Outbound Returned Items Data (ARI020)
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Outbound Returned Items Data (ARI020)

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Article summary

Interface Description

This interface was implemented in CMS Wave and will be updated in Financials Wave. The information in this article is the planned design for Financials Wave.

The Bank provides a returned items interface file to Florida PALM. Returned items include returned checks, credit card chargebacks, and credit card chargeback reversals. If checks, credit card payments, and Automated Clearing House payments deposited are returned by the bank (e.g., insufficient funds, credit card disputes, or closed accounts), a debit memo is systematically generated from bank data and will not be entered to a Customer ID. Returned items are then recorded in Florida PALM to reduce the cash balance in an Agency default fund. Agencies notify customers through their normal process to collect outstanding balances.

The inbound interfaces (ARI003 - Inbound ACH NOC and Return Deposit Data, ARI033 - Inbound ACH NOC and Return Deposit Data and ARI022 - Inbound Returned Item Check Data) processes the file and loads the returned item data into Florida PALM. These returned item deposits go through a reconciliation process to match the bank deposit record. 

This outbound interface extracts the details of the returned items from Florida PALM and generates a file to send to Agencies. The outbound interface file contains the information required for communicating Debit Memo information from returns and adjustments for the Treasury’s Receipting bank accounts (currently Wells Fargo). The file will include all Debit Memo and return detail information. Detail records may contain a number of fields and content depending on the source transaction type (paper return, EFT, etc.). The agency will get the file from the OCI MFT server by opening an SFTP connection and the SFTP response will be a Success or No Success depending on the successful transmission of the file.

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.


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Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business process:

Run Control Parameters

The interface data selection criteria includes the following:

Data FieldData Field Details
Business UnitAgency AR Business Unit. User will be able to select multiple Business Units while running the process, but Business unit prompt values will be populated based on Business unit security. So, user will be able to select on the Business unit for which they have access to.
From DateReturned Items will be extracted starting the date provided in the ‘From Date’ by the user.
To DateReturned Items will be extracted till ‘To Date’ provided by the user. The returned item details will be extracted between ‘From Date’ and ‘To Date’ of Deposit Accounting Date.

File Layout

The layout of the interface is listed below.  

Field NameRecord TypeDescription
Record CodeHeaderRecord Code identifying the information on the record.
FTP Recipient HeaderBusiness Unit for source of detail records
Accounting Date HeaderDate of Debit memos and adjustments on the file
Number of Detail Records HeaderCount of records with Record code “D”
Control Total AmountHeaderSum of amounts with Record Code = “D”
Record CodeDetailRecord Code identifying the information on the record
Deposit TypeDetailSource for the Debit Memo detail record. 
Deposit Unit DetailUsed to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.
Bank Account #DetailFirst 7 digits of Bank Account # which represents Agency Location Code in most cases.
Deposit IDDetailUnique return item identifier within Florida PALM.
Agency Deposit NumberDetailAgency unique deposit number is used in the bank reconciliation process. This is the reference ID for electronic deposits and the deposit slip number for paper deposits.
Budget DateDetailEquivalent to the Florida PALM GL Business Unit for the Agency. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM.
 Represents the budget date/appropriation date including the fiscal year for the budget associated with the payment. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated.
GL Business UnitDetailUsed to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.
 Can be distributed to other agencies with appropriate security.
OrganizationDetailOrganization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.
Account DetailIdentifies the General Ledger account value that will be used to record the transactions (i.e. ChartField value for revenue, expenditure, etc.)This value is determined by the Agency and is only for Direct Journal payments.
FundDetailSegregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.
Budget EntityDetailBudget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program.
CategoryDetailCategory ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes.
State ProgramDetailStores Chart of Accounts information and provides the basic structure to segregate and categorize transactional and budget data.
GrantDetailGrant ChartField is used for tracking  grants funding.
ContractDetailContract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.
OA1DetailOA1 tracks optional organization reporting, cost pools, expenditures, revenues, or other specific use.
OA2DetailOA2 tracks optional organization reporting, cost pools, expenditures, revenues, or other specific use.
PC Business UnitDetailIdentifies the Projects Business Unit if the payment is linked to a project that has been set up in Florida PALM. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM, if populated.
ProjectDetailIf the payment is linked to a project which has been set up in Florida PALM, provide the corresponding value. If the Project Costing Business Unit data element is populated for a distribution line, then the spreadsheet must include a Project value within that distribution line. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated.
ActivityDetailIf the payment is linked to a project which has been set up in Florida PALM, provide the corresponding Activity ID associated with the project. Only required if the PC Business Unit field has been populated. Must be a valid value within Florida PALM if populated.
PC Source TypeDetailSource types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction.
PC CategoryDetailProject Category provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
PC SubcategoryDetailSubcategories provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.
Foreign Amount DetailTransaction Amount. Usually negative.
 Value includes decimal point and two decimals  i.e. -99999.99
Bank Account KeyDetailBank Subaccount where original deposit was made
Return Reason CodeDetailReturn Reason Code
Return Reason Description DetailDescription of Return Reason Code
Maker Name DetailSubmitter of returned item
Maker Routing Number DetailRouting number for the returned item
Maker Account Number DetailAccount number for the returned item
Maker Check Number DetailCheck number for the returned item
Check Date DetailWhen the Type field contains A or C this field will be blank. When the Type field contains a P, F then this field will contain a date. 
Item Return Date DetailDate Item was returned by the financial institution
Image File Name DetailName of corresponding image (if applicable to the Agency EFT offering)
Image File Name Rear DetailName of back of Check
 Image for Wells Fargo Paper returns where applicable
Company ID/ Merchant ID DetailID assigned to the
 Agency/Location Receiving the original deposit.
 Company ID for ACH returns;
 Merchant ID for Credit Card 
Company Name DetailText associated with the Company or Merchant ID
Standard Entry Class Code DetailType of transaction
Standard Entry Class Code Description DetailDescription of the Standard Entry Class Code
Company Entry Description DetailShort Descriptor for the Standard Entry Class Code provided by the originator
Effective Entry Date DetailRequested Settlement Date
Immediate Origin DetailRouting Number of the ACH Operator or sending     point to which the file is being sent
Immediate Destination DetailRouting Number of the ACH Operator or receiving point that is sending the FILE
Date of Death DetailReturned for reason of death
Receiving DFI ID DetailReceiver Routing Number
Receiving DFI Check Digit DetailCheck Digit
Transaction CodeDetailCode to Identify various kinds of debits and credits
Return Routing Number DetailReturned item ABA Routing Number including check digit
Return Account Number DetailReturned item Account number
Identification Number DetailOriginator Tracing Number
Receiving Name DetailOriginator Name or ID Number
Trace Number DetailBank reference number
Original Entry Trace Number DetailTrace number originally included for the transaction
Original Receiving DFI DetailReceiving DFI ID originally included on the entry
CommentDetailOptional Comment from Treasury when Adjustment/Correction
Journal IDDetailUnique identifier assigned to each journal entry.
Journal DateDetailDate the transaction was distributed to the General Ledger. 

Version History

DateRevision Description
12/01/2023Original Version
01/02/2025Updated sample layout file and sample file and 12/30/24 updates - Added Journal ID and Journal Date to the Detail record. 

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