclassifications transactions only.. 
PositionDetailThis is a free form text field can be used to reference the Position from FIN HR Accounting Line for Payroll Reclassifications transactions only.. 
Journal Line RefDetailThis is a free form text field can be used to reference the Paycheck Number and HR Journal ID  from  FIN HR Accounting Line for Payroll Reclassifications transaction.
Journal Line DescriptionDetailUser entered text to provide additional details about the IU Line transaction, which will be transmitted to the General Ledger.
IU Encumbrance IDDetailThis is the IU Transaction ID of an existing IU Encumbrance that will be used to relieve when creating only the following IU Transactions:
 Due To/Due From
 Advance Issuance
 All Transfer Types/Subtypes except Revenue to Revenue
Encumbrance Reference Line NoDetailNumeric sequence number that reference the IU encumbrance distribution line being updated.
Reference IDDetailThis is the IU Transaction ID of an existing IU Accrual that will be used to relieve when creating only the following IU Transactions:
 Transfer Subtypes
 Trust Fund Loans Repayments
 Advance Repayments
 For Reclassifications, this is the IU Transaction ID of an existing IU Transaction being reclassified.
Reference Line NoDetailNumeric sequence number that reference the IU transaction distribution line being updated.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

07/02/2024Removed 110.4.3 Inter/IntraUnit Certified Forward Process business process model.
10/03/2024Updated per version history date 08/20/2024:

DD ID 0686 – additional design changes related to interfaces

  1. Added a new Transaction Subtype (Accrual Balance Adjustment).
  2. Added new fields (Encumbrance Reference Line No and Accrual Reference Line No) to handle updates on Encumbrances and Accruals
  3. Updated ChartFields to be conditional and add the SpeedKey processing rules logic.
  4. Updated description of the following fields:
    1. IU Encumbrance ID (header and detail)
    2.  IU Accrual ID (header and details

DD ID 0861 - additional design changes related to interfaces

  1. Remove the ability to reference an IU Accrual or IU Encumbrance on reclassifications
  2. Clarified all processing rules sending vs receiving
  3. Added the Journal Line Description field
02/13/2025Updated per version history date 01/09/2025:
Administrative update to add a new field (Transaction Group No) to the Header Record. This field will uniquely identify an IU transaction. Lines with the same Transaction Group No will be grouped as part of the same transaction.

03/13/2025Updated per version history date 03/07/2025:

Administrative updates to apply the following changes:
  1. Changed the Field Name of IU Accrual ID (line 63 of the layout) to Reference ID on the Detail record and updated the description.
  2. Changed the Field Name of Accrual Reference Line No (line 64 of the layout) to Reference Line No on the Detail record, updated description and processing rules.
  3. Updated the Header Total Amount Description cell to clarify the amount calculation for the sending and receiving sides. 
  4. Changed the Required Field values for PC Source Type, PC Category and PC Subcategory from C (Conditional) to  N (No/Optional).

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