AR Deposits (60.2.2)
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AR Deposits (60.2.2)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

AR Deposits are associated with customer payments and outstanding AR items. A system process called Payment Predictor matches AR items entered on the payment with outstanding AR items in the system. If payments do not match through Payment Predictor, there are scenarios where a user needs to create a payment worksheet and apply the payment manually. 

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 60.2.2 AR Deposits

Business Process Diagram for 60.2.2 AR Deposits (part 2)

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where activities are performed by different parties or systems. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, are representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Receive Payment from Customer

The Agency AR Deposit Processor receives a payment from a customer. If the Agency AR Deposit Processor receives a request to create a small volume of deposits, the Agency AR Deposit Processor creates a customer payment in Florida PALM online through a manual process.


Create Online Deposit

The Agency AR Deposit Processor enters the required information related to a customer payment on the deposit page. If the deposit is related to a customer payment, an Item reference will need to be entered for Payment Predictor to match the customer payment to the item.   

Once customer payments are created by the agencies, the system transactions are available for Payment Predictor to match to an Item and reconcile to the bank statement transactions. 

The agencies can monitor the reconciliation process to confirm the customer payment is verified. 

Below provides an example of the Deposit Control Page, Totals Tab, and Payments Tab where deposit and related payment(s) information is displayed. 


Inbound Deposit Data (ARI007, ARI010)

Some agencies provide deposit information via a file, which can be loaded to create the customer payment. 

The Agency AR Deposit Spreadsheet Upload Processor user is responsible for creating and loading the ARI010 Inbound Deposit Spreadsheet Upload file. 

The ARI007 Inbound Deposit Data interface is loaded through the batch process as an agency business system interface file.

The CMR001 Agency Bank Deposit Extract report provides bank data in the ARI010 Inbound Deposit Spreadsheet Upload format. Bank data from the report can be copied and pasted to the spreadsheet upload template for a starting point to load deposits. The user will need to provide and enter the customer and item date to complete the deposit and payment entries.

The CMI004 Outbound Bank Deposit Transactions and the CMI013 Outbound BAI Bank Statement interfaces provide bank data to agencies for creating their inbound deposit files (ARI007 and ARI010). 


Perform Interface Error Checking

Edit validations are performed on each interface before the data is allowed to load to the AR module. If the file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once the issue is resolved.

If the file is not rejected, edit validations are performed on each transaction before the data is allowed to load for processing in the AR module. Additional edits will be performed during the transaction life cycle.

Rejected transactions are managed through the 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process.

Edit Validations include:

  • ChartField Validation
  • Amount Validation
  • Open Period Validation
  • Supplier Validation


Load Deposit Data

Data passing the initial edits is interfaced and loaded into the AR module through an automated process. 

Interfaced customer payments bypass approval workflow and are marked approved systematically through the interface processing. 

Once customer payments are created by the interfaces, the system transactions are available for Payment Predictor to match to an Item and reconcile to the bank statement transactions. The agencies can monitor the reconciliation process to confirm the customer payment is verified. Customer payments must be reconciled and verified to go through the system jobs (e.g., edit check, budget check, cash check, and post to the ledgers). 


Payment Predictor

If the deposit is recorded to an open AR Item, then the system uses the Payment Predictor process to apply payment to the open AR Item. Payment Predictor uses Customer, Amount, and Item ID criteria to systematically match deposits to the open AR item.


Review Unreconciled Deposits

If the deposit is not reconciled, the Agency AR Deposit Processor must review and determine why the deposit is not reconciled. If a deposit correction is needed, the Agency AR Deposit Processor must correct the deposit entry to match the bank deposit information. If a bank correction is needed, the Agency AR Deposit Processor must contact Treasury.


Submit Research Request/Recon. Assist. Form (CMF007)

The Agency AR Deposit Processor submits a Treasury Correspondence Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance Form to provide the specific correction needed at the bank. The Agency AR Deposit Processor can also submit this form to claim a deposit not correctly identified.


Review Assistance Needed

If a bank correction is needed, the DFS Bank Reconciliation Processor contacts the bank. If the DFS Bank Reconciliation Processor needs further information, the Treasury Request Assistance Request Form is routed back to the Agency Deposit Processor.


Build Worksheet and Apply Payment

If Payment Predictor process is not selected, the Agency AR Deposit Processor builds a Payment Worksheet and selects an open AR item to apply payment manually.

If Payment Predictor process is selected and the customer payment is less than the Item balance, the system applies the payment and updates the Item balance.

If Payment Predictor processes an overpayment, the system creates a payment worksheet with a line for the Open Item and a line for the New Item related to the overpayment amount. Once the Payment worksheet is set to post the system applies the payment line to the Open Item and posts the New Item credit to the customer account for the overpayment.

The overpayment credit Item has two paths for processing. The Agency AR Item Processor creates a maintenance worksheet to refund the customer (60.1.2 Refund AR business subprocess) or the Agency AR Deposit Processor creates a payment worksheet to apply the credit Item to an open AR Item.   

Below shows an example of the Payment Worksheet.


Set Worksheet to Post

The Agency AR Deposit Processor sets the Payment Worksheet to post by selecting Batch Standard on the page. This step is required for the Receivables Update to process the payment transaction and continue the lifecycle.

Below provides the Payment Worksheet page where the user selects Batch Standard.


Run Edit Check

Edit check process will run at the designated interval. Edit check process will validate that ChartField values are active, validate combination edit rules applicable to the transaction (i.e., does transaction reflect an accurate Budget Entity to State Program correlation), and validate the accounting period is open.

Below shows an example of journalled customer payment accounting entry.


Resolve Edit Errors

Edit errors must be resolved prior to transaction proceeding. The Agency AR Deposit Processor should confirm the validity of the ChartField values and the ChartField string used on the transaction and make necessary updates. Agency AR Deposit Processor should confirm that date of transaction falls within an open period. 

If error persists after making updates, and a SpeedKey is being used, Agency AR Deposit Processor should consult with Agency COA Maintainer to determine if the SpeedKey was established inaccurately. 


Run Budget/Cash Check

The Budget Check process will run at the designated interval to increase the collected revenue balance. Budget check is set to systematically pass. 

The Cash Check process will run at the designated interval to confirm use of valid ChartFields and increase the spendable cash balances. 

When an AR Item passes budget and cash check, the transaction lifecycle will proceed.


Update Ledger Balances

Upon passing the budget and cash check, the applicable revenue, cash, and budget ledgers will be updated. Please see 20.2 Budget Execution and Management for more information.


Generate GL Journals

Journal Generator (JGEN) processes posted accounting entry data from the Florida PALM source modules, summarizes the data, and creates journals in the General Ledger. The Journal Generator process will edit, budget check, and post the journal entries created during the process. Please see 10.2 Enter and Process Journals for more information on source module journal entries.


Export Deposit Data

Florida PALM exports agency specific AR Deposit data.


Outbound Deposit Data (ARI024)

Outbound AR Deposits and payments are sent to agency business systems.

Deposit Control Page, Totals Tab

Deposit Control Page, Totals Tab

Deposit Control Page, Payments Tab

Deposit Controls Page, Payments Tab

Payment Worksheet

Set Payment Worksheet to Post

Set Payment Worksheet to Post

Demo Videos

Create AR Deposit Demo Video: Click the image below to view a demonstration video on creating an AR Deposit.

Inbound Deposit Spreadsheet Upload Demo Video: Click the image below to view a demonstration video on uploading an Inbound Deposit Spreadsheet.

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
  • The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry


AR Deposit

Debit: Cash (S)
Credit: AR (U)

Increases Collected Revenue Balance, Increases Spendable Cash Balance

Debit: Cash
Credit: AR


Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on this Business Process. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




Agency Bank Deposit Extract Report – A report that provides a query to prepopulate the deposit spreadsheet from the bank statement file to assist agencies in recording deposits.



Agency, DFS



Unreconciled Deposits Report – A report that provides a list of unreconciled deposits. Report includes unreconciled bank data to assist with deposit entries that are needed in the system for reconciliation.



Agency, DFS



Deposit Report – A report that provides detailed information for deposits. 



Agency, DFS



Revenue Report – A report that provides revenue estimates, revenue recognized, and revenue collected by Fund, Budget Entity, Category, and account code by ChartField combinations.



Agency, DFS


The table below provides the Interfaces identified on the Business Process.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency




Inbound Deposit Data – Inbound interface file that provides direct journal and customer deposit information from business systems.


Agency Business Systems

Florida PALM


Inbound Deposit Spreadsheet Upload – Inbound interface file that provides direct journal and AR deposit information via a spreadsheet (Excel) upload.


Agency Business Systems

Florida PALM


Outbound Deposit Data – Outbound interface file that provides Item payment and Direct journal payment data to business systems.


Florida PALM

Agency Business Systems


The table below provides the forms identified on this Business Process.

Form Number

Form Description



Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance - Request form used by organizations to request Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance from DFS.

Agency, Treasury


The table below provides the workflows identified on this Business Process.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

06/28/2024Updated process description in Step 10.

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