Inbound Journal Spreadsheet Upload (GLI011)
  • 29 May 2024
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Inbound Journal Spreadsheet Upload (GLI011)

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Article summary

Interface Description

This interface was implemented in CMS Wave and will be updated in Financials Wave. The information in this article is the planned design for Financials Wave.

GLI011 is an Inbound Journal Spreadsheet Upload interface that contains journal entries that are loaded into the Florida PALM system in mass via the Spreadsheet Upload functionality. Journal Spreadsheet Upload interface is one of the ways to post journal entries within the General Ledger (GL). The GL is the module, within Florida PALM, to record, summarize, and report financial data.

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data files.


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Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria include the following:

Data Field

Data Field Details

Number of Data Fields - Required

  • Single data file: The file you attached to this page is the data file containing journal data.
  • Index file to other data files: The file you attached to this page is an index file containing file path and file names to one or more data files stored elsewhere.

Character Set – Required

  • Select the character set of the flat file being imported. For example, you can specify ISO_8859-1 for English, which will be the default.

If Journal ID Already Exists – Required

  • Abort - If this option is selected as ‘Abort’ on run control page then Spreadsheet journal import process aborts processing if existing journal ID is used in input file. Process logs an error for the journal and terminate complete processing.
  • Skip – If this option is selected as ‘Skip’ on run control page then Spreadsheet journal import process skip processing if existing journal ID is used in input file. Process logs an error for the journal and completes processing other journals within input file. By default, ‘If Journal ID Already Exists’ is set to ‘Skip’.
  • Update - If this option is selected as ‘Update’ on run control page then Spreadsheet journal import process updates existing non-posted journal in Florida PALM if existing journal ID is used in input file. Process does not log any error.

If Journal is Invalid – Required

  • Abort – If this option is selected as ‘Abort’ on run control page then Spreadsheet journal import process aborts processing if any journal in input file has any data validation error. Process logs an error for the journal and terminates complete processing.
  • Skip - If this option is selected as ‘Skip’ on run control page then Spreadsheet journal import process skip processing for journal if any it has any data validation error. Process logs an error for the journal and complete processing for remaining journals within input file. By default, ‘If Journal is Invalid’ is set to ‘Skip’.

Add File – Required

  • Attached XML file.

Journal Processing

Options - Optional

  • Select Edit Journal(s) – Checkbox is always selected and grayed out on the page. This option helps to perform journal edit validation before loading Spreadsheet data into Florida PALM.
  • Recalc Exchange Rates– Checkbox is always unselected and grayed out on the page.
  • Approval Option – Checkbox is always unselected and grayed out on the page.

File Layout

Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below. 

Data Field Name

Record Type

Data Field Description

Sequence Number

Journal Header

Sequence number is temporary ID to track distinct journal details in Spreadsheet. Sequence number is auto incremented within Spreadsheet.


Journal Header

Represents the Business Unit. Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.

Journal ID

Journal Header

Identifies a journal entry, consisting of a header and one or more lines. A value of NEXT in this field create auto-numbered unique journal IDs in Florida PALM.

Journal Date

Journal Header

Specifies the transaction date the journal was created.


Journal Header

Used to provide a short description reflecting the purpose of the journal.

Ledger Group

Journal Header

One or more ledgers indicating where journal entries will be posted to affect financial balances.


Journal Header

Identifies where the journal entries will be recorded to impact financial balances.


Journal Header

Identifies the origin of a journal entry to facilitate inquiries and reporting.

Operator ID

Journal Header

Used to provide Operator ID, which processes XML file and loads journals into Florida PALM.

Currency Effective Date

Journal Header

Specifies the effective date for selected currency code on journal header.

Reversal Code

Journal Header

A flag that indicates if a journal entry should be automatically reversed, and if so, with what date. When associated with a reversal entry, it indicates that the entry was created automatically by the reversal process.

Reversal Date

Journal Header

Specifies the date for an automatic reversal journal entry.

Auto Gen Lines

Journal Header

Used to define auto generate lines flag.

Adjustment Entry

Journal Header

Adjusting entry is an entry recorded at the end of the accounting period to record month end or year end adjustments which includes audit adjustments, adjustments performed to support financial reporting like GAAP, Full Accrual etc.

Adjusting Period

Journal Header

Month-end or Year-end adjustments are segregated from the regular accounting period(s). Adjustment period is used to record the month end or year-end adjustment.

Journal Line

Journal Line

Uniquely identifies a journal line with a sequence number. Within a single journal entry, the line sequence begins with 1 and automatically increments by 1 for each succeeding journal line. There can be any number of lines associated with a journal header.


Journal Line

Represents the Business Unit. Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions.


Journal Line

Defines the appropriate Ledger for the transaction.


Journal Line

Provides functionality to capture detailed transactional data. Can be specified as a balance sheet account or operating account.


Journal Line

Code that defines ChartField line information for GL Journals. The full ChartField String as defined in the SpeedKey will be populated onto the GL Journals during the file load process.


Journal Line

Organization ChartField tracks information according to a breakdown of your organization.


Journal Line

Fund is used to segregate and capture specific activities or classify certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.

Budget Entity

Journal Line

Budget Entity represents organizations and/or functions to which appropriations are made and typically represents a program. Budget Entity will retain the same value as in the current business system.


Journal Line

Category represents both appropriation categories and revenue source codes. Category in PALM is mapped one-one with the current business system.

State Program

Journal Line

State Program is used to identify the plan for an organization and use of resources to meet specified objectives of the State.


Journal Line

Grant ID value used to track financial assistance that provides support or stimulation to accomplish a public purpose.


Journal Line

Contract ChartField captures expenditure and revenue transactions for two party agreements.


Journal Line

OA1 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.


Journal Line

OA2 is a flexible ChartField reserved for tracking for optional reporting or specific use.

PC Business Unit

Journal Line

Used to define an organization or organizational subset that is independent with regards to one or more accounting or operational functions for Project related ChartFields.


Journal Line

Project is used to capture a planned undertaking, having a finite beginning and a finite ending, can cross fiscal years, for which expenditures/costs and revenues are to be tracked


Journal Line

Activity tracks specific tasks that make up a Project and records transactional details; a Project must have at least one associated Activity ID.

PC Source Type

Journal Line

The Source Type ChartField identifies the purpose or origin of a Project-related transaction.

PC Category

Journal Line

The Project Category ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.

PC Subcategory  

Journal Line

The Subcategory ChartField provides more flexibility and granularity in tracking and analyzing financial activity associated with a Project.

Base Amount

Journal Line

Specifies the monetary amount of a debit or credit in the business unit base currency. Debit entries are positive and credit entries are negative. Value includes decimal point and two decimals, i.e., 9999.99.

Budget Date

Journal Line

Indicates the date within the correlating budget period that the journal is eligible to be budget checked against.


Journal Line

Used to store a reference information for a particular line.


Journal Line

Description of the journal line which is populated with the Account ChartField value description as a default unless a specified value is provided.

Inter/IntraUnit Group Number

Journal Line

Groups a set of journal lines as a set of InterUnit or IntraUnit transactions.

Inter/IntraUnit Anchor

Journal Line

Indicates which journal line contains the anchor Business Unit value for the InterUnit or IntraUnit transactions.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

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