Outbound Employee Extract (API059)
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Outbound Employee Extract (API059)

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Article summary

Interface Description

The Set Up and Maintain Suppliers business process encompasses all activities required to set up and use a supplier record, including adding a new supplier record or requesting updates to an existing record, validating a Supplier TIN, marking a supplier as confidential, and intercepting a supplier payment for various business events.

In Florida PALM, all payees are called suppliers (also known as vendors). This includes retirees, payroll suppliers, and employees. Supplier records must be established before receiving payments, except when using a Single Payment Supplier. Florida PALM provides a process for receiving supplier information from agency business systems and enterprise systems like MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) and People First to import or manually record suppliers into Florida PALM.

API022 Inbound Employee Load will leverage the delivered Employee Sync to get employee information from HCM to load employee data profiles in Florida PALM.

With this Outbound Interface, Employee Suppliers' records will be extracted from Florida PALM and interfaced to Agency Business System and STMS.

Click below to view the interface file layout and sample data file.

Business Process Model

This interface can be found in the following business processes:

Selection Criteria

The interface data selection criteria include the following:

Data Field

Data Field Details

Business Unit (Required)


Employee Date From (Required) 


Employee Date To (Required) 


File Layout

Field names and descriptions from the interface layout are provided below. 

Data Field Name
Record Type
Data Field Description
Record CodeHeaderRecord Code identifying the information on the record.
Employee Supplier IDHeaderFlorida PALM Supplier ID number.
Employee Name 1HeaderSupplier name.
Employee Name 2HeaderAdditional space for Supplier name, e.g., DBA.
StatusHeaderSupplier status.
Default LocationHeaderIndicates the default Location to be used by the supplier. 
Protected IdentityHeaderUsed to identify Protected Identity of Employee
Restricted RelativeHeaderUsed to identify Restricted Relative value of Employee
Restricted EmployeeHeaderUsed to identify if Employee is restricted.
Sworn CertifiedHeaderUsed to identify if Employee is Sworn Certified
Filler1HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5HeaderThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeConfidential BURecord Code identifying the information on the record.
Employee Supplier IDConfidential BUThis field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier ID for the Supplier SetID provided.
Business UnitConfidential BUCan have multiple Business Units.
Filler1Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10Confidential BUThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeAdditional IDRecord Code identifying the information on the record.
Employee Supplier IDAdditional IDThis field will contain a valid Florida PALM Supplier ID for the Supplier SetID provided.
Additional ID TypeAdditional IDUsed to capture the  Supplier tax identification number or social security number.
Additional ID NumberAdditional ID Supplier tax identification number.
Filler1Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10Additional IDThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeLocationRecord Code identifying the information on the record.
Employee Supplier IDLocationFlorida PALM Supplier ID number.
Location Effective DateLocationDate from which the location is effective.
Location Effective StatusLocationStatus of the Location
Location NameLocationName and primary identifier for a given Supplier Location.
Payment MethodLocationIdentifies the Supplier's payment method.
Filler1LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10LocationThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Record CodeAddressRecord Code identifying the information on the record.
Employee Supplier IDAddressFlorida PALM Supplier ID number.
Address Sequence No.AddressIndicates Employee supplier address sequence number.
Address Effective DateAddressDate from which the address is effective.
Address Effective StatusAddressStatus of the Address
Remitting Address 1AddressDesignates the Supplier's default Remitting address.
Remitting Address 2AddressAdditional Supplier address information, e.g., Attention To, Apt., Suite, etc.
Remitting Address 3AddressAdditional Supplier address information, e.g., Attention To, Apt., Suite, etc.
Remitting CityAddressDesignates the City that the Supplier is located in.
Remitting CountyAddressDesignates the County that the Supplier is located in.
Remitting State/ProvinceAddressDesignates the State/Province that the Supplier is located in.
Remitting PostalAddressDesignates the Postal Code that the Supplier is located in.
Remitting CountryAddressDesignates the Country that the Supplier is located in.
Employee Phone Number TypeAddressDesignates Employee phone number type. It will default Business (BUSN). Required if entering a Employee phone number.
Employee Phone Number PrefixAddressDesignates the area code for the Employee phone number.
Employee Phone NumberAddressDesignates the Employee phone number.
Employee Phone ExtensionAddressDesignates the Employee phone extension.
Filler1AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler2AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler3AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler4AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler5AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler6AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler7AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler8AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler9AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.
Filler10AddressThis field is reserved for future use in Florida PALM.

Version History


Revision Description


Original Version.

Updated as per DDID #0599 to include the Location Default Indicator.
Updated as per DDID #0624 to include the Supplier ID in every record.
Admin update for valid values of Additional ID Number field.
07/08/2024Added File Layout and Sample Data to the article.
02/05/2025Updated per Version History:
1/16/2025: Admin update for updating Record Type filler fields from 'Additional ID' to 'Confidential BU'

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