Outbound Carry Forward Payable (POI007)
Interface Description
As part of the State’s requirement to support the Carry Forward / Certified Forward year-end process, there is a need to enable users to establish a payable transaction to set aside an expenditure/encumbrance that is obligated in the prior fiscal year (i.e., June 30) using prior year appropriation budget, that could be paid in the new fiscal year between July 1 – September 30.
Users have until mid-July to establish an encumbrance and payable transactions at which time a file is sent to LAS/PBS that identifies what is being requested for Carry Forward / Certified Forward.
Florida PALM will leverage the delivered Receiving module functionality to record encumbrance and non-encumbrance (AP) related payables as a “Receipt” to denote goods and services that have been received but not invoiced by fiscal year-end (i.e., 6/30/YYYY).
In Florida PALM, several actions can be taken on Receipts such as Cancelling, Closing, and running the Receipt Accrual process. Closing/Cancelling a Receipt makes it unavailable for future processing.
POI007 - Outbound interface will provide the agency with established encumbered and unencumbered payables for Carry Forward purposes, leveraging the receipt accrual functionality.
Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.
Business Process Model
This interface can be found in the following business process:
Selection Criteria
The interface data selection criteria includes the following:
Data Field | Data Field Details |
Business Unit | Required |
Data Extract Flag | Required |
Receipt Status | Optional |
Receipt Date From | Required |
Receipt Date To | Required |
File Layout
Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below.
Data Field Name | Record Type | Data Field Description |
Record Code | Receipt Header | Indicates Receipt Header information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each header row. |
Receipt Business Unit | Receipt Header | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for the Receipt. |
Receipt ID | Receipt Header | Florida PALM Receipt ID |
Receipt Source ID | Receipt Header | Indicates the unique Receipt Source ID for the Payable in the Source system. |
Receipt Status | Receipt Header | Indicates the current status of the Receipt in Florida PALM. |
PO Receipt? | Receipt Header | Denotes if it is an Encumbrance/PO-related receipt or not. |
Confidential Receipt? | Receipt Header | Confidential Receipt flag to determine if the Receipt/PO is confidential |
Supplier Set ID | Receipt Header | SetID is a value used in Florida PALM to define setup data. It allows the sharing of common setup data across Business Units or specific to Business Unit. |
Supplier ID | Receipt Header | This field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier ID for the Supplier SetID provided above. |
Supplier Location | Receipt Header | This field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier Location for the Supplier ID provided above. |
Source System User ID | Receipt Header | Indicates the User ID who has requested for the Payable in the Source system. |
Filler1 | Receipt Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler2 | Receipt Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler3 | Receipt Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler4 | Receipt Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler5 | Receipt Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Record Code | Receipt Line | Indicates Receipt Line information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each line row. |
Receipt Business Unit | Receipt Line | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for the Receipt. |
Receipt ID | Receipt Line | Florida PALM Receipt ID |
Receipt Line Number | Receipt Line | Receipt Line number for the Receipt line. Numeric value starting with 1. |
PO Business Unit | Receipt Line | PO Business Unit identifies the organization Business Unit identifier for Encumbrances tracked in Florida PALM. PO Business Unit, Purchase Order ID, PO Line Number, PO Distribution Line fields are required when there is Encumbrance associated with the PO Receipt to be created.. |
PO ID | Receipt Line | PO ID reflects the Encumbrance identifier tracked in Florida PALM. PO Business Unit, Purchase Order ID, PO Line Number, PO Distribution Line fields are required when there is Encumbrance associated with the PO Receipt to be created. |
PO Line | Receipt Line | PO Line Number field will contain a unique, sequential number that will be provided for each encumbrance line tracked in Florida PALM under the PO ID specified above. PO Business Unit, Purchase Order ID, PO Line Number, PO Distribution Line fields are required when there is Encumbrance associated with the PO Receipt to be created. |
Category Code | Receipt Line | Provide the category code that you want the system to use to locate the catalog in which you want to search for item categories. |
Unit of Measure | Receipt Line | The Unit of Measure for the Receipt line. |
Amount Only Flag | Receipt Line | To designate the line as an amount-only line. If entered as 'Y', the Receipt quantity value on the line details should always be 1. |
Item Description | Receipt Line | Description of the Receipt line item. |
Receipt Line Merchandise Amount | Receipt Line | Line Merchandise Amount of the Receipt Line. |
Receipt Quantity | Receipt Line | Quantity of the Receipt Line. |
SpeedKey | Receipt Line | Code that defines ChartField line information for GL Journals. The full ChartField string as defined in the SpeedKey will be populated onto the GL Journals during the file load process. |
Filler1 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler2 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler3 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler4 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler5 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler6 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler7 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler8 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler9 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler10 | Receipt Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Record Code | Receipt Distribution Line | Indicates Receipt Line Distribution information. This field is the row identifier and should be added at the start of each line distribution details row. |
Receipt Business Unit | Receipt Distribution Line | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for the Receipt. |
Receipt ID | Receipt Distribution Line | Florida PALM Receipt ID |
Receipt Line Number | Receipt Distribution Line | Used to designate which type of action is to be taken on the Line data. |
Distribution Line Number | Receipt Distribution Line | Distribution Line number for the Receipt line. Numeric value starting with 1. |
Distribution Merchandise Amount | Receipt Distribution Line | Merchandise amount of the Receipt distribution line. |
Distribution Receipt Quantity | Receipt Distribution Line | Quantity to be distributed on the Receipt distribution line. |
Organization | Receipt Distribution Line | Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization. |
Account | Receipt Distribution Line | General Ledger Account, specified as balance sheet account (e.g., asset, liability, equity) or operating account (e.g., expenditure, revenue). |
Fund | Receipt Distribution Line | Segregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. |
Budget Entity | Receipt Distribution Line | Budget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program. |
Category | Receipt Distribution Line | Category ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes. |
State Program | Receipt Distribution Line | State Program ChartField tracks revenue and expenditures for programs within or across your organizations. |
Grant | Receipt Distribution Line | Grant ChartField tracks grant Ids within or across your organizations. |
Contract | Receipt Distribution Line | Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions as required for two party agreements. |
OA1 | Receipt Distribution Line | Other Accumulator ChartField can be used for various purposes, such as, tracking for optional reporting, or cost pools. |
OA2 | Receipt Distribution Line | Agency Unique ChartField is a flexible field reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use. |
PC Business Unit | Receipt Distribution Line | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for Project related ChartFields. |
Project | Receipt Distribution Line | Project ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked. |
Activity | Receipt Distribution Line | Tracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID. |
PC Source Type | Receipt Distribution Line | The Source Type ChartField identifies the purpose or origin of a Project-related transaction. |
PC Category | Receipt Distribution Line | The Proj Category ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project. |
PC Subcategory | Receipt Distribution Line | The Subcategory ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project. |
Budget Date | Receipt Distribution Line | Represents a calendar date field on module transactions. Based on the budget date entered, budget checking functionality checks the transaction against the appropriate budget period (i.e., FY). |
Asset Profile ID | Receipt Distribution Line | Asset Profile ID identifies the Accounting Template that determines financial, depreciation and retirement attributes of asset being added. |
Filler1 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler2 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler3 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler4 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler5 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler6 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler7 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler8 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler9 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler10 | Receipt Distribution Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
08/08/2024 | Original Version |
11/21/2024 | Updated Sample Data and Layout Files per 11/11/24 update - Added Receipt Business unit field in Record code Receipt Line as per DDID 0859 |