Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Types
  • 22 Jul 2024
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Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Types

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Article summary

The Inter/IntraUnit (IU) module allows State agencies to engage in transactions with each other or within their agency. These transactions can take several forms, including loans, transfer of resources, reclassifications, and the provision of services between funds. For instance, one agency may provide a service to another agency and subsequently be reimbursed for the cost incurred. Alternatively, one agency might transfer funds to another to support specific projects or initiatives.  

Below is a list of IU transactions. You can click on each transaction to drill down and view a description of the transaction, Business Process Model (BPM), and Workflow applicable to the IU transaction.

IU Encumbrances

IU Encumbrances

IU Encumbrances are used to obligate Agency Appropriations for goods or services ordered within State agencies and are subsequently liquidated when the goods or services are received and approved for payment.

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IU Accruals


A Payable/Receivable is an accrual transaction used to record financial exchanges between two agencies or funds, specifically for the payment of goods or services. It enables agencies to recognize expenses and revenues in the period they are incurred, irrespective of the timing of the actual cash transactions. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending agency side of the transaction is used to record a payable, indicating an obligation to pay for the goods or services received.

  • The receiving agency side of the transaction is used to record a receivable, indicating an entitlement to receive payment for the goods or services provided.

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Due To/Due From

A Due To/Due From is an accrual transaction used to record financial exchanges between two agencies or funds that are not related to the payment of goods or services. These transactions are used to account for inter-agency transfers, reimbursements, or any other financial activities that involve the movement of funds or recognition of obligations and entitlements outside the context of purchasing or selling goods and services. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending agency side of the transaction is used to record a Due To payable, indicating an obligation to transfer funds or settle an amount with the receiving agency.

  • The receiving agency side of the transaction is used to record a Due From receivable, indicating an entitlement to receive funds or settle an amount from the sending agency.

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Trust Fund Loan Issuance

A Trust Fund Loan Issuance is an IU transaction recorded by the Department of Financial Services (DFS) to document the loan transfer of funds. In this transaction:

  • The DFS sending agency side of the transaction is used to record the loan transfer of funds to receiving agency and establishes the accounts receivable due from the receiving agency.

  • The receiving agency side of the transaction is used to record the loan revenue and establishes the accounts payable.

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Trust Fund Loan Repayment

A Trust Fund Loan Repayment is an IU transaction used to make a payment on the Trust Fund Loan. Agencies will make a payment against the Trust Fund Loan Issuance accrual transaction which will lower the remaining balance of the trust fund loan. In this transaction:

  • The sending agency side of the transaction is used to record a payment on the loan.

  • The DFS receiving agency side of the transaction systematically records the revenue received for the loan repayment.

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Advance Issuance

An Advance Issuance is an IU transaction used to record the advance of funds from one fund to another. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record the advance of funds to the receiving agency, and establishes the accounts receivable due from the receiving agency.

  • The receiving agency side of the transaction is used to record the advance revenue and establishes the accounts payable due to the sending agency.

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Advance Repayment

An Advance Repayment is an IU transaction used to make a payment on the Advance. Agencies will make the payment against the Advance Issuance accrual transaction which will lower the remaining balance of the Advance.

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Accrual Balance Adjustment

An Accrual Balance Adjustment is an accounting entry transaction used to adjust (i.e., increase, decrease) the remaining balance of an IU Accrual. This transaction requires approval from both the sending and receiving agencies. An Accrual Balance Adjustment transaction can be performed on the following IU Accruals:

  • Payable/Receivable

  • Due To/Due From

  • Trust Fund Loan Issuance

  • Advance Issuance

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An Expenditure/Revenue is an IU transaction used to record financial exchanges between two agencies, specifically for the payment of goods or services. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record expenditure for goods/services.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record the revenue for goods/services provided.

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A Transfer is an IU transaction used for the movement of cash from one fund to another that is not a payment for goods and services. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving from.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving to.

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General Revenue Transfer

A General Revenue Transfer is an IU transaction used for the movement of funds to or from the General Revenue Fund. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving from.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving to.

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Federal Funds Transfer

A Federal Funds Transfer is an IU transactions used for the movement of federal funds from one fund to another. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving from.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving to.

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Residual Equity Transfer

Residual Equity Transfer is an IU transaction used to record nonrecurring or non-routine transfer of equity between funds. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving from.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record where the funds are moving to.

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GR Service Charge Payment

A GR Service Charge Payment is an IU transaction used to record the payment of the General Revenue Service Charge. In this transaction:

  • The sending agency side of the transaction is used to record an expenditure of the GR Service Charge.

  • The DFS receiving agency side of the transaction systematically records the revenue received for the GR Service Charge payment.

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Revenue to Revenue

A Revenue to Revenue is an IU transaction used to move funds from one revenue account to another revenue account. This type of transaction can occur either between different agencies or within a single agency. In this transaction:

  • The sending side of the transaction is used to backout the revenue from its current location.

  • The receiving side of the transaction is used to record the revenue in the correct revenue account.

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IU Reclassification

An IU Reclassification is an IU transaction occurring within an agency and used to correct accounting or redistribute expenditures or revenues.

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Payroll Reclassification

A Payroll Reclassification is an IU transaction occurring within an agency and used to correct accounting or redistribute payroll expenditures.

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Reverse IU Transaction

Reverse IU Transaction

A Reverse IU Transaction allows agencies to create a new transaction to record the reversal of an existing IU transaction.

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