Inter/IntraUnit Carry Forward Process (110.4.2)
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Inter/IntraUnit Carry Forward Process (110.4.2)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

This business subprocess details the steps agencies must take to prepare for budget close, ensuring all Actuals General Ledger (GL) activities for the closing fiscal year (FY) are completed. Agencies review IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals to determine their eligibility for Carry Forward and must close any ineligible items by the first Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion on or around mid-July. In addition, agencies establish prior year obligations with IU Encumbrances and/or IU Accruals using prior year budget dates. Agencies must manage and resolve budget and cash check exceptions. All prior year pending IU transactions are auto-deleted, and unpaid IU Encumbrances and Accruals are auto closed by the second Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion, which typically occurs on September 30th.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 110.4.2 - IU Carry Forward (part 1)

Business Process Diagram for 110.4.2 - IU Carry Forward (part 2)

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where activities are performed by different parties or systems. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, is representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

  • Agency IU Encumbrance Processor: agency role responsible for establishing, monitoring, and closing IU Encumbrances as part of the Carry Forward process.
  • Agency IU Sending Processor: agency role responsible for establishing, monitoring, and closing IU Accruals as part of the Carry Forward process.

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Prepare for Fiscal Year-End Close and Budget Close

DFS and EOG/OPB publish memorandums that provide instructions, guidance, and deadlines for fiscal year (FY) end activities including Carry Forward. DFS provides information related to undisbursed appropriations for operations, identified as incurred obligations, and certified Fixed Capital Outlay (FCO) undisbursed appropriations, pursuant to Section 216.301, F.S.

The fiscal year-end close involves finalizing the State’s financial activities for each 12-month period. At the end of the fiscal year, the accounting year is closed in Florida PALM, preventing any further transactions from affecting that year’s financial results. As the fiscal year-end close activities are occurring, agencies will also perform budget close activities. It is important to note that the budget close operates independently of the fiscal year-end close.

Agencies prepare for budget close and review the agency-addressed memorandum regarding undisbursed appropriations. Agencies will identify and process obligations as part of the fiscal year-end closeout process and take all appropriate steps to prepare for budget close.

The amounts identified as incurred obligations must not exceed available appropriation balances by the budget entity, category, fund, and budget period (appropriation year).


Identify IU Encumbrances and Accruals for Carry Forward

The end user can choose from the following reports based on the information they need. These reports detail all prior year IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals with an 'Open' status, along with the remaining balance.

  • KKR018 Agency Commitments Report
  • IUR004 IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report
  • IUR005 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report
  • KKR008 Schedule of Allotment Balances Report

Agencies will determine which open IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals are eligible to Carry Forward from the previous fiscal year to the next fiscal year.


Close IU Encumbrance / Accrual

IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals that are not eligible for Carry forward must be closed prior to the first Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion.

Closing an IU Encumbrance will liquidate the remaining balance and follow the 110.1.2 Monitor Inter/IntraUnit Encumbrances business subprocess.

Closing an IU Accrual involves creating a balance adjustment to liquidate the remaining balance. This process will follow the 110.2.2 Monitor Inter/IntraUnit Accruals business subprocess.

All remaining prior year open IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals are considered eligible for Carry Forward purposes.


Establish/Update IU Encumbrance

Agencies may record or update prior year IU Encumbrance for Carry Forward purposes. This will follow the 110.1.1 Establish and Maintain Inter/IntraUnit Encumbrances business subprocess.

During the Carry Forward period, agencies use a Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX on the IU Encumbrance, where XXXX represents the fiscal year just ended. Reference Appendix A Commitment Control Date Concepts from the 20.1 Enter and Process Budget Journals business process for additional details.

Prior year IU Encumbrances for Carry Forward purposes must be established before the first Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion date provided by DFS and EOG/OPB publish memorandums.

Reports available to view established IU Encumbrances include:

  • IUR004 IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report
  • KKR018 Agency Commitments Report
  • IUR005 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report
  • KKR008 Schedule of Allotment Balances Report


Establish/Update IU Accrual

Agencies may record or update a prior year IU Accrual for Carry Forward purposes. This will follow the 110.2.1 Establish and Maintain Inter/IntraUnit Accrual business subprocess.

Prior year IU Accruals for Carry Forward purposes must be established before the first Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion date provided in the DFS and EOG/OPB publish memorandums.

IU Accruals may reference an IU Encumbrance which will reduce the encumbrance balance.

During the Carry Forward period, agencies use a Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX on the IU Accrual, where XXXX represents the fiscal year just ended. Reference Appendix A Commitment Control Date Concepts from the 20.1 Enter and Process Budget Journals business process for additional details.

To update (e.g., increase, decrease) the balance of a prior year's IU Accrual, agencies must record an Accrual Balance Adjustment Transaction. If the previous accounting period is closed, this adjustment must be recorded online and cannot be processed through an interface or spreadsheet upload. This will follow the 110.2.1 Establish and Maintain Inter/IntraUnit Accrual business subprocess.

Reports available to view established or updated IU Accruals include:

  • IUR004 IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report
  • KKR018 Agency Commitments Report
  • IUR005 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report
  • KKR008 Schedule of Allotment Balances Report


Pay Against Obligations

Agencies may pay against the carry forward obligations using IU transactions. These transactions follow the 110.3 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Processing business subprocess.

Agencies may view the IUR004 IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report to view payments against the IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals.


Resolve Budget and Cash Exceptions

Agencies will monitor and resolve Budget and Cash Check exceptions to ensure IU transactions including IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals are posted successfully prior to the first Reversion.

Budget Checking exceptions will be managed via the 20.2.1 Manage Budget Checking business subprocess.

Cash Checking exceptions will be managed via the 20.2.2 Manage Cash Checking business subprocess.

Reports available to identify budget and cash check exceptions include:

  • IUR006 Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter)
  • KKR058 Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report


Auto-Delete Prior Year Pending IU Transactions

Immediately prior to the first Reversion, Florida PALM will systematically delete all pending IU Transactions with a prior budget year including pending IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals not posted. Since the budget will be reverted, these transactions are deleted to prevent them from failing the budget check due to lack of budget availability.

Agencies may run the IUR005 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report to view the Auto-Deleted IU transactions.


First Reversion of Appropriations

The first Carry Forward/Certified Forward Reversion of Appropriations occurs shortly after the end of the fiscal year, and the date is determined by DFS Accounting & Auditing. At this point, agencies would have identified and liquidated any remaining balances in their appropriations that are not eligible for Carry Forward. This ensures that prior year appropriations not needed for agency incurred obligations are reverted appropriately, reference 20.3.1 Carry Forward business subprocess.


Pay Against Obligations

Agencies may continue to pay against the Carry Forward obligations using IU transactions. These transactions follow the 110.3 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Processing business subprocess.

Agencies may view the IUR004 IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report to view payments against the IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals.


Resolve Budget and Cash Exceptions

Agencies will monitor and resolve Budget and Cash Check exceptions to ensure IU transactions are posted successfully prior to the second Carry Forward Reversion date provided in the DFS and EOG/OPB publish memorandums (typically September 30th).

Budget Checking exceptions will be managed via the 20.2.1 Manage Budget Checking business subprocess.

Cash Checking exceptions will be managed via the 20.2.2 Manage Cash Checking business subprocess.

Reports available to identify budget and cash check exceptions include:

  • IUR006 Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter)
  • KKR058 Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report


Auto-Delete Prior Year Pending IU Transactions

Immediately prior to the second Reversion, Florida PALM will systematically delete all pending IU Transactions with a prior budget year. Since the budget will be reverted, these transactions are deleted to prevent them from failing the budget check due to lack of budget availability.

Agencies may run the IUR005 Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report to view the Auto-Deleted IU transactions.


Auto-Close Prior Year IU Encumbrances/


Immediately prior to the second Reversion, Florida PALM will systematically close any unpaid IU Encumbrances and IU Accruals with a prior budget year. This will liquidate the unexpended remaining balances in order to perform the Reversion.


Second Reversion of Appropriations

The second Carry Forward Reversion of Appropriations typically occurs on September 30th of each year. On this date, all unexpended balances from the prior fiscal year appropriations are reverted.

The process will continue within the 20.3.1 Carry Forward business subprocess.

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (U) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated system (S) offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
  • The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event


Source Module Accounting Entry

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry


Close Prior Year IU Encumbrance

(Applicable to IU Encumbrance transaction)


No Entry

Increases PY:

  • Available Appropriation
  • Allotment

Decreases PY:

  • Encumbrance

No Entry


Close Prior Year IU Accrual Prior to July 15th

(Applicable to Accrual Balance Adjustment transaction)


Debit: Accounts Payable (S)

Credit: Expense (U)

Increases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotments balance
  • Releases balance

Decreases PY:

  • Expense

Debit: Accounts Payable

Credit: Expense


Debit: Revenue (S)

Credit: Accounts Receivable (S)

Decreases PY:

  • Recognized Revenue

Debit: Revenue

Credit: Accounts Receivable


Close Prior Year IU Accrual After July 15th

(Applicable to Accrual Balance Adjustment transaction)


Debit: Accounts Payable (S)

Credit: Expense (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotments balance
  • Releases balance

Decreases PY:

  • Expense

Debit: Accounts Payable

Credit:  Expense


Debit: Revenue (S)

Credit: Accounts Receivable (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Decreases PY:

  • Recognized Revenue

Debit: Revenue

Credit: Accounts Receivable


Establish Prior Year IU Encumbrance

(Applicable to IU Encumbrance transaction)


No Entry

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Encumbrance

Decreases PY:

  • Available Appropriation
  • Allotments balance

No Entry


Establish Unencumbered Prior Year IU Accrual

(Applicable to Payable/Receivable transaction)


Debit: Expenditure (U)

Credit: Accounts Payable (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Expense

Decreases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotments balance
  • Releases balance

Debit: Expenditure

Credit: Accounts Payable


Debit: Accounts Receivable (S)

Credit: Revenue (U)

Increases CY:

  • Recognized Revenue

Debit: Accounts Receivable

Credit: Revenue


Establish Encumbered Prior Year IU Accrual

(Applicable to Payable/Receivable transaction)

Relieve Encumbrance


Increases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotment balance

Decreases PY:

  • Encumbrance



Debit: Expenditure (U)

Credit: Accounts Payable (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Expense

Decreases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotments balance
  • Releases balance

Debit: Expenditure

Credit: Accounts Payable


Debit: Accounts Receivable (S)

Credit: Revenue (U)

Increases CY:

  • Recognized Revenue

Debit: Accounts Receivable

Credit: Revenue


Transfer Payment against PY Encumbrance

(Applicable to Expenditure/Revenue, Transfer, Federal Funds Transfer, and General Revenue Transfer transactions)

Sending – Relieve Encumbrance


Increases PY:

  • Available Appropriations
  • Allotments balance

Decreases PY:

  • Encumbrance



Debit: Expenditure (S)

Credit: Cash (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Expense

Decreases PY:

  • Available Appropriations balance
  • Allotments balance
  • Releases balance
  • Spendable Cash

Debit: Expenditure

Credit: Cash


Debit: Cash (S)

Credit: Revenue (U)

Increases CY:

  • Collected Revenue
  • Spendable Cash

Debit: Cash

Credit: Revenue


Transfer Payment Against PY Accrual

(Applicable to Expenditure/Revenue, Transfer, Federal Funds Transfer, and General Revenue Transfer transactions)


Debit: Accounts Payable (S)

Credit: Cash (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • N/A

Decreases PY:

  • Spendable Cash

Debit: Accounts Payable

Credit: Cash


Debit: Cash (S)

Credit: Accounts Receivable (S)

During the Carry Forward/Certified Forward period, agencies update the Budget Date as 06/30/XXXX, where XXXX represents the prior budget year.

Increases PY:

  • Collected Revenue
  • Spendable Cash

Debit: Cash

Credit: Accounts Receivable


Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on this Business Process. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter) – A report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of Inter/IntraUnit transactions with budget and cash check exceptions that require action.






Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report – A WorkCenter report that lists transactions budget and cash check exceptions and warnings along with transaction amounts, to include the type of exception and where an override was applied.


Periodic, Monthly, Annually

Agency, DFS



Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report – A report that lists transaction details for Inter/IntraUnit module transactions including Inter/IntraUnit expenditures, revenues, transfers, advances, reclassifications, encumbrances, and accruals.


Periodic, Monthly, Annually




IU Encumbrance and Accrual Activity Report – A report detailing the IU Encumbrance and IU Accrual activity including the established encumbrance/accrual, payments made against the encumbrance/accrual, and remaining balances.

Data Warehouse

Periodic, Monthly, Annually

Agency, DFS



Agency Commitments Report – A report that provides encumbrances and payables by ChartField combinations by budget period(s).


Periodic, Monthly, Annually

Agency, DFS



Schedule of Allotment Balances Report – A report reflecting recorded allotments, encumbrances, expenditures, and associated remaining balances for designated time periods grouped by designated ChartFields and ChartField combinations.


Periodic, Monthly

Agency, DFS


The table below provides the Interfaces identified on the Business Process.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency





The table below provides the forms identified on this Business Process.

Form Number

Form Description




The table below provides the workflows identified on this Business Process.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Version History


Revision Description


Original Version

09/06/2024Added hyperlink to 20.3.1
09/09/2024Updated accounting event IU03


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