SpeedKey Overview
  • 17 Sep 2024
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SpeedKey Overview

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Article summary


The SpeedKey functionality is essential for managing various Financials and Payroll transactions within the Florida PALM system. This article provides detailed information on configuring and using SpeedKeys within Florida PALM.


The purpose of the SpeedKey is to provide a shortcut for users entering ChartField values in transactions online. The SpeedKey can contain one or more ChartFields and values can be overridden by the user in all Financials modules in Florida PALM. The Human Capital Management (HCM) application uses the ChartField values defined in the Payroll SpeedKey to process payroll transactions.

SpeedKey Configuration

Field Length and Values

  • SpeedKeys are agency specific and established with a SetID equal to the agency Business Unit (BU).
  • The SpeedKey field has a fixed length of 10 digits. Configured values for the field may be less than or up to 10 digits.
  • Acceptable values include letters, numbers, and alphanumeric characters. Users must input a meaningful description to ensure clarity and accurate identification.

Single Line and Multi Line

Within Florida PALM: 

  • Single line SpeedKeys can be used in all modules in Financials.
  • Multi line SpeedKeys are only used in AP and PO modules. The individual line percent values must be positive and greater than zero and the lines must total to (equal) 100 percent. 
  • Only single line SpeedKeys that are approved for Payroll use can be used in HCM (Payroll).
  • Use of SpeedKeys is only required in HCM and is optional in all other modules within Florida PALM.
  • SpeedKeys will not be available for use in the Asset Module (AM) as generally asset records are created from AP transactions with minimal direct entry into the AM module.

Within Enterprise Systems:

  • As stated above, single line SpeedKeys are required for use in HCM (Payroll). Additionally, single line SpeedKeys will also be required for use in People First when creating one-time payments such as leave payouts, recurring payments such as Criminal Justice Incentive Payments, Firefighters Incentive Payments and Uniform Allowance, and when the agency wants to pay overtime and oncall payments out of a separate SpeedKey from the regular salary SpeedKey.
  • Single line SpeedKeys will be required for use in the PCard Works system.
  • Single line SpeedKeys will be available for use in MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) (Ariba On-Demand).
  • Both single line and multi-line SpeedKeys will be allowed for use in the Statewide Travel Management System (STMS).

Figure 1: SpeedKey Add 

SpeedKey Configuration

  • SpeedKey description is a 30-character field and is intended to provide information on the purpose/usage of the specific SpeedKey value.
  • All Florida PALM ChartFields including all Project ChartFields are available on the SpeedKey Setup Page. Values for each ChartField can be directly entered or selected from a dropdown list. Scroll bar allows visibility of each ChartField.
  • Selecting the Payroll Indicator checkbox identifies the SpeedKey is being established for use in the HCM application for payroll processing.
  • Selecting the PCard Indicator checkbox identifies the SpeedKey is being established for use in the Works System.

Figure 2: SpeedKey Setup

Effective Date

  • The SpeedKey effective date cannot be earlier than the effective date of the included COA values.
  • SpeedKeys can be configured with a future effective date, provided COA values exist at the time of SpeedKey creation.

Validations, Approvals, and Updates

All SpeedKeys

  • Are validated against applicable combination rules based on ChartFields included in the SpeedKey. As an example, if the SpeedKey includes a Fund, Budget Entity and Category value, it will be validated against the Budgetary Combination Edit.
  • Must be approved and active to be used on transactions.
  • If entered by the Agency GL COA Processor, are routed for approval to the Agency GL COA Maintainer. No additional agency approval required if entered directly by the Agency GL COA Maintainer.
  • Can be inactivated and reactivated without re-approval.

Non-Payroll SpeedKeys

  • Can be updated by adding a new effective-dated row(s) for changes to descriptions, ChartField values, or lines and percentages for Multi Line SpeedKeys. Updates other than inactivation/reactivation require Agency approval if entered by the Agency COA Processor.

Payroll SpeedKeys

  • Can only be inactivated or reactivated. No other updates are permitted.
  • Payroll Indicator checkbox must be selected.
  • Must be a single line SpeedKey.
  • Mandatory ChartFields include Account, Fund, Budget Entity, Category, State Program, and Organization.
    • Agencies should default the Account value to 700001 for all Payroll SpeedKeys. The actual Account values will be generated in Payroll based on the earnings or deduction code processed in the transaction. 
  • If contains an FCO Category (08XXXX or 14XXXX) ChartField value, requires specific PC ChartFields: PC BU, Project, Activity, PC Category, and PC Subcategory. The PC Category must be Labor and the PC Subcategory should be the appropriate Budget Year associated to the FCO category being used.
  • Does not allow more than one SpeedKey to have the same combination of ChartField values.
  • If using a Category other than pre-approved payroll eligible categories (i.e., 010000, 030000, 103290, 104166), then payroll SpeedKey must be approved by the DFS SpeedKey Approver before it will be available for use in HCM or People First.
  • Payroll Indicator will be grayed out and cannot be changed to Non-Payroll SpeedKey.

PCard SpeedKeys

  • PCard Indicator checkbox must be selected.
  • Must be a single line SpeedKey.
  • Mandatory ChartFields include Fund, Budget Entity, Category, and State Program.
  • PCard Indicator will be grayed out and cannot be changed to Non-PCard SpeedKey.
  • Can be inactivated, reactivated, or updated.

Related Design Information


Users can add attachments to the SpeedKey setup page, as needed (e.g., documentation substantiating the request for payroll SpeedKey containing a special category).

Role Access

SpeedKey Interfaces

SpeedKey Report

  • SDR003 SpeedKey Report – provides a list of SpeedKeys available to be utilized on transactions, to include the defined ChartField combinations

SpeedKey Values Used on Transactions

SpeedKey values used on transactions are recorded in Florida PALM. However, overriding ChartField values populated by the SpeedKey does not alter the SpeedKey value in the transaction record. Agencies should use caution when reporting based on the SpeedKey value since it may not accurately reflect the ChartField values used on the transaction (i.e., users can override COA values when processing transactions). 


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