Record Manual Payments (30.5.1)
  • 24 Sep 2024
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Record Manual Payments (30.5.1)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

The Record Manual Payments business subprocess identifies the steps to record the accounting for payments issued outside Florida PALM.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 30.5.1 Record Manual Payments

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where activities are performed by different parties or systems. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, are representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

  • Agency AP Processoragency role responsible for entering invoices, voucher corrections and issuing and maintaining disbursements in Florida PALM
  • AP Reporter: (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role assigned to view AP reports in Florida PALM
  • Confidential AP Viewer: (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role to view confidential data in AP reports in Florida PALM 
  • DFS AP ProcessorDFS role responsible for recording payments issued by DFS outside of Florida PALM

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Inbound Voucher Load (API002)

Manual Payment Vouchers are loaded into Florida PALM from agency business systems using the Inbound Voucher Load interface to record payments made outside of Florida PALM.

For vouchers where Manual Payment Method is selected, the Check Number for the payment issued outside of Florida PALM must be included within the Payment Reference field in the API002 Inbound Voucher Load interface. This is a required field when the Manual Payment Method is selected.


Inbound Voucher Spreadsheet Upload (API041)

Agencies use the Inbound Voucher Spreadsheet Upload to load Manual Payment Vouchers into Florida PALM when an agency business system is not available to handle the connection to record payments made outside of Florida PALM.

For vouchers where the Manual Payment Method is selected, the Check Number for the payment issued outside of Florida PALM must be included within the Payment Reference field in the API041 Inbound Voucher Spreadsheet Upload. This is a required field when the Manual Payment Method is selected.


Perform Interface Error Checking

Edit validations are performed on each interface before the data is allowed to load to the Accounts Payable (AP) staging tables. If file is rejected, all transactions in the file are rejected and the file must be resubmitted once issue is resolved.

If file is not rejected, edit validations are performed on each transaction before the data is allowed to load for processing in the Accounts Payable module. Additional edits will be performed during the transaction life cycle.

Rejected transactions are managed through the 120.1 Interface Error Handling Process.

Edit Validations include:

  • ChartField Validation
  • ChartField Combination Edits
  • Amount Validation
  • Open Period Validation
  • Supplier Validation
  • The edit check process includes the Budgetary Value combination edit check, which checks Fund, BE, & Cat combinations for a BU, the transaction will fail if this combination is inaccurate.

In addition, there are interface specific edits that pertain to AP data elements and fields.


Issue Warrant(s) Outside of Florida PALM

A payment is issued outside of Florida PALM by the agency.


Record Manual Payment Voucher

The Agency AP Processor enters a manual warrant payment made outside of Florida PALM as a Regular Voucher in Florida PALM, and selects the Payment Method ‘Manual’. By selecting the Manual Payment Method, Florida PALM records the payment and handles the appropriate accounting entries, but does not issue a payment to the supplier.

For vouchers where the Manual Payment Method is selected, the Check Number for the payment issued outside of Florida PALM must be included within the Payment Reference field. This is a required field when the Manual Payment Method is selected.


Issue Warrant(s) Outside of Florida PALM

A warrant is issued outside of Florida PALM by DFS.


Record Manual Payment Voucher

The DFS AP Processor enters a manual warrant payment made outside of Florida PALM as a Regular Voucher in Florida PALM, and selects the Payment Method ‘Manual’. By selecting the Manual Payment Method, Florida PALM records the payment and handles the appropriate accounting entries, but does not issue a payment to the supplier.

For vouchers where the Manual Payment Method is selected, the Check Number for the payment issued outside of Florida PALM must be included within the Payment Reference field. This is a required field when the Manual Payment Method is selected.


Run Edit Check

The Edit Check validations will trigger on save for online vouchers. This will validate ChartField values are active, validate Combination Edit rules, including Budgetary value combinations applicable to the transaction (i.e., does transaction reflect an accurate Budget Entity to State Program correlation), and validate that accounting period is open. If edit errors are identified it will prevent the transaction from saving.


Resolve Errors

Edit errors must be resolved prior to the transaction proceeding. Processors should confirm the validity of the ChartField values and the ChartField string used on the transaction and make necessary updates. The Agency AP Processor should confirm that the date of the transaction falls within an open period.

If the error persists after making updates, and a SpeedKey is being used, The Agency AP Processor should consult with an Agency COA Maintainer to determine if the SpeedKey was established inaccurately.


Run Budget Check

All approved/pre-approved vouchers run through the Budget Check process that validates the amount for the ChartField values entered in the voucher distribution.

Upon successful Budget Check, the budget is consumed and an expenditure entry is created within Commitment Control as noted in the 20.2 Budget Execution and Management business process.

This step liquidates any encumbrance that is associated with the voucher and creates an expenditure entry within commitment control.

Upon failure of Budget Check, the budget will not be consumed and the Budget Exception needs to be corrected within the following steps to proceed forward with the transaction.


Review Allotment Warning

Agency established allotment balances will be checked by the Budget Check process. If the transaction amount is less than the available allotment balance, the transaction will continue processing. If the transaction exceeds the available allotment balance, a warning message will display noting that the transaction has passed allotment budget checking but with warnings.

Transaction can proceed with a warning. Internal agency policy should guide Processor regarding transaction processing when a warning is returned.

Please see 20.2 Budget Execution and Management for more information on managing warnings and the resulting negative allotment balances created.


Manage Budget Exceptions

If the transaction exceeds the available Appropriations (includes appropriations and releases) balance, the transaction will fail Budget Check.

If an ABS transaction fails budget check, it’s the agency’s decision on how to proceed. The Agency AP Processor can update the amount and/or ChartField String or cancel/delete the transaction to resolve the error or contact the Agency KK Budget Maintainers. The source system would also need to be updated.

The Agency AP Processor has the option, based on your agency policy, to update the Voucher within Florida PALM or to delete the voucher, requiring the transaction to be resent with the corrected data in a subsequent file. If the correction is made in Florida PALM, your ABS will also need to be updated with the correct information.

Please see 20.2 Budget Execution and Management for more information. Transactions that fail budget check do not consume appropriations. Budget check exceptions continue to be systematically checked until they are resolved.


Voucher Post

The Voucher Post step indicates that the voucher completed the required steps and is approved for payment at the scheduled date.

When the voucher is posted, an accounting entry is generated to recognize an accounts payable (i.e., a liability) to the supplier, and to recognize the associated expense/expenditure accrual.

The posted voucher identifies the scheduled payment date, which is used for selection to the applicable Pay Cycle to generate the warrant or electronic payment, as applicable.

Several reports are available for managing vouchers. 


Run Cash Check

The Cash Check process will run at the designated interval. Cash Check validates transactions to spendable cash and confirms use of valid ChartField strings. Spendable cash represents the remaining available fund cash balance reflected in the Cash Ledger.

If the transaction exceeds the spendable cash balance, the transaction will fail. AP Transactions that fail cash checking will render cash exceptions causing the transaction to be in error status. The Commitment Control Cash Checking Exceptions page will allow a user with the appropriate role to resolve cash check exceptions.

These errors are cash exceptions that have failed Cash Check because they do not conform to the rules established. Once Cash Check errors occur, the options available to resolve errors in the source modules are:

  • Increase the spendable cash balance, i.e.  perform a disinvestment transaction using the investment activity page, post  verified/approved deposits, or perform an expenditure move.
  • Close AP Voucher transaction; or
Request Override (extraordinary instances).


Manage Cash Checking Errors

The Agency AP Processor can close the voucher to resolve the error or contact the Agency KK Cash Maintainer for guidance.

Please see 20.2.2 Manage Cash Checking and D66 - Chart of Account Design for more information regarding spendable cash balances.  Transactions that fail cash check do not consume spendable cash. Cash Check errors continue to be systematically checked by Commitment Control until the cash check errors have been resolved.

Once Cash Check errors are resolved the source modules transaction lifecycle proceeds and the Spendable Cash ledger is updated.

The Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report is available for review.


Payment Post

Payment Post creates accounting entries from payment-related transactions, such as manual payments, System Checks (warrants), ACH/EFT payments, and cancelled payments. These accounting entries are stored in the General Ledger.

Multiple payment-related reports are available within Florida PALM to assist users in managing the payment process. Payment related reports can be found within the Key Reports section of the 30.4 Process Payments Business Process.

The Journal Generator (JGEN) process runs following Payment Post to process posted accounting entry data from the Florida PALM Source Modules, summarizes the data, and creates journals in the General Ledger. The Journal Generator process will edit, budget check and post the journal entries created during the process. Please see 10.2 Enter and Process Journals for more information on source module journal entries.

Following Payment Post, automatic bank reconciliation is initiated within the 70.2 Manage and Reconcile Bank Statements Business Process.


Outbound Voucher and Payment Extract (API031)

The Outbound Voucher and Payment Extract interface is a flat file that provides voucher and payment detail information to FFMIS and agency business systems, as well as internally and externally managed transparency websites and source data systems, including: State of Florida Transparency Portal, and Vendor Payment History Site.

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) prior to posting the transaction.
  • The Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash) if the transaction passes the budget check process.
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the Actuals Ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process.

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event

Commitment Control Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry


Creating an Encumbered Voucher

Debit: Expenditures (U)

Credit: Accounts Payable (S)

Decreases encumbrance 

Increases expense

eDecreases Releases 

Debit: Expenditures

Credit: Accounts Payable


Creating an Unencumbered Voucher

Debit: Expenditures (U)

Credit: Accounts Payable (S)

Decreases Available Appropriations, 

Decreases Allotment   Decreases Releases 

Increases expense

Debit: Expenditures

Credit: Accounts Payable


Payment Issuance

Debit: Accounts Payable (U)

Credit: Agency Fund Cash (S)

Decreases spendable cash balance

Debit: Accounts Payable

Credit: Agency Fund Cash


Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or is used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report – a listing of budget and cash check exceptions along with balances


Periodic, Ad Hoc

Agency, DFS

R8APR126Cash Check Errors – a report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of vouchers with cash check errors
Periodic, Daily
Agency, DFS


The table below provides the Interface IDs for each interface identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency




Inbound Voucher Load – inbound interface containing invoice data from external systems to load Regular Vouchers, Single Payment Vouchers, and Adjustment Vouchers


Agency Business Systems

Florida PALM


Outbound Voucher and Payment Extract – Outbound interface containing voucher accounting, voucher status and payment information to source systems, transparency sites and Vendor History


Florida PALM

Agency Business Systems, MFMP, STMS, Works


Inbound Voucher Spreadsheet Upload – Inbound interface to load voucher information via spreadsheet (Excel) upload


Agency Business Systems

Florida PALM


The table below provides the Form Numbers for any forms identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Form Number

Form Description




The table below provides the Workflow Numbers for any workflows identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Version History


Revision Description


Original Version


Added End User roles:

  • AP Reporter: (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role assigned to view AP reports in Florida PALM
  • Confidential AP Viewer: (role not shown as a swimlane on flow diagram) role to view confidential data in AP reports in Florida PALM 

Updated language in Steps 4, 14, & 15.

Updated Source Module Accounting Entry column under Accounting Events 

Updated Report Description


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