Payroll Management Lifecycle
  • 26 Aug 2024
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Payroll Management Lifecycle

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Associated Business Process


The table below provides the Interface IDs for each interface identified within the Payroll Lifecycle.

Interface ID

Interface Description

Business Process or Sub-Process


Outbound Salary Detail File - This interface is designed to produce a file containing payroll payment details for confirmed payrolls in Florida PALM for Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), such as People First. The Salary Detail file is a critical part of HRIS business processes that determines if and when earnings and deductions sent to Florida PALM were processed. The file will also inform HRIS if and when any of these payments are subsequently adjusted. This file is available for the Agency Business Systems, if needed.

100.7.2 Generate Payroll Accounting Distributions


Inbound Agency Position Spreadsheet Upload – To support payroll distribution, all active positions must have valid Position Funding in Florida PALM. Position Funding will initially be loaded into Florida PALM through Department Budget Position Funding Load (PRC017). Afterwards, position funding will be updated manually on the delivered Department Budget Earnings Page or via the Inbound Agency Position Funding Spreadsheet Upload.

This interface will allow agencies to upload new or updated Position Funding in a spreadsheet format. Position Funding sent in this interface will be validated and then loaded into the Department Budget tables. The program will log any warnings or errors in an error log for the agency to review.

In Florida PALM, Position Funding is associated to a Fiscal Year and will need to be reloaded at the beginning of each new Fiscal Year. The Position Funding Data Report (PRR051) can be used to download an agency’s existing Position Funding in spreadsheet format. This report can be modified and then uploaded to complete this process.

100.7.1 Set Up Position Distributions


Inbound Earnings Spreadsheet Upload - Agency users will complete this inbound spreadsheet for the Bureau of State Payroll (BOSP) to upload payroll earnings transactions into the Paysheet Transaction Table (PSHUP_TXN). This functionality encompasses the creation of On-cycle/Off-cycle earning rows in Payroll within Florida PALM and ensures that PSHUP_TXN has loaded in a manner that will result in the successful creation and load of paysheets. The use of this spreadsheet requires BOSP approval and is intended to be used minimally.

100.3.1 Create, Load, and Manage Paysheets

100.4.1 Off-Cycle Processing


Outbound Payroll with Accounting Detail File - After the payroll has been calculated, the State of Florida’s actuals distribution process will run to designate the payroll accounting distributions for the calculated payroll. Agencies can update funding before the final pay calculation and confirmation. Once payroll is confirmed, the actuals distribution process will run again to generate the final payroll accounting distributions that will be sent to Florida PALM’s General Ledger. The Journal Generator process in Florida PALM’s General Ledger (GL) module will also run to create and post the journals associated with the confirmed payroll.

PRI058 – Outbound Payroll with Accounting Detail File is an interface that will be generated after scheduled and confirmed on-cycle and off-cycle payrolls. The interface program will extract the data from the HR Accounting Line in the payroll module in Florida PALM based on the final payroll accounting distributions. The HR Accounting Line contains multiple rows per paycheck issued in payroll. Each paycheck contains multiple employer charges (earnings, employer deductions, and employer taxes) that could have different funding allocations. The HR Accounting Line will have a row for every unique funding distribution for employer charges. This interface program will map the funding distribution to the earning code, deduction code, or tax class corresponding to the employer charge and other payroll data for agency business systems (ABS).

100.7.2 Generate Payroll Accounting Distributions


No agency conversions planned.


Key Reports are displayed as icons on the Business Process Flow Diagrams. The table below provides the reports related to Payroll during a particular process step or used to support the completion of a process step.

Report ID

Report Description

Business Process or Sub-Process


HR Accounting Line Report - After a Payroll is confirmed in Florida PALM, the Actuals Distribution process will distribute earnings, employer deductions, and employer taxes across established position funding sources. Then the GL Interface Process (PAYGL02) will load this information to the HR Accounting Line and post it to the GL.

Agency users and BOSP will be able to use PRR001 HR Accounting Line Report to view Payroll payment data from the GL HR Accounting Line in FIN. This report will include employee data, warrant number, and distribution information. It can be run as a query or output as an Excel file and filtered as necessary.

100.7.2 Generate Payroll Accounting Distributions


Earnings/Deductions Register Report – The Earnings Register Report produces a detailed report of earnings for all employees in each payroll period. This report shows the earnings successfully loaded to the Paysheet, and any additional earnings entered on an employee’s payline. This report can be run after a payroll calculation for a preliminary view of employee earnings and or after confirmation for the final earnings paid and stored for record keeping. The report includes employee earnings codes processed within a given payroll period, with the employees’ "Month to Date," "Quarter to Date," and "Year to Date" balance amounts per the employees’ payroll record. The run control includes the Business Unit as a field to identify an employee’s earnings per agency.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll


Payroll Register - The Payroll Register displays by employee. It provides data that reflects defined elements for the employee's pay history by payroll run, including gross wages, net pay, benefits, taxes, other deductions, garnishments, employer contributions, and payment data. The Payroll Register can be run during payroll calculation or post-confirmation.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll

100.3.4 Confirm Payroll

100.4.1 Off-Cycle Processing


Payroll Tax Report - During the payroll processing cycle, the Bureau of State Payrolls (BOSP) and agencies need the ability to review the payroll taxes withheld from employee paychecks. This report will provide the daily taxes withheld in an Excel report for BOSP and agency usage.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll

100.3.4 Confirm Payroll


Payroll Summary Report - Payroll Summary Report contains employee paycheck total information. This report provides summary payroll data for agencies during the Florida PALM payroll calculation and confirm process to help validate the payroll and identify any potential issues requiring further investigation.

This report will also help agencies and enterprise users perform data analysis, reconciliation, and support external reporting as needed.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll

100.3.4 Confirm Payroll


Payroll Deduction Report - The PRR016 Payroll Deduction Report identifies deductions taken during payroll calculation and after payroll confirmation. This report can be run for one agency or all agencies. This report has the following fields:

  • Pay End Date
  • Pay Group
  • Business Unit/Agency
  • Employee ID
  • Name
  • Amount Taken
  • Amount Not Taken
  • Reason Not Taken
  • Month To-Date (MTD) Balances
  • Quarter To-Date (QTD) Balances
  • Year To-Date (YTD) balances
  • Goal Amount

This report will provide deduction details by employee and will be pulled from precalculated deduction data and/or post confirmed deduction data. Users have the option to run this report by Pay Run ID, Business Unit, Deduction Code or Period End Date, Paygroup, Deduction Code and Department. This report is used to help agencies and enterprise users perform data analysis, reconciliation, and support external reporting as needed.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll

100.3.3 Updating Paysheets

100.3.4 Confirm Payroll


Preliminary Payroll Cash and Budget Balance Report - Before payroll is confirmed in Florida PALM, the state Actuals Distribution Process will run to provide a preview of the accounting distribution associated with the payroll that is being ran. To support payroll accounting distributions, all active positions must have valid position funding associated with them or a SpeedKey must be provided on the individual earnings transaction. The Bureau of State Payroll (BOSP) and agencies will be able to view the actual distribution and determine if any funding updates need to be made in Florida PALM before payroll is confirmed and accounting finalized.

This report is produced as part of the Actuals Distribution Process to compare the preliminary payroll amount to the available spending authority (spendable cash), remaining spending authority (appropriations), and the remaining General Revenue (GR) release available. The payroll amount is the amount charged to a unique combination of the following ChartFields:

  • Business Unit
  • Fund
  • Budget Entity
  • Category Level

This combination of ChartFields is given by the SpeedKey associated to the position or the earnings processed in payroll. The report will look at the payroll distributions for earnings, deductions, and taxes to determine the payroll amount reported. The spendable cash, appropriations, and GR release balances will be pulled from Florida PALM’s Financials module database.

100.7.2 Generate Payroll Accounting Distributions


Actuals Funding Report – The Actuals Funding Report is a custom Florida PALM report that will run by agency payroll users and BOSP to view actuals funding after Payroll Calculation. The report will read from the earnings, deduction, and tax distribution tables and combine results from all three into one spreadsheet for easier review. Some fields will be specific to the type of distribution.

100.7.2 Generate Payroll Accounting Distributions


Payroll Warrant Status Report - A report that lists payroll Warrant details and status, indicating whether they have been cleared, outstanding, or canceled.

100.3.6 Distribute Payroll Warrants


Editing Paysheets Changes Report - This is a payroll report that provides a list of transactions that did not pass Edit Check as part of the Editing Paysheets process. This is a payroll report that provides a list of transactions that did not pass Edit Check as part of the Editing Paysheets process. This report will produce the following fields:

  • Business Unit
  • Pay Group
  • Pay End Date
  • Off-Cycle
  • Employee ID
  • Employee Name
  • Employee Record
  • Position Number
  • Page Number
  • Line Number
  • Additional Pay Line Number
  • Separate Check Number
  • Message ID
  • Message Data Fields 1-6
  • Pay Run ID
  • Process Instance
  • Description
  • Long Description

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll


Employee W-4 Exempt Status Report - The Employee W-4 Exempt Status report lists all employees whose current Federal Income Tax Withholding status is exempt.

The report can be run ad-hoc throughout the year and at the end of the calendar year to identify the employees currently exempt from Federal Income Tax Withholding. It can be used to identify who must submit a new W-4 for the upcoming calendar year. The report is executed every year after February 15, which is the due date to submit the Exempt form.

100.8.8 – Reset Employee W-4 Exempt Status


Position Funding Data Report - The Position Funding Report is a comprehensive report that shows users the position funding established in Florida PALM. The report will show the SpeedKey, value that gives the detailed accounting, associated with the position. The ChartField values and the status of the SpeedKey will also be available in the report. The report pulls from the following tables to give a complete story of the position funding that has been established: Department Budget Earnings Distribution Table and Valid Combination Codes Table.

100.7.1 Set Up Position Distributions


Payroll Deductions Not Taken - Payroll Deductions Not Taken Report (PRR055) contains employee deductions not taken for a given payroll cycle. This report identifies the deduction code and the associated deduction not taken reason. This report is being modified to include Row Level Security per the user profiles running the report.

This report lists employees who have had deductions omitted from a particular On Cycle Payroll or Off-cycle Payroll run.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll


Inactive Position Funding SpeedKeys Report - The Inactive Position Funding SpeedKeys Report lists active positions whose funding records are assigned to an inactive SpeedKey. Positions with inactive SpeedKeys default to suspense account funding during actuals distribution, which results in incorrect funding assigned to the position’s payroll wages.

This report will help agencies and the Bureau of State Payrolls (BOSP) identify and correct funding issues.

100.7.1 Set Up Position Distributions


Payroll Error Messages - Query - The Payroll Error Messages-Query (PRR061) prints a list of the error messages generated during payroll processing. If the system encounters an error for an employee during the Calendar Creation, Paysheet Creation, Pay Calculation or Pay Confirmation processes, the process creates a payroll error message describing the condition impacting the employee.

Each time one of the payroll processes is run, the messages from the prior run of that process are deleted at the beginning of the process to allow for only the new error messages from the current run to be displayed. Prior to running the next sequential process, there should be no error messages generated for the process. This query will identify payroll errors that impact an employee that are unresolved for the prompted Pay Run ID. Agency Payroll Processors and the Bureau of State Payroll users will have access to run this query report.

100.3.2 Calculate Payroll


Deductions Register– The Deductions Register produces a detailed report of deductions for all employees for each payroll cycle or post confirm of a payroll cycle. This report is run during payroll calculation for a preliminary view of an employee’s deductions withheld and/or after payroll confirmation for a final list of deductions withheld.


Expired W-4 Exemption - The Expired W-4 Exemption report lists all employees who claimed ‘exempt’ on their W-4 for the prior calendar year, did not update their exempt status for the current year, and had their status updated to single and zero by the system.

100.8.8 – Reset Employee W-4 Exempt Status

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