Manage and Reconcile Bank Statements (70.2)
Business Process Overview
The Manage and Reconcile Bank Statements business process is within the Banking (BK) business process grouping. BK includes a collection of business processes that:
- Manage banking relationships
- Manage interest apportionment for agencies and external entities
- Support reconciliation of the concentration bank account, agency sub-accounts, and the bank account balances to general ledger balances
- Support the management of cash transfers between bank accounts; and
- Support agency requests of Treasury.
This business process addresses how transactions in the Concentration Bank Account and related agency sub-accounts will be reconciled in Florida PALM. This business process also supports the review, escalation, and resolution of transactions reconciliation exceptions. Section 17.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires the deposit of money in the State Treasury to be deposited in qualified public depositories. Section 116.01, F.S., requires funds collected and due to the State to be deposited in the State Treasury no later than seven working days from the close of the week in which funds were received. Section 215.31, F.S., provides that revenue collected or received shall be promptly deposited in the State Treasury, immediately credited to the appropriate fund, and properly accounted for by the Department of Financial Services (DFS). Section 17.52, F.S., provides that DFS Division of Treasury (Treasury) is responsible for paying all warrants on the State Treasury drawn by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and other orders by the CFO for the disbursement of State funds by electronic means. Section 17.555, F.S., requires Treasury to keep a record of the warrants or other orders of the CFO that Treasury pays. Section 17.56, F.S., requires Treasury to turn over to DFS Division of Accounting and Auditing (A&A) all warrants drawn by the CFO and paid by Treasury.
Florida PALM receives a daily previous day bank statement from the banking partner, which includes the Concentration Account and related sub-accounts, disbursement accounts, the Consolidated Revolving Account (CRA), and any revolving accounts transacting in Florida PALM source modules. This daily statement is reconciled to the activity in the source modules. When discrepancies in reconciliation occur, agencies work with Treasury to correct the source transaction or request a correction from the banking partner. Agencies with sub-systems that need electronic bank statements, receive a daily interface file of activity transmitted by the banking partner.
Business Process Diagram
Dependencies and Constraints
Dependencies and Constraints describe any conditions or criteria that impact how or when the business process should be executed. These could be set within Florida PALM or from external sources (i.e., Law or Rule).
- Receiving bank transactions is dependent upon bank systems being operational and the availability of statement files
- Transactions are recorded in the source modules and are available for automated reconciliation
- Bank file layout updates are dependent upon state banking contract
Business Roles
The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where activities are performed by different parties or systems. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, are representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess.
- Bank: (Non-Florida PALM role) the banking partner by which bank accounts are provided
- CM Bank Reconciliation Processor: DFS role responsible for reconciling bank accounts in Florida PALM
- Agency Banking Reporter: (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) Agency role responsible for running cash management reports
Business Process Flows Details
The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.
Process Step ID | Process Step Title | Description of Process |
1 | Inbound Previous Day Bank Statement File (CMI003) | The banking partner generates the previous day bank statement (i.e., BAI2) file for each bank account. The bank statements contain all balances, deposits, and disbursements posted to each bank account. |
2 | Inbound Previous Day Bank Statement Addenda File (CMI015, CMI017) | The banking partner generates the previous day bank statement addenda file as necessary for each bank account. The bank statements contain additional details for transactions posted to each bank account. |
3 | Import Bank Statement | Florida PALM imports the bank statements for all bank accounts automatically reconciled in Florida PALM. |
4 | Extract BAI Bank Statement Data | Florida PALM generates an agency bank statement interface for agencies which bank statements are transmitted to their agency business systems (e.g., Department of Revenue, CRA statement recipients). |
5 | Outbound BAI Bank Statement Interface (CMI013) | The agency bank statement interface is transmitted to agencies daily. |
6 | Extract Certificate of Deposit (CD) Principal Payments | CD application extracts the principal payment data. |
7 | Inbound External Transactions (CMI005) | If there are transactions for the bank account that are not recorded in a source module (i.e., Accounts Payable (AP), Accounts Receivable (AR), Cash Management (CM), or Payroll (HCM) agencies transmit the data to Florida PALM as external transactions for reconciliation purposes. |
8 | Import External Transactions | Florida PALM imports external transactions to create system transactions. After we receive CMI005 External transactions, payroll cash clearing entries are created. |
9 | Process Automatic Reconciliation | Immediately after import, bank statement transactions are reconciled to the corresponding system transactions, which were recorded as deposits via the 60.2 Deposit and Apply Receipts Business Process, disbursements via the 30.4 Process Payments business process, or the 70.4 Process Bank Cash Transfers Business Process. ACH Return transactions will be loaded and addressed as part of the 30.5 Manage Payments process. |
10 | Outbound Payroll Reconciled Warrants, Prenotes and ACH NOCs (CMI018) | The outbound interface is transmitted to Payroll module daily. |
11 | Extract Bank Deposit Transactions | Florida PALM generates a deposit file in which bank statement transactions are interfaced to agencies for use in their business systems. |
12 | Outbound Bank Deposit Transactions (CMI004) | The agency bank deposit transaction interface is transmitted to agencies daily. |
13 | Perform Bank Statement Accounting | For any transactions which are first notice presentments (e.g., sweeps between bank accounts or bank fees), Florida PALM automatically generates accounting. If the statement is fully reconciled, the process is complete. After bank reconciliation, payroll accounting entries will be created. |
14 | Review Exceptions | Any transaction that needs additional review, are reviewed manually by the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor and the appropriate action is taken. As part of this review, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor determines if the source transaction needs to be corrected. If so, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processors works with the source Transaction Processor to correct the source transaction. If the source transactions are correct, a bank correction is completed. For accounts managed by agencies, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor at the agency submits the Treasury Correspondence Form (CMF007 Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance form) for transactions that need to be corrected by the bank. |
15 | Resolve Exceptions | If the source transaction needs to be updated, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor resolves the exception or works with the appliable agency or DFS role that is responsible for resolving exceptions in the Florida PALM source module. If needed, the agency or DFS role may also update transactions in external systems. |
16 | Notify Bank | For agencies with authority to contact the bank directly, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor at the agency notifies the bank of the change needed. For all other accounts, Treasury notifies the bank of the change needed. |
17 | Bank Reviews and Adjusts Account | The bank researches the issue and adjusts the account for any discrepancies between items presented and items recorded in the account. |
18 | Force Reconciliation | The CM Bank Reconciliation Processor forces the bank and system transactions to reconcile. This generates an accounting entry to record the discrepancy. Upon the correction posting to the bank account, Florida PALM creates the accounting to reverse the discrepancy. |
19 | Generate Treasury Accounting | Florida PALM generates accounting entries for accounting events associated with Bank Statement Accounting (i.e., first notice presentments, bank errors, and External Transactions) recorded in Florida PALM. |
20 | Review and Approve Accounting | If accounting exceptions exist, the CM Bank Reconciliation Processor reviews and resolves the accounting exception within Florida PALM. |
Agency Configurations
The table below identifies the Agency Configurations related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams; however, these items are important elements of each Business Process.
Configuration Number | Configuration Description | Configuration Maintainer |
C-CM012 | Accounting Templates | DFS (Treasury) |
C-AR031 | Distribution Code | DFS (Treasury) |
Accounting Events
Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).
- Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
- The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
- After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.
The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.
Acct Event ID | Accounting Event | Source Module Accounting Entry | Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact | General Ledger (Actuals) Entry |
N/A |
Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on this Business Process. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step.
Report Number | Report RICEFW ID | Report Description | Report Source | Report Frequency | Audience |
R1 | CMR007 | Bank Statement Report – provides the bank statement transactions and balances | Florida PALM | Periodic | Agency, DFS |
R2 | CMR005 | Reconciled/Unreconciled Bank Transactions – lists banking items reconciled or unreconciled for a designated time period by bank account | Florida PALM | Periodic | Agency, DFS |
R3 | CMR004 | BAI Transaction Counts – Lists all BAI codes associated with the bank/bank account combination and counts the number of BAI codes received for the date range. | Florida PALM | Periodic | Agency, DFS |
R4 | CMR018 | BAI Transaction Summary – List of transactions by BAI code for Deposits, ACHs, and Wires. Includes total dollar amount by BAI code and percentage of electronic payments. | Florida PALM | Periodic | Agency, DFS |
The table below provides the Interfaces identified on the Business Process.
Interface Number | Interface Description | Interface Frequency | Source | Target |
CMI003 | Inbound Previous Day Bank Statement File - BAI2 information for bank statements from banking partners for previous day statements. | Daily | Third Party | Florida PALM |
CMI004 | Outbound Bank Deposit Transactions - Detailed bank deposit transactions by bank account distributed to agencies. | Daily | Florida PALM | Agency Business Systems |
CMI005 | Inbound External Transactions - Detailed data for banking transactions created from external systems. | Daily | Source Module, Agency Business Systems | Florida PALM |
CMI013 | Outbound BAI Bank Statements - Outbound interface containing BAI2 formatted previous day bank statement from Florida PALM to agencies. | Daily | Florida PALM | Agency Business Systems |
CMI015 | Inbound Previous Day Bank Statement Addenda File (Wells Fargo) – Inbound interface containing addenda information for bank statements from Wells Fargo for previous day statements. | Daily | Third Party | Florida PALM |
CMI017 | Inbound Previous Day Bank Statement Addenda File (NIC) - Inbound interface containing addenda information for bank statements from banking partners for previous day statements. | Daily | Third Party | Florida PALM |
CMI018 | Outbound Payroll Reconciled Warrants, Prenotes and ACH NOCs - Outbound interface containing reconciled payroll warrants, as well as rejected prenotes and ACH Notice of Change (NOC) information received from the bank to correct employee bank account information. | Daily | Florida PALM | HCM |
The table below provides the forms identified on this Business Process.
Form Number | Form Description | Audience |
CMF007 | Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance - Request form used by organizations to request Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance from DFS. | Agency, DFS (Treasury) |
The table below provides the workflows identified on this Business Process.
Workflow Number | Workflow Description | Audience |
CMW007 | Workflow-Research Request/Reconciliation Assistance | Agency, DFS (Treasury) |
The table below identifies the Conversions related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams; however, these items are important elements of each Business Process.
Conversion Number | Conversion Description | Source |
N/A |
Version History
Date | Revision Description |
02/12/2025 | Original Version |