Import Suppliers (30.1.2)
  • 18 Sep 2024
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Import Suppliers (30.1.2)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

The supplier management process within Florida PALM involves multiple steps and interfaces to ensure accurate and compliant supplier records. MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) and agency business systems provide supplier data files to Florida PALM, requiring review and approval by DFS AP Supplier Approvers for all sources except MFMP. The inbound Supplier Load file processes new suppliers and updates from external systems, with error handling for records that fail validation. Updates to supplier payment methods and banking information are managed in the "Manage Supplier Payment Method and Banks" subprocess. Employee records from the Human Capital Management (HCM) application are systematically converted to supplier records for non-payroll payments. Various interfaces handle W-9 updates, TIN matching, and payment validations before supplier records are fully approved. Approved supplier records are ready for use, with outbound files generated for enterprise and agency systems. Interfaces also manage retiree supplier records, ensuring data accuracy and validation through edit checks and error handling processes. The DFS AP Supplier Processor or AP Retiree Supplier Processor oversees the creation or update of supplier records, ensuring completeness and accuracy. The Supplier Detail report provides visibility into supplier records for review and management purposes throughout the process.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 30.1.2 Import FRS Suppliers (part2)

Business Process Diagram for 30.1.2 Import Suppliers (part 1)

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where activities are performed by different parties or systems. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, are representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

  • AP Reporter (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role assigned to view AP reports in Florida PALM
  • Confidential AP Viewer (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role to view confidential data in AP reports in Florida PALM 
  • DFS AP Supplier Approver: DFS role responsible for maintaining the supplier record in Florida PALM, to include reviewing and approving supplier registrations and change requests and monitoring and updating supplier records, as needed
  • AP Retiree Supplier ProccessorFRS role responsible for managing retiree supplier records

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Inbound Supplier Load (API015)

MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) and Enterprise authorized agency business systems provide a data file of supplier records to Florida PALM. The new suppliers and updates to existing suppliers are submitted to Florida PALM unapproved and require review by the DFS AP Supplier Approver for all sources other than MFMP. The source system must coordinate notification to the supplier to update the W-9 System.

The inbound Supplier Load file is interfaced into Florida PALM with data for new suppliers and supplier updates from various external systems.

Any supplier records that error during the load process are included on the interface error log and must be corrected in the source system and submitted to Florida PALM again within the next interface file submission for creation of, or update to, a supplier record within Florida PALM.

The process for making updates to the supplier Payment Method and banking information on the supplier record is found in the Manage Supplier Payment Method and Banks business subprocess.

Special Note:   Once the DFS Vendor Portal is implemented, suppliers will register directly in the Vendor Portal for payment authorization (e.g. W9, payment details). Approved Vendor Portal records will be interfaced to Florida PALM. Once implemented, use of the DFS Vendor Portal will be required for payment authorization. Suppliers will continue to register in MFMP for bid purposes. Since the DFS Vendor Portal  implementation timeline is TBD, it was not included in the business process models. 


Inbound Employee Load (API022)

Employee records setup in the Human Capital Management (HCM) application within Florida PALM that need to be set up as a supplier record for payment, are systematically sent over to the AP module and set up as supplier records using the Inbound Employee Load interface. The employee records are managed and maintained within HCM and are updated in the AP module via HCM integration and custom interface logic. Employee supplier records are created in the AP module with a Classification of ‘Employee’.

The employee supplier records are leveraged for non-payroll related payments to employees such as reimbursements for travel via the Statewide Travel Management System (STMS) or reimbursements other than travel. (e.g., moving expenses). 


Inbound W-9 System Update (API016)

The Inbound W-9 System Update interface sends the TIN Match Status, TIN Match Date and Business Designation to Florida PALM to be captured within the supplier record.


Perform Interface Error Checking

Edit validations are performed on each interface before the data is allowed to load to the Accounts Payable staging tables. If file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once issue is resolved.

If file is not rejected, edit validations are performed on each transaction before the data is allowed to load for processing in the Accounts Payable module. Additional edits will be performed during the transaction life cycle.

Rejected transactions are managed through the 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process.

Edit Validations include:

  • Supplier Validation (updates)
  • TIN/SSN Validation (API026)

In addition, there are interface specific edits that pertain to AP data elements and fields.


Review Supplier Record

The new supplier records and updates to existing supplier records that are unapproved are reviewed by the DFS AP Supplier Approver to make sure all required fields are populated and all supplier requirements are met. If more information is needed, the DFS AP Supplier Approver works with the submitting agency or new/existing supplier to gather the necessary information.


Deny Supplier/Update

If the updated supplier information does not meet the requirements to be included within the supplier record, the DFS AP Supplier Approver denies the new supplier record or the existing supplier update.


Notify Agency/Supplier

The DFS AP Supplier Approver notifies the submitting agency or the new/existing supplier of the denial of the new supplier record or the existing supplier record update.


Approve Supplier/Update

Once all required information has been added to the supplier record, the final review and approval of the supplier record is completed by the DFS AP Supplier Approver.


Establish/Update Supplier Records

The successfully loaded supplier records either establish a supplier record in Florida PALM, or the supplier record is updated.


All suppliers must be TIN matched before they are ready for use within Florida PALM. All supplier records interfaced into Florida PALM are validated against the data submitted within the API016 Inbound W-9 Updates interface to obtain the TIN Match Status, TIN Match Date and Business Designation.


Suppliers that have not yet been prenoted are defaulted to be paid by System Check (warrant). If a supplier payment method is set to ACH, the Process Payments business process initiates the prenote validation. All suppliers will receive payment by System Check until prenote validation is complete.


Supplier records that are fully approved are identified as payees with a unique system-generated Supplier ID and are ready for use within Florida PALM. 


The Supplier Detail and AP Holds by Hold Type reports are available for review. 


Outbound Supplier Data (API020)

The Outbound Supplier Data interface file is generated by Florida PALM to send to enterprise systems and agency business systems containing a list of all added and updated supplier information.


Outbound Employee Extract (API059)

The Outbound Employee Extract file is generated by Florida PALM to send to enterprise systems and agency business systems containing a list of all added and updated employee information for use in the AP module.


Inbound DOR Supplier Levy Flag (API026)

The Inbound DOR Supplier Levy Flag interface contains a list of payees/suppliers that have a DOR levy.


The logic within the API026 Inbound DOR Supplier Levy Flag interface searches for matches of supplier records in Florida PALM against the DOR Levy database records submitted within the interface. Any supplier record matches either marks each supplier record with a DOR Levy flag and a global Payment Hold to prevent payments from being issued to the supplier or removes the DOR Levy flag and global Payment Hold per the instructions from DOR within the interface file. The supplier flags are reviewed and monitored by DFS.


Any Vouchers for suppliers that have a DOR Levy flag are routed through Voucher Workflow for auditor review.


Monitor Supplier Records

The DFS AP Supplier Approver monitors reports and the newly added and/or updated supplier records within Florida PALM to determine if any action is necessary. If the supplier record needs to be updated, the update is performed within the Add and Update Suppliers Online business subprocess.


The Supplier Detail, Minority Suppliers, 1099 Mismatch, Employee Suppliers, Duplicate Suppliers, AP Holds by Hold Type reports are available for review.


Inbound Retiree Supplier Load (API127)

Integrated Retirement Information System (IRIS) sends an Inbound Retiree Supplier File that contains retiree records and related financial institution information to Florida PALM to create supplier records within the FRS01 SetID.


Perform Interface Error Checking

Edit validations are performed on each interface before the data is allowed to load to the Accounts Payable staging tables. If file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once issue is resolved.

If file is not rejected, edit validations are performed on each transaction before the data is allowed to load for processing in the Accounts Payable module. Additional edits will be performed during the transaction life cycle.

Rejected transactions are managed through the 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process.

Edit Validations include:

  • Supplier Validation (updates)
  • TIN Validation (additions)

In addition, there are interface specific edits that pertain to AP data elements and fields.


Check AP Employee Supplier Records

If there is not sufficient data within the API127 Inbound Retiree Supplier Load file to create a supplier record, the SSN of the retiree will be checked against the AP Employee Supplier records to determine if there is a match. If there is a match, a new supplier record is established using the AP Employee Supplier record information, if there is not a match, the record is sent to the error log. More information needs to be gathered by FRS and provided within the next run of the API127 Inbound Retiree Supplier Load interface to create a supplier record for the related SSN.


Establish/Update Retiree Supplier Record

The successfully loaded supplier records either establish a supplier record in Florida PALM, or the existing supplier record is updated.

Suppliers that have not yet been prenoted are defaulted to be paid by System Check (warrant).  If a supplier Payment Method is set to ACH, the Process Pay Cycle business subprocess initiates the prenote validation. All suppliers will receive payment by System Check (warrant) until prenote validation is complete.

New Supplier records that are fully approved are identified as payees with a unique system-generated Supplier ID and are ready for use within Florida PALM.

If the Payment Method listed within the API127 Inbound Retiree Supplier Load interface is ACH, the banking information must get validated through the prenote process within the Process Pay Cycle business subprocess.


Update Retiree Supplier Record

Once the banking information has been validated or rejected within the Process Pay Cycle business subprocess, the supplier record is updated with the appropriate prenote status.


Outbound FRS Retiree Information (API038)

Florida PALM sends the Outbound FRS Retiree Information file, which includes all newly added and updated supplier information, such as Florida PALM Supplier ID, address, banking and prenote validation data for retiree supplier records, to IRIS.


Identify Need for Supplier Add/Update

The DFS AP Supplier Processor or FRS AP Retiree Supplier Viewer determines a need to establish a new supplier record or edit an existing supplier record in the FRS01 SetID.


Search Supplier Records

The DFS AP Supplier Approver or the FRS AP Retiree Supplier Viewer queries Florida PALM to confirm the supplier does not already exist, when entering a new supplier record, or finding the existing Supplier record if information needs to be updated. Florida PALM allows the ability to search by Supplier ID, Supplier Name, and Short Supplier Name. The Review Supplier screen is available for searching by Supplier TIN, or other available fields from the supplier profile. Only the DFS AP Supplier Approver has the ability to create or update supplier records in Florida PALM.


Enter/Update Retiree Supplier

The FRS AP Retiree Supplier Viewer works with the DFS AP Supplier Approver to enter information to create or update the supplier record as appropriate.

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
  • The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry



Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on this Business Process. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




Supplier Detail Report – a report that lists suppliers by name, TIN, or other identifying information

Data Warehouse


Agency, DFS



Duplicate Suppliers Report – a report to identify potential duplicate supplier records, or related suppliers

Data Warehouse


Agency, DFS



Supplier Payments Report - a report that summarizes payments, including Pcard Merchant transactions by supplier/merchant and other key data elements, including minority business codes.

Data Warehouse


Agency, DFS



1099 Mismatch Report – lists suppliers without a valid business designation that have vouchers with a 1099 reportable Account value

Data Warehouse


Agency, DFS



Employee Suppliers Report – lists employees doing business with the State as a supplier.

Data Warehouse


Agency, DFS



AP Holds by Hold Type – lists vouchers and payments marked for payment hold including the hold reason



Agency, DFS


The table below provides the Interfaces identified on the Business Process.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency




Inbound Supplier Load – Inbound interface containing new and modified suppliers from various external systems.



Florida PALM


Inbound W-9 Updates – Inbound interface containing supplier W-9 status information.


W-9 System

Florida PALM


Outbound Supplier Data  Outbound interface containing a list of all added and updated suppliers in Florida PALM.


Florida PALM

Enterprise Systems and Agency Business Systems

API026Inbound DOR Supplier Levy Flag - Inbound interface containing a list of suppliers who have a levy against them by DOR.DailyDepartment of Revenue
Florida PALM


Inbound Employee Load – Inbound interface containing employee information to load employee data profiles in Florida PALM.


Human Capital Management (HCM), Florida PALM

Accounts Payable (AP), Florida PALM


Outbound FRS Retiree Information – Outbound interface containing retiree information to include prenote status, to FRS.DailyFlorida PALMIRIS


Outbound Employee Extract – Outbound interface of employee information for use by enterprise systems and agency business systems.
Florida PALM
Enterprise Systems and Agency Business Systems


Inbound Retiree Supplier Load - Inbound Interface containing retiree banking information for prenote and payment purposes.



Florida PALM


The table below provides the forms identified on this Business Process.

Form Number

Form Description




The table below provides the workflows identified on this Business Process.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

02/13/2024Clarified all integration points of supplier information and defined FRS process
Step 1 Description
  • AP Reporter (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role assigned to view AP reports in Florida PALM
  • Confidential AP Viewer (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role to view confidential data in AP reports in Florida PALM 

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