Asset and Property Conversion (AMC001)
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Asset and Property Conversion (AMC001)

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Article summary

Conversion Description

The State of Florida will convert asset records from FLAIR into the Florida PALM Asset Management system. AMC001 – Asset and Property Conversion will load data from a pipe-delimited file into the PALM Asset Management system to create asset records.

Click below to view the conversion file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Models

This conversion can be found in the following business processes:

Source Data

The table below details the files from the integrating systems that will provide the source data for this conversion.

File Name

Source System





Conversion Layout

The layout of the conversion is listed below. 

Data Field
Record Type
Data Field Description

Record Code

Asset Financial Information

Record Code identifying the information on the record for:                                                          
 F-Asset Financial Information,

Interface Type

Asset Financial Information

Identifies the type of transaction. Transaction Loader will process this transaction based on this field. 

Business Unit

Asset Financial Information

Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.


Asset Financial Information

Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.


Asset Financial Information

Segregates and captures specific activities or classifies certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.

Budget Entity

Asset Financial Information

Budget Entity ChartField represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program.


Asset Financial Information

Category ChartField represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes.

State Program

Asset Financial Information

State Program is used to identify the plan for an organization and use of resources to meet specified objectives of the State.


Asset Financial Information

Grant ID value used to track financial assistance that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose. 


Asset Financial Information

Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.


Asset Financial Information

OA1 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.


Asset Financial Information

OA2 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.

PC Business Unit

Asset Financial Information

Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for Project related ChartFields.


Asset Financial Information

Project ChartField is used to capture a planned undertaking of something to be accomplished or produced, having a beginning and ending date, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked.


Asset Financial Information

Tracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID.

PC Source Type

Asset Financial Information

Source types identify the purpose or origin of a transaction.

PC Category

Asset Financial Information

Project Category provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.

PC Subcategory

Asset Financial Information

Subcategories provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.

Asset Category

Asset Financial Information

Florida PALM asset ChartField that is used to derive the GL accounts for any given financial transaction.

In Service Date

Asset Financial Information

The date the asset was placed in service. This field is used in conjunction with the convention to determine the begin depreciation date. This field only relates to depreciable assets.    

Depreciation Status

Asset Financial Information

The Depreciation Status field marks the asset as depreciable or non-depreciable.  The valid values are 'D' for depreciable and 'N' for non-depreciable.

Useful Life

Asset Financial Information

Useful Life of an asset

Asset Quantity

Asset Financial Information

Represents the quantity of this transaction. Each transaction's quantity is summed to provide a balance at a given point in time.    


Asset Financial Information

Asset Cost is amount used to establish acquisition of the asset in Florida PALM. Cost represents asset acquisition cost (the funds disbursed to acquire the asset such as price, installation cost, freight, etc).

Salvage Value

Asset Financial Information

Salvage amount assigned to the asset. The Salvage Value is subtracted from Acquisition Cost to determine Depreciable Cost of the asset in Florida PALM. 

Depreciation Amount

Asset Financial Information

Represents the accumulated depreciation being converted.

Record Code

Asset Physical Information-A

Record Code identifying the information on the record for:  
 A - Asset Physical Information

Asset Type

Asset Physical Information-A

The Asset Type chartfield provides asset classification

Tag Number

Asset Physical Information-A

Used to capture the FLAIR Tag Number/BPIN/Property Item Number.


Asset Physical Information-A

Long description of the asset.

Short Description

Asset Physical Information-A

Short description of the asset.

Asset Status

Asset Physical Information-A

Status of the asset to be displayed on the record in Florida PALM.

Capitalized Asset

Asset Physical Information-A

This field identifies whether the asset record has been capitalized.  

Availability Contact

Asset Physical Information-A

This field indicates who should be contacted if the asset is availabe.

Conversion ID

Asset Physical Information-A

Used to capture the FLAIR Tag Number/BPIN/Property Item Number.

Acquisition Code

Asset Physical Information-A

This field identifies how the asset was acquired.

Acquisition Date

Asset Physical Information-A

Asset Acquisition Date to be reflected on this asset record in Florida PALM. This field is memo-only and is not used for any calculations.

Financing Code

Asset Physical Information-A

Financing code indicates how asset acquisition is financed. Financial Code should be a valid value in the FINANCE_CD_ TBL.

Asset Profile ID

Asset Physical Information-A

Asset Profile ID identifies the Accounting Template that determines financial, depreciation and retirement attributes of asset being added.  

Model Name

Asset Physical Information-A

Represent the model of the asset.

Model Year

Asset Physical Information-A

Model Year represent the asset's model year

Serial ID

Asset Physical Information-A

Serial number of asset being recorded in Florida PALM.

Valuation Method

Asset Physical Information-A

FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) code associated with this asset. 

Acquisition Description

Asset Physical Information-A

Describes the acquisition detail for this transaction


Asset Physical Information-A

Identifies whether this particular transaction should be capitalized.

Asset Category

Asset Physical Information-A

Florida PALM asset ChartField that is used to derive the GL accounts for asset records.

Asset Custodian Employee ID

Asset Physical Information-A

The Employee ID of the custodian responsible for  this asset.


Asset Physical Information-A

The location of this asset. Location code per Florida PALM configuration Workbook to indicate physical location of an asset (usually BU main location or primary safe-keeping address)

Area ID

Asset Physical Information-A

Agency administered field that identifies a more specific area within the location that houses the asset.


Asset Physical Information-A

Vehicle Identification Number of asset (if applicable)

Surplus Asset

Asset Physical Information-A

Check box indicating an asset is a surplus asset

Surplus Asset Condition

Asset Physical Information-A

This field indicates condition of Surplus Asset

Asset Condition

Asset Physical Information-A

Asset Condition indicates the condition the asset is in.


Asset Physical Information-A

The IDLE field is used to identify if an asset (land) is in use.

Property Description

Asset Physical Information-A

Property Description (Real Property) of asset with Asset Type of Property.  Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Property Name

Asset Physical Information-A

Property Name (Real Property)  of asset Property with Asset Type of Property.   Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Total Area

Asset Physical Information-A

Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'.  Enter total area (numeric value) measure of the property

Space Unit of Measure

Asset Physical Information-A

Space Unit of Measure field represents how total area of asset (Real Property) is measure.  Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'.  Enter total area measure of the property

Currency Occupancy

Asset Physical Information-A

Number of individual, or units authorized by the regulatory agency to occupy the asset (Real Property). Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Maximum Occupancy

Asset Physical Information-A

Number of individual, or units authorized by the regulatory agency to occupy the asset (Real Property). Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Occupancy Status

Asset Physical Information-A

Occupancy Status field represents status of asset (Real Property) occupancy.  Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Ownership Status

Asset Physical Information-A

Ownership Status field indicates if asset (Real Property) is State owned.  Field should be populated ONLY for assets with Asset Type of 'Property'

Legal Description

Asset Physical Information-A

Legal Description

Threshold ID

Asset Physical Information-A

The Threshold ID is used to identify the asset record as an 'Attractive Item'.

Record Code

Asset Physical Information-B

Record Code identifying the information on the record for:                                                              
 B - Asset Physical Information 


Asset Physical Information-B

The comments associated with the assets that will appear on the asset record. This is a free text field (50-character).

License Number

Asset Physical Information-B

License/Registration # -- Free form field

License Effective Date

Asset Physical Information-B

Date the license was assigned to this asset.

License Expiry Date

Asset Physical Information-B

Expiry Date of license associated with this asset

Asset License Comments

Asset Physical Information-B

Free text field (50 character)  used to enter  comments about the license or registration associated with this  asset.

Record Code

Supplemental Data

Record Code identifying the information on the record for:                                                              
 S - Supplemental Data 

Fed Participate

Supplemental Data

This field represents Federal Participation in a project,

State Participate

Supplemental Data

This field represents State Participation in a project.

Agency Code

Supplemental Data

This field will be used to house the FLAIR AU_PROP_CD field values, or can be used to capture miscellaneous asset data elements.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

06/05/2024Design update to remove OCA attribute

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