Payroll Period Compare Report (PRR021)
Report Description
The Payroll Period Compare Report is a report that provides information generated during the preliminary and final payroll run that compares the current payroll to the prior payroll period and identifies variances based on defined criteria.
Report Navigation: Main Menu > Florida PALM > Payroll > Reports > Payroll Period Compare Report
Click below to view the sample report layout.
User Roles
The following business roles have access to this report:
- Agency Payroll Reporter
- BOSP Payroll Reporter
- Batch Scheduler
Business Process Models
This report can be found in the following business processes:
Selection Criteria
The report data can be filtered by the following selection criteria:
Data Field | Data Field Details |
Current Pay Run ID | Required |
Previous Pay Run ID | Required |
Business Unit | Optional |
Department ID | Optional |
Report Layout
The layout of the report is listed below.
Data Field | Florida PALM RECORD.FIELD Mapping |
Distinct Number of Employees in Payroll | PAY_CHECK.EMPLID - The number of employees that are being paid in the given Pay Run ID |
Distinct Number of Active Employees | JOB.EMPL_STATUS - The number of employees with an Active status that are being paid in the given Pay Run ID |
Total Number of Paychecks | PAY_CHECK - The number of records on the paycheck table that are being processed in the given Pay Run ID |
Total Number of Warrants | PAY_CHECK.FORM_ID where FORM_ID = FLPCHK - The number of records on the paycheck table that are being processed as a paper warrant in the given Pay Run ID |
PAY_CHECK.FORM_ID where FORM_ID = FLPADV - The number of records on the paycheck table that are being processed as a direct deposit in the given Pay Run ID | |
Total Earnings | The record counts to indicate the number of times the earning code was used and the corresponding total amount paid for the earnings code.
Total Deductions | The record counts to indicate the number of times a deduction code was used and the corresponding total amount deducted for the deduction code.
Total Garnishments | The record counts to indicate the number of times a garnishment type was used and the corresponding total amount garnished for the garnishment type.
Total Taxes | The record counts to indicate the number of times a tax class was used and the corresponding total amount withheld for the tax class.
Total Net Pay | PAY_CHECK.NET_PAY - The total net pay in the given Pay Run ID |
Total Gross Salary Charge | The total gross salary charge broken down by total gross pay and total employer cost in the given Pay Run ID
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
10/18/2024 | Original Version |
02/27/2025 | Reallocated Roles: