Customer Lifecycle
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Customer Lifecycle

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Article summary

Set Up and Maintain Customer 

Associated Business Process 

50.1 Set Up and Maintain Customer


The table below provides the Interface IDs for each interface identified with 50. 1 Set Up and Maintain Customer.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Business Process or Sub-Process


Outbound Customer Data – Outbound interface that provides customer data to agency business systems and FACTS (e.g., customer addresses, bill to options, and other customer attributes).

50.1 Set up and Maintain Customer


Inbound Customer Spreadsheet Upload – Inbound interface to load customer data via spreadsheet (Excel) upload.

50.1 Set up and Maintain Customer


Inbound Customer Data – Inbound interface that provides customer data from agency business systems.

50.1 Set up and Maintain Customer


The table below identifies the Conversions related to 50.1 Set Up and Maintain Customer. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams; however, these items are important elements of preparing for Florida PALM.

Conversion Number

Conversion Description

Business Process or Sub-Process


Customers - Conversion of active customers from agency business systems.

50.1 Set up and Maintain Customer


No agency reports are planned.

Data Structure

Customer Structure

Beginning with Financials Wave agencies may choose to use Florida PALM to set up and maintain customers. The customer record structure allows each agency to maintain its own customer information for tracking receivables and revenues. This structure allows the agencies to capture unique customer information such as a parent/child relationship, name, addresses, payment term, and contact information. Bill to Customer Option, Customer Address Detail and Customer Correspondence are required record codes. Agencies must identify the primary address but may have multiple addresses associated with a customer. The Customer ID is system generated. The legacy customer number is populated in the Agency Customer ID field and is used to assist with linking the Florida PALM Customer ID to the agency business system.

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