Outbound Salary Detail File (PRI007)
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Outbound Salary Detail File (PRI007)

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Article summary

Interface Description

This interface is designed to produce a file containing payroll payment details for confirmed payrolls in Florida PALM for Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), such as People First. The Salary Detail file is a critical part of HRIS business processes that determines if and when earnings and deductions sent to Florida PALM were processed. The file will also inform HRIS if and when any of these payments are subsequently adjusted. This file is available for the Agency Business Systems, if needed.

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria includes the following:

Data FieldData Field Details

File Layout

Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below.

Data Field Name
Record Type
Data Feild Description
Record CodeHeaderRecord Code identifying the information on the record for:  
DateHeaderThis field is the date that the interface file was created by the source system. 
System IDHeaderThis field indicates the source system of the data on the file and is used for tracking interface files.
Filler1HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeDetailRecord Code identifying the information on the record for:  
Pay Run IDDetailThis is a unique identifier for the confirmed payroll from which the salary detail is pulled.
Beginning Pay Period DateDetailPay Period Begin Date in the Pay Calendar
Ending Pay Period DateDetailPay Period End Date in the Pay Calendar
Off-Cycle? (Y or N)DetailOn or Off Cycle Indicator
Employee IDDetailUnique employee identifier equivalent to People First login ID
Social Security NumberDetailEmployee's Social Security Number
Appointment IDDetailAppointment ID
Intra Department NumberDetailThis field is an intra-agency code that is used in conjunction with the ORG Code as a sort sequence for warrant distributions. For Legislature the field is used to track each earnings transaction that is sent. 
Business UnitDetailThis is the agency's 5 digit code stored in Job Data.
SpeedkeyDetailThis is the employee's primary Speedkey
Org CodeDetailThis is the employee's primary Department ID from their Job Data.
Budget EntityDetailThis is the Budget Entity from the Chart of Account from Position Funding.
First NameDetailEmployee's First Name for this payment
Last NameDetailEmployee's Last Name for this payment
Middle InitialDetailEmployee's Middle Initial for this payment
Name SuffixDetailEmployee's Name Suffix for this payment
Pay CycleDetailThis code indicates in which payroll the payment was processed.
Pay PlanDetailThis is the employee's Pay Plan which corresponds to the first 2 digit of the Job Code.
Retirement CodeDetailRetirement Plan the employee is enrolled in that determined the rate used in Retirement Contribution calculations.
Contracted HoursDetailThis field is the contracted hours the employee was available to work for the given pay period. 
Work CountyDetailThis is the county of the employee's work location
Position NumberDetailThis is the position number for which the payment applies.
Class CodeDetailThis is the employee's classification represented by the last 4 digits of the employee's Job Code
Total GrossDetailTotal Gross payment for the paycheck
Cash GrossDetailTotal Cash Gross for the paycheck
Non Cash GrossDetailTotal Non-Cash Gross for the paycheck
Net PayDetailTotal Net Pay of the paycheck
Total Employee Deduction AmtDetailAmount of Total Employee Deductions included in the record.
Total Employee Deduction CountDetailCount of Total Employee Deductions included in the record.
Employee Deduction Code 1DetailEmployee Deduction Code 1
Employee Deduction Code 2DetailEmployee Deduction Code 2
Employee Deduction Code 3DetailEmployee Deduction Code 3
Employee Deduction Code 4DetailEmployee Deduction Code 4
Employee Deduction Code 5DetailEmployee Deduction Code 5
Employee Deduction Code 6DetailEmployee Deduction Code 6
Employee Deduction Code 7DetailEmployee Deduction Code 7
Employee Deduction Code 8DetailEmployee Deduction Code 8
Employee Deduction Code 9DetailEmployee Deduction Code 9
Employee Deduction Code 10DetailEmployee Deduction Code 10
Employee Deduction Code 11DetailEmployee Deduction Code 11
Employee Deduction Code 12DetailEmployee Deduction Code 12
Employee Deduction Code 13DetailEmployee Deduction Code 13
Employee Deduction Code 14DetailEmployee Deduction Code 14
Employee Deduction Code 15DetailEmployee Deduction Code 15
Employee Deduction Code 16DetailEmployee Deduction Code 16
Employee Deduction Code 17DetailEmployee Deduction Code 17
Employee Deduction Code 18DetailEmployee Deduction Code 18
Employee Deduction Code 19DetailEmployee Deduction Code 19
Employee Deduction Code 20DetailEmployee Deduction Code 20
Employee Deduction Code 21DetailEmployee Deduction Code 21
Employee Deduction Code 22DetailEmployee Deduction Code 22
Employee Deduction Code 23DetailEmployee Deduction Code 23
Employee Deduction Code 24DetailEmployee Deduction Code 24
Employee Deduction Code 25DetailEmployee Deduction Code 25
Employee Deduction Amount 1DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 1
Employee Deduction Amount 2DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 2
Employee Deduction Amount 3DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 3
Employee Deduction Amount 4DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 4
Employee Deduction Amount 5DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 5
Employee Deduction Amount 6DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 6
Employee Deduction Amount 7DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 7
Employee Deduction Amount 8DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 8
Employee Deduction Amount 9DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 9
Employee Deduction Amount 10DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 10
Employee Deduction Amount 11DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 11
Employee Deduction Amount 12DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 12
Employee Deduction Amount 13DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 13
Employee Deduction Amount 14DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 14
Employee Deduction Amount 15DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 15
Employee Deduction Amount 16DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 16
Employee Deduction Amount 17DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 17
Employee Deduction Amount 18DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 18
Employee Deduction Amount 19DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 19
Employee Deduction Amount 20DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 20
Employee Deduction Amount 21DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 21
Employee Deduction Amount 22DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 22
Employee Deduction Amount 23DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 23
Employee Deduction Amount 24DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 24
Employee Deduction Amount 25DetailEmployee Deduction Amount 25
Total Employer CostDetailAmount of Total Employer Deductions included in the record.
Total Employer Cost CountDetailCount of Total Employer Deductions included in the record.
Employer Cost Code 1DetailEmployer Cost Code 1
Employer Cost Code 2DetailEmployer Cost Code 2
Employer Cost Code 3DetailEmployer Cost Code 3
Employer Cost Code 4DetailEmployer Cost Code 4
Employer Cost Code 5DetailEmployer Cost Code 5
Employer Cost Code 6DetailEmployer Cost Code 6
Employer Cost Code 7DetailEmployer Cost Code 7
Employer Cost Code 8DetailEmployer Cost Code 8
Employer Cost Code 9DetailEmployer Cost Code 9
Employer Cost Code 10DetailEmployer Cost Code 10
Employer Cost Code 11DetailEmployer Cost Code 11
Employer Cost Code 12DetailEmployer Cost Code 12
Employer Cost Code 13DetailEmployer Cost Code 13
Employer Cost Code 14DetailEmployer Cost Code 14
Employer Cost Code 15DetailEmployer Cost Code 15
Employer Cost Amount 1DetailEmployer Cost Amount 1
Employer Cost Amount 2DetailEmployer Cost Amount 2
Employer Cost Amount 3DetailEmployer Cost Amount 3
Employer Cost Amount 4DetailEmployer Cost Amount 4
Employer Cost Amount 5DetailEmployer Cost Amount 5
Employer Cost Amount 6DetailEmployer Cost Amount 6
Employer Cost Amount 7DetailEmployer Cost Amount 7
Employer Cost Amount 8DetailEmployer Cost Amount 8
Employer Cost Amount 9DetailEmployer Cost Amount 9
Employer Cost Amount 10DetailEmployer Cost Amount 10
Employer Cost Amount 11DetailEmployer Cost Amount 11
Employer Cost Amount 12DetailEmployer Cost Amount 12
Employer Cost Amount 13DetailEmployer Cost Amount 13
Employer Cost Amount 14DetailEmployer Cost Amount 14
Employer Cost Amount 15DetailEmployer Cost Amount 14
Total Employee Tax  AmountDetailAmount of Total Employee Taxes included in the record.
Total Employee Tax CountDetailCount of Total Employee Taxes included in the record.
Employee Tax 1DetailEmployee Tax 1
Employee Tax 2DetailEmployee Tax 2
Employee Tax 3DetailEmployee Tax 3
Employee Tax 4DetailEmployee Tax 4
Employee Tax 5DetailEmployee Tax 5
Employee Tax 6DetailEmployee Tax 6
Employee Tax 7DetailEmployee Tax 7
Employee Tax 8DetailEmployee Tax 8
Employee Tax 9DetailEmployee Tax 9
Employee Tax 10DetailEmployee Tax 10
Employee Tax Class 1DetailEmployee Tax Class 1
Employee Tax Class 2DetailEmployee Tax Class 2
Employee Tax Class 3DetailEmployee Tax Class 3
Employee Tax Class 4DetailEmployee Tax Class 4
Employee Tax Class 5DetailEmployee Tax Class 5
Employee Tax Class 6DetailEmployee Tax Class 6
Employee Tax Class 7DetailEmployee Tax Class 7
Employee Tax Class 8DetailEmployee Tax Class 8
Employee Tax Class 9DetailEmployee Tax Class 9
Employee Tax Class 10DetailEmployee Tax Class 10
Employee Tax Amount 1DetailEmployee Tax Amount 1
Employee Tax Amount 2DetailEmployee Tax Amount 2
Employee Tax Amount 3DetailEmployee Tax Amount 3
Employee Tax Amount 4DetailEmployee Tax Amount 4
Employee Tax Amount 5DetailEmployee Tax Amount 5
Employee Tax Amount 6DetailEmployee Tax Amount 6
Employee Tax Amount 7DetailEmployee Tax Amount 7
Employee Tax Amount 8DetailEmployee Tax Amount 8
Employee Tax Amount 9DetailEmployee Tax Amount 9
Employee Tax Amount 10DetailEmployee Tax Amount 10
Total Employer TaxDetailAmount of Total Employer Deductions included in the record.
Total Employer Tax CountDetailCount of Total Employer Deductions included in the record.
Employer Tax 1DetailEmployer Tax 1
Employer Tax 2DetailEmployer Tax 2
Employer Tax 3DetailEmployer Tax 3
Employer Tax 4DetailEmployer Tax 4
Employer Tax 5DetailEmployer Tax 5
Employer Tax 6DetailEmployer Tax 6
Employer Tax 7DetailEmployer Tax 7
Employer Tax 8DetailEmployer Tax 8
Employer Tax 9DetailEmployer Tax 9
Employer Tax 10DetailEmployer Tax 10
Employer Tax Class 1DetailEmployer Tax Class 1
Employer Tax Class 2DetailEmployer Tax Class 2
Employer Tax Class 3DetailEmployer Tax Class 3
Employer Tax Class 4DetailEmployer Tax Class 4
Employer Tax Class 5DetailEmployer Tax Class 5
Employer Tax Class 6DetailEmployer Tax Class 6
Employer Tax Class 7DetailEmployer Tax Class 7
Employer Tax Class 8DetailEmployer Tax Class 8
Employer Tax Class 9DetailEmployer Tax Class 9
Employer Tax Class 10DetailEmployer Tax Class 10
Employer Tax Amount 1DetailEmployer Tax Amount 1
Employer Tax Amount 2DetailEmployer Tax Amount 2
Employer Tax Amount 3DetailEmployer Tax Amount 3
Employer Tax Amount 4DetailEmployer Tax Amount 4
Employer Tax Amount 5DetailEmployer Tax Amount 5
Employer Tax Amount 6DetailEmployer Tax Amount 6
Employer Tax Amount 7DetailEmployer Tax Amount 7
Employer Tax Amount 8DetailEmployer Tax Amount 8
Employer Tax Amount 9DetailEmployer Tax Amount 9
Employer Tax Amount 10DetailEmployer Tax Amount 10
Earnings Type CountDetailEarnings Type Count
Earnings Begin DateDetailEarnings Begin Date when the payment was earned
Earnings End DateDetailEarnings End Date when the payment was earned
Earnings Code 1DetailEarnings Code 1
Earnings Code 2DetailEarnings Code 2
Earnings Code 3DetailEarnings Code 3
Earnings Code 4DetailEarnings Code 4
Earnings Code 5DetailEarnings Code 5
Earnings Code 6DetailEarnings Code 6
Earnings Code 7DetailEarnings Code 7
Earnings Code 8DetailEarnings Code 8
Earnings Code 9DetailEarnings Code 9
Earnings Code 10DetailEarnings Code 10
Earnings Amt 1DetailEarnings Amt 1
Earnings Amt 2DetailEarnings Amt 2
Earnings Amt 3DetailEarnings Amt 3
Earnings Amt 4DetailEarnings Amt 4
Earnings Amt 5DetailEarnings Amt 5
Earnings Amt 6DetailEarnings Amt 6
Earnings Amt 7DetailEarnings Amt 7
Earnings Amt 8DetailEarnings Amt 8
Earnings Amt 9DetailEarnings Amt 9
Earnings Amt 10DetailEarnings Amt 10
Earnings Hourly Rate 1DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 1
Earnings Hourly Rate 2DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 2
Earnings Hourly Rate 3DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 3
Earnings Hourly Rate 4DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 4
Earnings Hourly Rate 5DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 5
Earnings Hourly Rate 6DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 6
Earnings Hourly Rate 7DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 7
Earnings Hourly Rate 8DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 8
Earnings Hourly Rate 9DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 9
Earnings Hourly Rate 10DetailEarnings Hourly Rate 10
Earnings Hours Worked 1DetailEarnings Hours Worked 1
Earnings Hours Worked 2DetailEarnings Hours Worked 2
Earnings Hours Worked 3DetailEarnings Hours Worked 3
Earnings Hours Worked 4DetailEarnings Hours Worked 4
Earnings Hours Worked 5DetailEarnings Hours Worked 5
Earnings Hours Worked 6DetailEarnings Hours Worked 6
Earnings Hours Worked 7DetailEarnings Hours Worked 7
Earnings Hours Worked 8DetailEarnings Hours Worked 8
Earnings Hours Worked 9DetailEarnings Hours Worked 9
Earnings Hours Worked 10DetailEarnings Hours Worked 10
Warrant DateDetailWarrant date for the payment or adjustment
Warrant NumberDetailWarrant number for the payment or adjustment
Original Warrant DateDetailOriginal Warrant date for an adjustment
Original Warrant NumDetailOriginal Warrant number for an adjustment
EFT IndicatorDetailIndicator if a warrant (check) or direct deposit was issued for the payment
Posting DateDetailThis is the date the payment was posted
Appointment StatusDetailAppointment Status
Annual Leave HoursDetailAnnual Leave Hours for Leave Payout
Hire DateDetailEmployee's Hire Date
Adjustment CodeDetailThis will indicate if the record is an adjustment to a previously confirmed paycheck.
Filler1DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10DetailThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeTrailerRecord Code identifying the information on the record for:  
CountTrailerThis field gives the total number of records in the file, excluding header and trailer rows.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

Removed hyperlink under Valid Values for Employee Tax Class and Employer Tax Class. Replaced with list of valid values instead.
11/07/2024Updated 10/30/2024; Updated per DDID 0739. Added clarifying language that Retirement Code will be blank for employees coded as ZA, ZM, ZX and ZZ. Also added OG - Original to valid values for Adjustment Code. Replaced O - Off Cycle with C - Off Cycle/Adjustment for Pay Cycle.

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