Agency Estimated Revenue (20.1.4)
  • 25 Sep 2024
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Agency Estimated Revenue (20.1.4)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

Revenue estimates are essential for planning purposes to ensure that agencies have adequate resources to support the agency’s core mission. The budget process is proactive in that it anticipates and projects future needs regarding revenue estimates. Agencies can use Florida PALM to analyze past revenue collected to assist in developing revenue estimates budget journals throughout the fiscal year, as appropriate, and before closing the fiscal year. These actions will position agencies to make informed decisions on allocating resources, especially when Appropriations are unequal to the available cash resources.

Business Process DiagramBusiness Process Diagram for 20.1.4 Agency Estimated Revenue

Business Process Diagram for 20.1.4 Agency Estimated Revenue

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where different parties or systems perform activities. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, is representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step, describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Review Prior Year Revenue Collected

The Agency KK Budget Processor reviews prior year(s) revenue collected to assist in developing revenue estimates Budget Journals throughout the fiscal year, as appropriate, and before closing the fiscal year.

The Available Balance Dashboard, Revenue Report, and the Schedule of Allotment Balances Report are available for review and management purposes.


Create Revenue Estimates Request (New/ Adjustment)

The Agency KK Budget Processor monitors revenue estimates for Trust Funds throughout the fiscal year. Revenue estimates are created at the Transactional Fund level only and can be updated as appropriate throughout the fiscal year and before the closing fiscal year. Internal agency policy should provide guidance on how revenue estimates are monitored and managed.  Florida PALM provides three methods for agencies to create revenue estimates which are manual budget journals online, spreadsheet upload tool or import agency revenue estimates data using the inbound budget journal interface to be used by agency business system.

The Agency Commitments Report, Spend Plan Projections Report, and Annual Operating Budget Report are available for review and management purposes.


Create/Edit Manual Revenue Estimates Budget Journals

The Agency KK Budget Processor navigates to the Enter Budget Journals page online within Florida PALM, which can be used for a low number of revenue estimates budget journals.

The Agency KK Budget Processor will create or adjust revenue estimates budget journals for the designated agency using applicable {{glossary.ChartField}} combinations. Budget journal entries require only a single-sided entry. The Agency KK Budget Processor can add supporting documentation to the enter revenue budget journals budget header screen.

Once the Agency KK Budget Processor has successfully created manual revenue estimates budget journals, using the appropriate ChartField combinations, the manual revenue estimates budget journals are routed internally via workflow functionality for review and approval by the Agency KK Budget Maintainer for posting to the budget ledger.

Separation of duties will be controlled through Commitment Control Security, i.e., the Agency KK Budget Processor creating budget journals cannot approve the same budget journals.

The use of the Enter Budget Journals page online could produce errors preventing the creation and adjustment of revenue estimates budget journals. The revenue estimates data lines containing errors will need to be resolved before they can be posted to the revenue budget ledger in Florida PALM. If there are no errors, then the revenue estimates budget journals can be reviewed and approved to be posted.

Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header Tab shown below depicts the Revenue Ledger (CC_REVENUE). The other example is the Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Lines Tab.


Run Edit Check

The edit check process will run at the designated interval. The edit check process will validate that ChartField values are active, validate combination edit rules applicable to the transaction (i.e., does the transaction reflect an accurate Budget Entity to State Program correlation), and validate that the accounting period is open.


Inbound Budget Journal Spreadsheet Upload (KKI012, KKW001)

The creation or adjustment of revenue estimates budget journals may be completed via the spreadsheet upload, which can be used for a large number of revenue estimates budget journals.

Once the Agency KK Budget Processor or the Agency KK Spreadsheet Upload Processor has completed the spreadsheet upload template for revenue estimate budget journals, the spreadsheet is uploaded into Florida PALM. The spreadsheet upload for revenue estimates budget journals does not require approval through workflow for posting to the allotments budget ledger. 

If spreadsheet upload file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once issue is resolved.  Rejected transactions are managed through the Interface Error Handling Process.  If spreadsheet upload file is not rejected, the revenue estimates load/import process is performed and successfully creates the revenue estimates in Florida PALM.

Internal agency policy should guide the access and use the upload template for revenue estimates budget journals.


Execute Revenue Estimates Load/Import Process

Once the revenue estimates budget journals are saved, the execute Revenue Estimates Import Process program imports agency revenue estimates budget journals via the spreadsheet upload into the budget header and budget line tables of the revenue budget ledger in Florida PALM.  The execution of the Revenue Estimates Import Process could produce errors preventing the upload of revenue estimates budget journals. If there are no errors, then the revenue estimates budget journals will proceed with edit check and budget check processes.


Create or Modify Interface Revenue Estimates Budget Journal

The creation or adjustment of revenue estimates budget journals is done via a designated interface, in compliance with the interface data file layout, which can be used for the highest number of revenue estimates budget journals to be used by agency business system.

Once the Agency KK Budget Processor has successfully created the interface revenue budget journals, using the appropriate ChartField combinations, the interface revenue estimates budget journals proceed through the transaction lifecycle.


Inbound Revenue Estimates Budget Journal (KKI001)

Revenue estimates data file is electronically generated by the agency business system and transmitted to Florida PALM. Revenue estimates data file conforms to the Inbound Budget Journal data layout.

If the revenue estimates interface data file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected, and the file must be resubmitted once the issue is resolved. Rejected transactions are managed through the Interface 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process. If the revenue estimates interface data file is not rejected, the load data file, evaluation, and validation process are performed.


Load Inbound Revenue Estimates Data File

The Budget Load/Import Process loads revenue estimates interface data file from the agency business system into Florida PALM staging tables to prepare revenue estimates data file for validation.


Evaluate Inbound Revenue Estimates Data Files

The systematic evaluation and validation of the revenue estimate interface data file includes the count of revenue estimates data lines, monetary amounts, COA budgetary codes, and interface layout.

Through the Budget Import Process, if there are no errors, revenue estimates budget journals are created and posted to the revenue budget ledger. If errors are detected, the revenue estimates data lines containing errors will be excluded in the creation of the budget journals. The revenue estimates data lines containing errors will need to be resolved before they can be posted to the revenue budget ledger in Florida PALM.


Update ChartField Values on Transaction Line

Suppose revenue estimates budget journals are not created due to errors. In that case, the Agency KK Budget Processor will confirm if ChartField values have not been configured to create revenue estimates budget journals.

The Agency KK Budget Processor follows the Subprocess 10.1.1 Agency Add or Modify ChartField Values Business Process to set up the appropriate ChartFields in Florida PALM. The Agency KK Budget Processor and Agency KK Budget Maintainer will confirm that any new ChartFields are successfully created before revenue estimates budget journals can be created.


Submit Manual Revenue Estimates Budget Journals for Approval (KKW001)

The Agency KK Budget Processor submits manual revenue estimates Budget Journals internally via Workflow functionality to the Agency KK Budget Maintainer for approval, editing, or rejection.


Approve, Edit, or Reject Manual Revenue Estimates Budget Journals (KKW001)

The Agency KK Budget Maintainer receives manual revenue estimates budget journals internally via workflow functionality from the Agency KK Budget Processor for approval, editing, or rejection and takes the appropriate action.

Florida PALM Commitment Control Security controls the separation of duties whereas, once an Agency KK Budget Maintainer edits a budget journal, the workflow will systematically reassign the request to another Agency KK Budget Maintainer for review and approval.


Run Budget Check

The Budget Check process will run at the designated interval. Budget check will post completed budget journals to the budget ledger.


Post Budget Journals

During the Agency Estimated Revenue business process, revenue estimates budget journals are posted to update the revenue budget ledger to reflect budget revenue estimates created or adjusted.

The Agency KK Budget Processor uses the Budget Detail Activity Report to verify the allotments budget journal posting process from all methods has been posted.


Manage Budget Exceptions

The Agency KK Budget Maintainer can update the ChartField string to resolve budget exceptions. Budget Check exceptions continue to be systematically checked until they are resolved and do not proceed until they are corrected or adjusted for the Agency Estimated Revenue business process. Please see 20.2.1 Manage Budget Checking for more information.

The Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report, online Exception Inquiry page, Process Monitor, and Commitment Control Notification feature, including notifications by email and workflow worklist, are available to assist in managing exceptions for resolution.


Verify Revenue Estimates Posted

The Agency KK Budget Processor verifies revenue estimates have been successfully posted by generating queries and/or reports.

The Available Balance Dashboard and Revenue Report are available for review of posted appropriations for review and management purposes.


Notify Agency Programs of Successful Revenue Estimates Posted

The Agency KK Budget Processor notifies agency programs after revenue estimates journals have been successfully posted.


Outbound Budget Extract (KKI009)

Florida PALM will allow agencies to export agency revenue estimates to agency business systems directly from Florida PALM by using the Outbound Budget Extract Interface on demand.

Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header Tab

Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header Tab

Budget Journals Entry Page Budget, Budget Lines TabBudget Journals Entry Page Budget, Budget Lines Tab

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, {{glossary.Budget Check}}, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) before posting the transaction.
  • If the transaction passes the budget check process, the Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash).
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry


Records Revenue Estimates Budget Journals

Records Revenue Estimates Balances

No Entry

No Entry


Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step. 

Report NumberReport RICEFWReport DescriptionReport SourceReport FrequencyDFS



Budget Detail Activity Report – A custom report that provides budget journal detail based on user-defined criteria. The report will be provided by business unit, ledger, and ChartField combination at a specified time period.



DFS, Agency



Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report – A report displaying budget and cash check exceptions, balances, vouchers with errors and budget exceptions, and vouchers where an override was applied.



DFS Agency



Schedule of Allotment Balances Report – Report which provides an accrual basis budget report within an expenditure category and account code for recorded allotments, encumbrances, expenditures, and remaining balances. The report is grouped by Fund and/or Budget Entity and available at designated time periods by ChartField combinations.






Agency Commitements Report – A report that provides encumbrances and payables by ChartField combinations.



DFS, EOG/OPB, Agency



Spend Plan Report – A report displaying appropriations balances, encumbrances, expenditures (actuals and scheduled payments), and available balances.

Data Warehouse


DFS, Agency



Revenue Report – A report displaying revenue estimates, revenue recognized, and revenue collected by Fund, Budget Entity, Category, and account code by ChartField combinations



DFS, Agency


The table below identifies the Conversions related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams but are essential elements of each Business Process.

Conversion Number

Conversion Description




The table below provides the Interface IDs for each interface identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency




Inbound Budget Journal – Inbound interface containing General Appropriations Act (GAA)/Adjusted Appropriations, Supplementals, Budget Amendments, and Certified Forward Reversions (July & February). Agencies can load budget allotments and estimated revenue data into Florida PALM.


LAS/PBS, Agency Business System

Florida PALM


Outbound Budget Extract – Outbound budget extract of budget journals from Florida PALM to agencies


Florida PALM

Agency Business Systems


Inbound Budget Journal Spreadsheet Upload – Inbound interface containing budget journal entries loaded into the system en masse via the Import Budget Journal functionality, including Carry Forward Appropriations.


Agency Business Systems

Florida PALM


The table below provides the Form Numbers for any forms identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Form Number

Form Description




The table below provides the Workflow Numbers for any workflows identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Budget Journal Workflow – Workflow that routes budget journals for approval.

Agency KK Budget Maintainer

Version History

DateRevision Description


Original Version

12/22/2023Added Agency KK Spreadsheet Upload Processor role for uploading Inbound Budget Journal Spreadsheet
02/05/2024Clarifying narrative regarding budget allotments being required for transactions and spreadsheet upload method does not require agency approval through workflow.
09/25/2024Removed KKR013 Annual Operating Budget report.


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