Enterprise Budget Ledger Reconciliation (20.1.3)
  • 15 Oct 2024
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Enterprise Budget Ledger Reconciliation (20.1.3)

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Article summary

Business Process Overview

Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budget ledgers need to be reconciled daily throughout the fiscal year to ensure budget ledgers remain balanced. Department of Financial Services (DFS) and EOG/OPB perform collaborative reconciliation practices to identify and resolve any error(s) that may reside in the budget ledgers of Florida PALM and LAS/PBS. Reconciliation is an accounting process that demonstrates and documents that the ledger balances of Florida PALM and LAS/PBS systems agree and balance. Florida PALM and LAS/PBS systems produce reports that include summarized balances by Budget Entity, Category, and Fund level, which are utilized to reconcile to the following balances by budget period:

  • Appropriations
  • Mandatory Reserve
  • Releases
  • Unbudgeted Reserve

DFS and EOG/OPB utilize Florida PALM and LAS/PBS reports and supporting documentation throughout the collaborative reconciliation. DFS and EOG/OPB collaboratively review budgetary posting transactions in Florida PALM and LAS/PBS and appropriation reconciliation reports to ensure Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budget ledgers are balanced based on LAS/PBS budget balances provided to Florida PALM via interface.

Business Process Diagram

Business Process Diagram for 20.1.3 Enterprise Budget Ledger Reconciliation

Business Process Diagram for 20.1.3 Enterprise Budget Ledger Reconciliation

Business Roles

The Business Process Flow Diagrams use horizontal swim lanes to depict where different parties or systems perform activities. Each swim lane is titled with a role, either agency-based or within DFS, and in some cases, is representative of an external entity or system. The swim lanes may change from page to page within a single business subprocess as more or fewer roles are required to execute sections of the business subprocess. 

Business Process Flows Details

The tables below describe steps in each business subprocess as reflected on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The tables also reflect information associated with each step describing the intent of the specific process. Florida PALM screenshots are included within the sections to allow connections to be made from specific business subprocess steps to screens within Florida PALM. This information should be read in conjunction with the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Process Step ID

Process Step Title

Description of Process


Develop/ Publish Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation Daily File

EOG/OPB publishes the Appropriation Budget Ledgers Reconciliation Daily File that includes legislative, budgetary codes (fund, budget entity, category) and daily balances of appropriations as captured in LAS/PBS, which are appropriations, releases, mandatory reserve, unbudgeted reserve, and budget period (appropriation year).


Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation (KKI002)

EOG/OPB transmits the Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation daily file as a normal course of day-to-day operations. The transmittal of the Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation daily file is managed collaboratively between EOG/OPB, LAS/PBS, and DFS.


Load Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation Daily File

DFS loads the Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation daily file into Florida PALM staging tables to prepare for systematic reconciliation of Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budget ledgers


Evaluate Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation Daily File

The systematic evaluation and validation of the Inbound Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation daily file will perform data-level validation and file-level validations.

If the appropriations budget ledger reconciliation daily file is rejected, the file must be resubmitted once the issue is resolved. The evaluation and validation process is performed if the appropriations budget ledger reconciliation daily file is not rejected.


Run Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Process

The Appropriations Budget, Ledger Balances Reconciliation process runs in Florida PALM to compare the legislative, budgetary codes, and appropriation balances in LAS/PBS to the Florida PALM budget ledgers to ensure all ledgers are balanced. Upon completion of the reconciliation process, the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report is generated and distributed to DFS and EOG/OPB for review and analysis.

If the ledgers are balanced, no further action or analysis is required, and the process is complete. However, if budget ledgers are out of balance, DFS and EOG/OPB research the applicable budget ledgers to determine issues and what is needed to balance the budget ledgers.


Research & Identify Any Reconciling Items

Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budget ledgers are not in balance, the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report lists Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budgetary codes and balances, which are unreconciled. DFS and EOG/OPB work collaboratively to research and identify reconciling items to determine the appropriate actions for resolution, including which system(s) record correcting transactions.

The Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report is available to assist with researching reconciling items.


Record Correcting LAS/PBS Transactions

EOG/OPB records correcting transactions to resolve unbalanced budget ledgers when the budget ledger errors are attributable to LAS/PBS. The specific correcting transactions will vary depending on the resolutions identified collaboratively between EOG/OPB and DFS.


Review Budget Transaction and Request Reconciliation Process

EOG/OPB reviews LAS/PBS, correcting transactions recorded to resolve unbalanced ledgers.

EOG/OPB can publish the revised KKI002 Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation Daily File to transmit to Florida PALM as a part of a request to the DFS KK Budget Processor to run the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation process ad hoc, in which the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report is available for review to ensure budget ledgers are balanced. If a revised KKI002 Appropriations Budget Ledger Reconciliation Daily File is not transmitted to Florida PALM as a part of an ad hoc process, the daily file will run as established.

The Appropriations Budget Ledger, Balances Reconciliation Report, is available to assist with researching reconciling items.


Create/Edit Manual Correcting Budget Journals

The DFS KK Budget Processor creates and edits manual correcting budget journals to resolve unbalanced budget ledgers when the budget ledger errors are attributable to Florida PALM. The specific budget journals vary as they depend on the resolutions identified collaboratively between DFS and EOG/OPB.

Once the DFS KK Budget Processor has successfully created manual correcting budget journals, using the appropriate ChartField combinations, the manual correcting budget journals are routed internally via workflow functionality for review and approval by the DFS KK Budget Maintainer for posting to the budget ledger.

Separation of duties will be controlled through Commitment Control Security, (i.e., the DFS KK Budget Processor) creating budget journals cannot approve the same budget journals.

The use of the Enter Budget Journals page online could produce errors preventing the creation and adjustment of correcting budget journals. If there are no errors, then the correcting budget journals can be reviewed and approved to be posted.

The below screenshot provides an example depicting the Appropriations Ledger (CC_APPROP) of the Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header.


Run Edit Check

The edit check process will run at the designated interval. The edit check process will validate that ChartField values are active, validate combination edit rules applicable to the transaction (i.e., does the transaction reflect an accurate Budget Entity to State Program correlation), and validate that the accounting period is open.


Submit Manual Correcting Budget Journals for Approval (KKW001)

The DFS KK Budget Processor submits manual correcting budget journals internally via workflow functionality to the DFS KK Budget Maintainer for approval, editing, or rejection.


Update ChartField Values on Transaction Line

If budget journals are not created due to errors, the DFS KK Budget Processor will confirm if ChartField values have not been configured to create allotment budget journals.

The DFS KK Budget Processor follows the Subprocess 10.1.1 Agency Add or Modify ChartField Values Business Process to set up the appropriate ChartFields in Florida PALM. The DFS KK Budget Processor will confirm that any new ChartFields are successfully created before allotment budget journals can be created.


Approve, Edit, or Reject Manual Correcting Budget Journals (KKW001)

The DFS KK Budget Maintainer receives manual correcting budget journals internally via workflow functionality from the DFS KK Budget Processor for approval, editing, or rejection and takes the appropriate action.


Run Budget Check

The budget check process will run at the designated interval. The budget check will confirm sufficient budget balances exist to post completed budget journals to the budget ledger.


Post Budget Journals

During the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation process, when appropriate, correcting budget journals are posted to ensure Florida PALM and LAS/PBS ledgers are balanced.

The DFS KK Budget Processor uses the Budget Detail Activity Report to verify the correcting budget journal posting process from manually correcting budget journals that have been posted.


Manage Budget Exceptions

The DFS KK Budget Maintainer can update the amount and/or ChartField string to resolve budget exceptions. Budget Check exceptions continue to be systematically checked until they are resolved and do not proceed until they are corrected or adjusted for the Manage Agency Allotments business process. Please see 20.2.1 Manage Budget Checking for more information.

The Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions Report, online Exception Inquiry page, Process Monitor, and Commitment Control Notification feature, which includes notifications by email and {{glossary.Workflow}} worklist, are available to assist in managing exceptions for resolution.


Verify Budget Journals Posted

The DFS KK Budget Processor verifies correcting budget journals have been successfully posted by generating queries and/or reports.

The DFS KK Budget Processor can initiate the Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation process to ensure all ledgers are balanced or let the daily process run.

The Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report is available to ensure Florida PALM and LAS/PBS ledgers are balanced.

Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header Tab
Budget Journals Entry Page, Budget Header Tab

Accounting Events

Accounting events originate during transaction processing in the applicable source module. The accounting events impact the source module, Commitment Control ledgers, and the General ledger (Actuals).

  • Source Module accounting entries require user input (I) of the primary line (i.e., expenditure, revenues) with an automated (A) system offsetting line (i.e., payable, receivable) during transaction entry. The source model transaction must pass Edit Check, Budget Check, and Cash Check (on applicable entries) before posting the transaction.
  • If the transaction passes the budget check process, the Run Budget Check (Commitment Control) process automatically affects balances in the appropriate budget ledger (i.e., appropriation, spendable cash).
  • After the transaction is posted in the source module, an automated system process summarizes and posts the entries in the General Ledger module to the actual ledger.

The table below provides the most common accounting events applicable to this business process..

Acct Event ID 

Accounting Event

Commitment Control

Ledger(s) Impact

Source Module

 Accounting Entry

General Ledger (Actuals) Entry


Records Correcting Budget Journals R

Records KK Ledger entries

No Entry

No Entry


Key Reports are displayed as icons with the Report Number on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The table below provides the reports identified to be produced at a particular process step or used to support the completion of a process step.

Report Number


Report Description

Report Source

Report Frequency




Budget Detail Activity Report – A custom report that provides budget journal detail based on user-defined criteria. The report will be provided by Business Unit, ledger, and ChartField combination at a specified time period.



DFS Agency



Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings Report – A report displaying budget and cash check exceptions, balances, vouchers with errors and budget exceptions, and Voucher where an override was applied.



DFS, Agency



Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report – Report that will systematically generate results to support reconciling Florida PALM and LAS/PBS budget ledger balances





The table below identifies the Conversions related to this Business Process. These items are not included within the Business Flow Diagrams but are important elements of each Business Process.

Conversion Number

Conversion Description




The table below provides the Interface IDs for each interface identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Interface Number

Interface Description

Interface Frequency




Inbound Appropriation Budget Ledger Reconciliation – Inbound interface containing the EOG/OPB published Appropriation Budget Ledger Reconciliation from select agencies.



Florida PALM


The table below provides the Form Numbers for any forms identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Form Number

Form Description




The table below provides the Workflow Numbers for any workflows identified on the Business Process Flow Diagrams.

Workflow Number

Workflow Description



Budget Journal Workflow – Workflow that routes Budget Journals for approval.

Agency KK Budget Maintainer

Version History

DateRevision Description


Original Version


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