Outbound Detail GL Journal (GLI051)
Outbound Detail GL Journal (GLI051)
Article summary
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Interface Description
General Ledger journal entries are created to record the change to general ledger balances stored in Florida PALM. The purpose of the Outbound Detail GL Journal interface is to extract General Ledger journal entry accounting details for use by external systems. The extract file includes those Florida PALM journal data elements necessary to describe the accounting action that occurred in Florida PALM.
Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.
Business Process Model
This interface can be found in the following business processes:
Interface Selection Criteria
The interface data selection criteria includes the following:
Data Field | Data Field Details |
Business Unit | Required |
Ledger Group | Required |
Fiscal Year | Required if Run Mode is Full |
Period | Optional |
As of Date | Optional |
File Layout
The layout of the interface is listed below.
Data Field | Record Type | Data Field Description |
Record Code | Journal Header | Record Code identifying the information on the Header record. |
Business Unit | Journal Header | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions. |
Journal ID | Journal Header | Identifies a journal entry, consisting of a header and one or more lines. The Journal ID itself does not have to be unique, but together with the journal business unit and journal date, it forms a unique journal identifier. |
Journal Date | Journal Header | Specifies the date the journal was created. |
UnPost Sequence | Journal Header | Identifies the sequence of journal entries when a journal is "unposted". When a journal is posted, the UnPost Sequence is automatically set to "0". When a journal is unposted, a new reversing entry is automatically created with an UnPost Sequence of "1". |
InterUnit Business Unit | Journal Header | Specifies the Business Unit for which InterUnit activity is being generated |
Fiscal Year | Journal Header | Fiscal Year is used for financial reporting and budgeting. A fiscal year is most commonly used for accounting purposes to prepare financial statements. |
Accounting Period | Journal Header | Accounting Period is an established range of time during which accounting functions are performed, aggregated, and analyzed including a calendar year or fiscal year. |
Ledger Group | Journal Header | One or more ledgers indicating where journal entries will be posted to affect financial balances. |
Ledger | Journal Header | Identifies where the journal entries will be recorded to impact financial balances. |
UnPost Journal Date | Journal Header | UnPost Journal Date indicates the date a previously posted journal is unposted. |
Journal Total Lines | Journal Header | Total number of lines within the journal. |
Journal Total Debits | Journal Header | Total amount for the debit lines within the journal. |
Journal Total Credits | Journal Header | Total amount for the credit lines within the journal. |
Source | Journal Header | Source identifies the origin of a journal entry. Source can be used to facilitate inquiries and reporting. |
Transaction Reference Number | Journal Header | Identifies a document, person, invoice, date, or any other piece of information that is associated with a journal entry. The journal reference is helpful if you need to trace back to the source of the transaction. |
Journal Header Status | Journal Header | States whether the journal is valid, (no combo edit, no budget, and no balance errors), posted, unposted, or in error. |
User ID | Journal Header | ID of the user who created/modified the journal. |
Description | Journal Header | Used to give a short description to the journal or item or project or voucher, etc., |
Adjustment Type | Journal Header | Adjustment Type |
Journal Class | Journal Header | User defined field used to categorize types of journals. Used to identify budget journal lines for data selection for reports and queries. i.e.: BY_1YPRQ3 (budgets 1 year prior Q3) |
Long Description | Journal Header | Field is used to provide a description of the journal. |
Filler1 | Journal Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM |
Filler2 | Journal Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM |
Filler3 | Journal Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM |
Filler4 | Journal Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM |
Filler5 | Journal Header | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM |
Record Code | Journal Line | Record Code identifying the information on the Line record. |
Business Unit | Journal Line | Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions. Legacy Mapping: Operating Level Organization (OLO) |
Journal ID | Journal Line | Identifies a journal entry, consisting of a header and one or more lines. The Journal ID itself does not have to be unique, but together with the journal business unit and journal date, it forms a unique journal identifier. |
Journal Date | Journal Line | Specifies the date the journal was created. |
UnPost Sequence | Journal Line | Identifies the sequence of journal entries when a journal is "unposted". When a journal is posted the UnPost Sequence is automatically set to "0". When a journal is unposted, a new reversing entry is automatically created with an UnPost Sequence of "1". |
GL Journal Line Number | Journal Line | Sequential number of lines in a journal. |
Ledger | Journal Line | Identifies where the journal entries will be recorded to impact financial balances. |
Organization | Journal Line | Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization. |
Account | Journal Line | Provides functionality to capture detailed transactional data. Can be specified as a balance sheet account or operating account. |
Fund | Journal Line | Segregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations. |
Budget Entity | Journal Line | Budget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program. |
Category | Journal Line | Category ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes. |
State Program | Journal Line | Stores Chart of Accounts information and provides the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data. |
Grant | Journal Line | Grant ID value used to track financial assistance that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose. |
Contract | Journal Line | Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements. |
OA1 | Journal Line | Service Location is used to identify specific appropriations. |
OA2 | Journal Line | Stores Chart of Accounts information and provides the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data. |
PC Business Unit | Journal Line | Project Costing Business Unit. |
Project | Journal Line | Project ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked. |
Activity | Journal Line | Tracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID. |
PC Source Type | Journal Line | PC Source Type identifies the purpose or origin of a transaction. |
PC Category | Journal Line | PC Category provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing costs; not required. |
PC Subcategory | Journal Line | PC Subcategory provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing costs; not required. |
Monetary Amount | Journal Line | Line amount. The sum of all line amounts is the total amount for the budget journal. To increase a budget, enter a positive amount. To decrease a budget, enter a negative amount. |
Journal Line Reference | Journal Line | Journal Line Reference |
Journal Line Description | Journal Line | Description of the transaction on a row. May be entered by user or the subsystem. |
Budget Date | Journal Line | Date used to indicate the budget period for which the journal will be recorded. |
Filler1 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler2 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler3 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler4 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler5 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler6 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler7 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler8 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler9 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Filler10 | Journal Line | This field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM. |
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
12/01/2023 | Original Version |
08/28/2024 | Updated to reflect changes 03/28/2024: Administrative update for Ledger field. |
12/17/2024 | Updated to reflect changes 12/12/2024: Administrative update to add additional examples of Journal Sources and Journal IDs. |
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