Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) Reports
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Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) Reports

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Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence (DW/BI) Introduction

The Reporting Approach describes the reporting solution available in Florida PALM and the Data Warehouse. Reports are available to agencies in Florida PALM and the Data Warehouse. A comparison of the reporting solution for Florida PALM and the Data Warehouse is described in the table below. See the Reporting Approach for more information and definitions.

 Reporting Solution Overview

Florida PALM (PeopleSoft)Data Warehouse (OAC)
Report Type(s)

Primarily Operational 

Other types if real-time data is needed

Primarily Analytical, Statutory, Historical, and Strategic
Florida PALM DataOperating data used in FIN & HCM ModulesSubset of Florida PALM Data (master data, balances, completed transactions) with key data fields
Legacy InformationLimited to information loaded as part of conversionsIncludes separate section for information loaded from the FLAIR IW Data
Data Refresh ScheduleReal-time or near real-time data available for reportsNightly data refreshes (next day data available for reports)
Report ComplexityMostly simple calculations or logic; few BI reportsSimple to complex calculations or logic; more BI reports
Key Reporting ToolsPS Query; BIP (Business Intelligence Publisher)BI Classic, BIP (Business Intelligence Publisher) 

Users can choose the report output types based on their specific need. The output types most expected for use in Florida PALM and the DW are Excel (.xls), Portable Document Format (.pdf), which is a print-ready format, and Comma Separate Values (.csv), which is a text file that has a specific format which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. The .csv format is most often used for large data extracts. All output types (query or print-ready reports) are referred to as 'reports'.

Users will inherently be able to export reports. Data extracts are subject to default or configured row limits (usually 200,000 rows). The DW reporting tools are designed to support analysis and targeted data extracts, rather than obtaining entire populations of transaction data to support replication outside Florida PALM and the DW. Users should use filters to retrieve the minimum number of rows needed in the report. 

The DW/BI solution will provide reports functionality to fulfill the State's business requirements and business processes. The tables below provide a listing of the reports that will be available in the DW/BI solution. As the report designs are completed, the Project will provide a list of new or updated reports.

Asset Management Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
AMR006Asset Improvement ReportA report that lists improvements associated with an asset, including optional unique identification of improvements associated with specific assets.
AMR007Asset Report by User and LocationA report of all assets assigned to an individual by location.
AMR013Asset Acquisition by PO or Supplier ReportA report that lists assets by Purchase Order or Supplier.
AMR014Asset Disposition ReportA report of asset dispositions by type. The report provides totals for the asset dispositions and details regarding the asset descriptions, custodians, and dates of acquisition and disposition. This report is used to monitor asset dispositions for compliance with applicable statutory and other requirements and supports details required for financial reporting.
AMR017Asset Summary Depreciation ReportA list of assets depreciated during the period by asset types.
AMR019Asset Register ReportA transaction register of all changes during a user-defined time period by asset class type, agency, transaction date or purchase amount. 
AMR020Asset Physical Inventory ReportA physical inventory report that sorts, groups, and aggregates asset records based on available fields criteria to assist in conducting physical inventory.
AMR039Asset Physical Reconciliation ReportAn asset inventory report that lists variances between system amounts and physical counts.
AMR047Asset Statewide Rollup Report A report that lists asset balances at a statewide reporting level.
AMR048Building Contents and Values Detail with Accumulated Depreciation A report that displays building, contents (capitalized subsystems, equipment), associated value, and accumulated depreciation at a point in time provided by a user. 
AMR060Incomplete Asset Profile Report A report used to alert custodian supervisor when an asset is paid for, but the asset record data is incomplete.
AMR062Asset Replacement Cost by Asset Class TypeA report that lists asset replacement costs by asset category.
AMR068Summary of AssetsA report of total assets and changes made to asset records for a given period. The report includes changes in asset status, useful life, or re-categorization. This report is used to monitor changes to the records and support the details required for financial reporting.
AMR069Detailed Asset Listing ReportA report that lists assets based on available fields.

Accounts Payable Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
APR001Prompt Payment Interest Paid Report
A report that measures the time elapsed between receipt of invoice, receipt of goods and services, approval of goods and services, and payment date by Business Unit.
APR002Prompt Payment Compliance Report
A report that lists interest paid for invoices not timely paid in accordance with prompt pay requirements.
APR006Supplier Payments Report
A report that summarizes payments, including Pcard Merchant transactions by supplier/merchant and other key data elements, including minority business codes. 
APR009Voucher Detail
A report that lists posted vouchers, to include totals, that can be filtered by various criteria.
APR018Outstanding Warrants Report
A report that lists Stale Dated Warrants that are outstanding, expired, or about to expire by specified date range to include warrant type, chart of account ChartFields, payment transaction data and business unit.
APR021Payment Register Report
A report that lists electronic, warrant, or manual payments made as part of Pay Cycle.
APR025Travel Expense Report
A report that lists travel costs of air carriers, car rentals, and hotels (by supplier) regardless of how they are paid (i.e., via P-Card, reimbursement to employee or direct payment).
APR027Payment Summary
A report used to compute the number and dollar amount of payments made by warrant and/or ACH run by day, per month, or other user-defined time-period.
APR032Payment Detail Report
A report that lists warrant and electronic payment detail and status (cleared, outstanding, cancelled, or reissued) for all payments.
APR0361099 Withholding Report
A report that provides a list of 1099 suppliers including related 1099 Payment details.
APR047Employee Suppliers Report
A report that lists employees doing business with the State as a supplier.
APR051Contract Expenditures Report
A report of contract payment information by Vendor Name, contract ID number, Payment Number, Posted Invoice #, Date Posted Invoice posted, Payment Amount, document number unique to document payment, Voucher information, voucher status or available fields with the ability to export data into an excel format.
APR055Employee Reimbursement Report
A report that lists payments to an employee for reimbursable business events (i.e., travel).
APR064Clearance Pattern Report
A report that details the clearance pattern for designated projects.
APR068Supplier Detail Report
A report that lists suppliers by name, TIN, or other identifying information.
APR069Duplicate Suppliers Report
A report that identifies potential duplicate supplier records, or related suppliers.
APR1031099 Updates Report

A report that lists all 1099 adjustments and corrections and expenditure refund deposits with 1099 applicable account values.

1099 Summary ReportA report of 1099s that have been generated. This report is to support the 1099 process. This will be at the Enterprise Level and will not include Confidential Information.
Payment Lifecycle Report
A report that determines the number of days between agency payment approval, payment posting, payment issuance, and payment settlement and store for reporting and statistical purposes.  
APR140Funds Transferred to Unclaimed Property and Funds Exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property ReportA report that lists payment information for funds transferred to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund or those that are exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property, pursuant to Sections 17.26 and 717.117, Florida Statutes, and payment information for funds returned to the original source.  

General Ledger Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
GLR080Cash Balance by Fund TypeA custom report that summarizes balances by Fund type for Transparency site.
GLR086Revenue CAP ReportA custom report providing balances by BU for specified categories (i.e., revenue and refund) for the fiscal year.
GLR088Trust Fund ReportAn annual, statutory custom report that contains trust fund balances for operating and non-operating disbursements, revenues, and unencumbered balances in excess of $2 million in each of the 2 preceding fiscal years.
GLR112Agency Balance Sheet ReportA custom report of the finalized agency balance sheet reflecting the balances of assets, liabilities and fund balance with any adjustments that were made during the close process.
GLR160Annual Budgetary Basis Expenditures ReportA custom report that provides posted appropriation amounts, disbursements, tentative and approved certified forward and reversion amounts.
GLR161Trust Funds Terminations ReportA custom report that lists all agency Trust Funds exempt from termination, scheduled for termination, and scheduled for legislative review. This report is required by FS 215.3206(3) F.S. and is sent annually to the Legislature.
GLR163Census Bureau Detailed Expenditures and Revenues ReportA custom report containing detailed expenditure and revenue totals by Account value provided to the US Census Bureau.
GLR164Equity Comparison by FundA custom report comparing the beginning and ending balances of equity by Fund.
GLR167Combination Edit Detail Report
Custom report/query to pull detail combination edit data to be used in conjunction with the custom combination edit spreadsheet upload tool.
GLR168Multi-Year Project, Contract or Grant Activity Summary ReportA report that summarizes transaction amounts for a given date range of FLAIR and Florida PALM project, grant, or contract transactions from the General Ledger.
GLR172Cash Balances Reconciliation ReportA custom report for enterprise users to identify if spendable cash (KK) and Fund Cash (GL) balances are reconciled between the Actuals, Cash and KK ledgers.

Grants Management Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
GMR001Expense and Revenue by ALN/CSFA ReportA report that displays summary of expenses and revenues by ALN/CSFA numbers.

Inter/IntraUnit Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
IUR002GR Service Charge ReportA custom report that lists service charges by ChartField combination for each Agency.
IUR003Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Reconciliation ReportA report by transaction Inter/IntraUnit ID that reflects the sending information and the receiving information. The report will show data if any subsequent Inter/IntraUnit transactions occurred. 
IUR004IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report

A report detailing the IU Encumbrance and IU Accrual activity including the established encumbrance/accrual, payments made against the encumbrance/accrual, and remaining balances.

Commitment Control Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
KKR010Spend Plan Projections ReportA custom report displaying balances of appropriations, encumbrances, expenditures, scheduled payments, and available balances with variable user-defined projection rates.
KKR023Revenue ReportA custom report that provides revenue estimates, revenue recognized, and revenue collected by Fund, Budget Entity, Category, and account code by ChartField combinations.

Project Costing Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
PCR008Project Expenditures ReportA custom report that lists project expenditures by COA ChartField combinations and includes project specific data elements.

Purchase Order Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description

Payroll Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
PRR004Salary Refund ReportA report that lists salary refunds or other collections by employee or agency.  
PRR037Beneficiary Payment ReportA report that identifies payments to beneficiaries.
PRR046Payroll Funds Transferred to Unclaimed Property and Funds Exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property ReportA report that lists payroll payment information for funds transferred to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund or those that are exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property, pursuant to Sections 17.26 and 717.117, Florida Statutes, and payment information for funds returned to the original source.
PRR069Annual Leave Payments ReportA report that includes FLAIR and Florida PALM annual leave payments to employees.

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