Reports Catalog
  • 08 Jul 2024
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Reports Catalog

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Users will have access to reports, data, and reporting tools. End users will access reports and data through standard reports, inquiries, data extracts, or dashboards. Below is a list of the planned reports in Florida PALM by module. As the report designs are completed, the Project will provide a list of new or updated reports.

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Asset Management Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
AMR023Asset Depreciation Forecast Report

A report that forecasts depreciation by individual asset, groups of assets, or total assets for a user-specified period of time.

AMR042Asset Staging ReportA report that provides a list of asset transactions in Asset Management that have been staged for processing.
AMR045Asset Workflow Status Report

A report that lists the approval status of asset transactions (e.g., approved, denied and pending).

AMR026Total Assets Purchased ReportA report that lists the total amount of fixed asset purchases by agency/division. 

Accounts Payable Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description

AP ACH Returns and Reversal Warrants

The AP ACH Returns and Reissued Warrants Report is run on demand to extract the details of the ACH Payments originating in the Accounts Payable (AP) module that were not successfully processed and returned by the bank.
APR091AP Holds by Hold Type ReportA list of all Vouchers on hold including the hold reason.
APR008AP Staff Productivity ReportA Voucher activity count by username.
APR125Budget Check Errors (WorkCenter)A report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of vouchers with Budget Check errors.
APR126Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter)A report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of vouchers with Cash Check errors.
APR064Clearance Pattern ReportA report that details the clearance pattern for designated projects. 
APR051Contract Expenditures ReportA report of Contract payment information by Vendor Name, contract ID number, Payment Number, Posted Invoice #, Date Posted Invoice posted, Payment Amount, document number unique to document payment, Voucher information, voucher status or available fields with the ability to export data into an excel format.
APR069Duplicate Suppliers Report

A report that identifies potential duplicate Supplier records, or related suppliers.

APR140Funds Transferred to Unclaimed Property and Funds Exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property ReportA report that lists payment information for Funds transferred to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund or those that are exempt from Transfer to Unclaimed Property, pursuant to Sections 17.26 and 717.117, Florida Statutes, and payment information for funds returned to the original source.
APR003Outstanding Vouchers ReportThe Outstanding Vouchers Report will provide an aging schedule of Vouchers that have not been approved or paid. This includes vouchers that are not approved, unposted, not paid, not deleted, and not closed in Florida PALM. This is a custom PS Query that generates the report in an Excel format.
APR018Outstanding Warrants ReportA report that lists Stale Dated Warrants that are outstanding, expired, or about to expire by specified date range to include warrant type, chart of account ChartFields, payment transaction data and Business Unit.
APR050Payment Cancellation ReportA report that lists all cancelled payments and the number of days outstanding at the point of cancellation.
APR032Payment Detail ReportA report that lists Warrant and electronic payment detail and status (cleared, outstanding, cancelled, or reissued) for all payments.
APR118Payment Lifecycle ReportA report that determines the number of days between agency payment approval, payment posting, payment issuance, and payment settlement and store for reporting and statistical purposes. 
APR021Payment Register ReportA report that lists electronic, warrant, or manual payments made as part of Pay Cycle.
APR027Payment SummaryA report used to compute the number and dollar amount of payments made by Warrant and/or ACH run by day, per month, or other user-defined time-period.
APR049Project and Contract Expense Summary ReportA report of project and Contract payment information by month, quarter, fiscal and calendar year, inception to date, or time period with the ability to export data into an excel format.
APR001Prompt Payment Compliance ReportA report that measures the time elapsed between receipt of invoice, receipt of goods and services, approval of goods and services, and payment date by Business Unit.
APR024Prompt Payment ReportThe Prompt Payment Report is a custom report that lists vouchers that are approaching Prompt Payment processing deadlines i.e., vouchers that are not paid, and the Basis Date is greater than 10 Days. The report also lists Interest vouchers which are approaching payments (i.e., Interest vouchers that are not paid). The Prompt Payment Report lists the vouchers approaching prompt payment processing deadlines and also interest vouchers which are approaching payments.
APR007Scheduled Payments ReportA report that lists Vouchers scheduled to be paid.
APR096Single Payment Vouchers ReportA listing of all Vouchers processed using a single payment supplier. If any Single Payment Voucher with a 1099 Object Code was approved and processed, it is included on this report.

Supplier Authorized Banks Exceptions and Updates Report

A report that lists supplier banks in Florida PALM that were updated or not listed on the Authorized Bank Titles File.

APR068Supplier Detail Report

A report that lists Suppliers by name, TIN, or other identifying information.

APR006Supplier Payments ReportA report that summarizes payments by Supplier and other key data elements. 

Voucher Activity Report

A report that lists daily voucher activity.

APR010Voucher Approval Aging ReportAn aging schedule of vouchers pending approval.
APR004Voucher Match Exceptions ReportA listing of vouchers with match exceptions.
APR009Voucher DetailA report that lists posted vouchers, to include totals, that can be filtered by various criteria.

Voucher Workflow Status Report

A report that lists the status of each voucher while it is in Voucher Workflow.

APR092Vouchers Deleted ReportA listing of vouchers deleted due to errors.
APR033Warrant Printing ReportA report that lists Warrants printed for distribution.

Accounts Receivable Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
ARR025AR Data ReportA PeopleSoft report that provides AR data including pending items to agencies for analysis purposes.
ARR024Debit MemoA report that provides Returned items information (includes image for returned checks).
ARR007Deposit ReportA report that provides detailed information for deposits.
ARR067Direct Journal Accounting Entry Errors (WorkCenter)Used to correct Direct Journal accounting entry edit errors. 
ARR070DOR Agency Deposit ReportThis report provides a list of Agency Deposit transactions that were entered by DOR.
ARR020Reconciled Deposits ReportA report that provides reconciled deposits.
ARR021Unreconciled Deposits ReportA report that provides a list of unreconciled deposits.

Cash Management Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
CMR011Accounting Errors (WorkCenter)Summary listing of accounting errors.
CMR001Agency Bank Deposit Extract ReportA report that provides a query to prepopulate the deposit spreadsheet from the bank statement file to assist agencies in recording deposits.
CMR028CRA Activity StatementReport that provides activity and balance detail for Consolidated Revolving Accounts. 

General Ledger Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description

Adjustment Period 998 GL Journal Entry Report

A report used by EOG/OPB providing GL journal detail entered in the adjustment period 998.

GLR169Annual GAA Load Values ReportThe Annual GAA Load Values Report gives a combination of new Budgetary Codes from the General Appropriation Act Load to the agencies. This report provides users with information needed to support their requests for new Transactional Fund values and Budgetary Value combination edits.
GLR110Capital Assets Account Reconciliation Report
This report displays all balances related to Asset expense account values.
GLR091ChartField Value ReportPeopleSoft or Data Warehouse report listing established ChartField values.
GLR167Combination Edit Detail ReportReport/query to pull detail Combination Edit data to be used in conjunction with the Inbound Combination Edit Spreadsheet Upload (GLI084) tool.
GR Cash Balance and Activity Report
GR Cash Balance and Activity Report is generated to display a cash position by GR Fund from the ACTUALS Ledger and associated modules that displays the following: Cash Balance, Pending AP Transactions , AR Unverified deposits, IU, and GL transactions that are not successfully Budget/Cash Checked and Anticipated Cash balance.
GLR133Incomplete Journals (WorkCenter)A delivered report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of journals that are saved with an incomplete status.

Investment Activity Report

Investment transactions and balances by pool and participant.

GLR143Journals - Commitment Control Exceptions (WorkCenter)A delivered report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of journals with Budget Check exceptions that require action.
GLR136Journals Pending My Approval (WorkCenter)Journals that are pending approval from the current user.
GLR132Journals Ready for Processing (WorkCenter)A delivered report in the WorkCenter used to display a list of journals that are not posted but available for processing (edit, budget check, and post).
GLR140Journals with Edit Errors (WorkCenter)Journals specifically with edit errors that require action.
GLR139Journals with Errors (WorkCenter)Journals with any type of error that requires action.
GLR099Trial Balance ReportA custom report of summarized balances (debits and credits) pulled from Actuals Ledger by ChartField String based on a particular fiscal year, the selected accounting period range and other parameters selected.

Commitment Control Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
KKR018Agency Obligations ReportThe Agency Commitments Report allows users with security access to run a report to reflect open Encumbrances, IU Accruals, and Carry Forward Payables for a designated time period grouped by designated ChartFields and ChartField combinations.
KKR013Annual Operating BudgetA custom report displaying agency Allotments of adjusted Appropriations by program.
KKR022Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation ReportThe Appropriations Budget Ledger Balances Reconciliation Report displays details of differences in budgetary ledger balances for LAS/PBS and Florida PALM for same budgetary COA combination. The report will show differences between LAS/PBS balances and Florida PALM Commitment Control Ledger budget balances. This report will be available to DFS and EOG/OPB to run on-demand and will be run nightly after the Inbound Appropriation Budget Ledger Reconciliation (KKI002) process has completed.
KKR058Budget and Cash Checking Exceptions/Warnings ReportA report that lists transactions budget and cash check exceptions and warnings along with transaction amounts, to include the type of exception and where an override was applied. 
KKR019Budget Detail Activity ReportThe Budget Detail Activity Report displays Budget Journal created in Florida PALM for any budget ledger group (Continuing Appropriation, Releases, Reserves, Projects, Allotments and Revenue). This includes Budget Journals which are not yet edited, not yet submitted for approval, approved but not yet posted, posted or in error.
KKR044Continuing Appropriations Balance Report

A custom report displaying balances of appropriations, encumbrances, expenditures, scheduled payments and available balances with a variable user-defined projection rates.

KKR046February Reversion FCO Projects Worksheet Report 
This report contains budget ledger available balances for all Fixed Capital Outlay (FCO) projects by Business UnitFundBudget Entity, and Category ChartField values with descriptions, including a budget period, as per statutory requirement for agencies.
KKR023Revenue ReportA custom report that provides revenue estimates, revenue recognized, and revenue collected by Fund, Budget Entity, Category, and Account code by ChartField combinations.
KKR008Schedule of Allotment Balance ReportThe Schedule of Allotment Balances Report allows users with security access to run a report to reflect recorded Allotments, Encumbrance, expenditures, and associated remaining balances for designated time periods grouped by designated ChartField and ChartField combinations.
KKR010Spend Plan Projections ReportA custom report displaying balances of Appropriations, Encumbrances, expenditures, scheduled payments and available balances with variable user-defined projection rates.
KKR057Tentative Carry Forward Certified Forward Balances Report
This report lists Carry Forward (Operating) Unexpended Releases and Certified Forward FCO Unexpended Appropriations for the current fiscal year.
KKR059Trust Fund Cash Balance and Activity Report
This report provides the Trust Fund spendable cash balance and is updated from Accounts Receivable (AR), Accounts Payable (AP), and Inter/IntraUnit,  GL journal entries captured in Florida PALM Financials along with pending activity that may impact the overall cash balance.

Inter/IntraUnit Module Reports

Report Name
Report Description
IUR005Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report
The Inter/IntraUnit Transaction Detail Report allows agencies to view all pending and posted Inter/IntraUnit (IU) transactions associated with their Business Unit in Florida PALM. This report can be used for analysis and contains detailed information related to IU transactions. 
IUR006Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors (WorkCenter)
The Inter/IntraUnit Budget-Cash Check Errors Report (IUR006) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides users with a list of IU transactions with budget and/or cash check errors. Users can drill into a transaction generated on this report to open the transaction and make edits if necessary. 
IUR007Pending Submission IU Transactions (WorkCenter)
This Pending Submission IU Transactions Report (IUR007) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides users with the ability to view IU transactions that have been initiated by their agency and saved but not yet submitted. Users can drill into a transaction generated on this report to open, update, and submit the transaction. 
IUR008Received IU Transactions (WorkCenter)
The Received IU Transactions Report (IUR008) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides a listing of IU transactions that were received from another agency. Users can drill into these transactions from the report to open and input their COA information in the IU transaction.  
IUR009IU Pending Approval (WorkCenter)
The IU Pending Approval Report (IUR009) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides users with the ability to view IU transactions that have been submitted to approvers. This report provides a quick glance of each approver status for the transactions. Users can drill into a transaction generated on this report to open the transaction. 
IUR010Denied IU Transactions (WorkCenter)
The Denied IU Transactions Report (IUR010) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides users with the ability to view IU transactions that were denied by an approver. Users can drill into a transaction generated on this report to open the denied transaction and make edits if necessary.

IU Edit Errors (WorkCenter)

The IU Edit Errors Report (IUR011) is an IU WorkCenter report that provides users with the ability view IU transactions with edit errors (e.g., combo edit errors, page validation errors). Users can drill into a transaction generated on this report to open and update the transaction if necessary.  

Payroll Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
Actuals Funding Report

The Actuals Funding Report is a custom Florida PALM report that will run by agency payroll users and BOSP to view actuals funding after Payroll Calculation. The report will read from the earnings, deduction, and tax distribution tables and combine results from all three into one spreadsheet for easier review. Some fields will be specific to the type of distribution.

Deductions Register
The Deductions Register produces a detailed report of deductions for all employees for each payroll cycle or post confirm of a payroll cycle. This report is run during payroll calculation for a preliminary view of an employee’s deductions withheld and/or after payroll confirmation for a final list of deductions withheld.
PRR007Earnings/Deductions Register ReportThe Earnings Register Report produces a detailed report of earnings for all employees in each payroll period. This report shows the earnings successfully loaded to the Paysheet, and any additional earnings entered on an employee’s payline. This report can be run after a payroll calculation for a preliminary view of employee earnings and or after confirmation for the final earnings paid and stored for record keeping. The report includes employee earnings codes processed within a given payroll period, with the employees’ ‘Month to Date’, ‘Quarter to Date’ and ‘Year to Date’ balance amounts per the employees’ payroll record. The run control includes the Business Unit as a field to identify an employee’s earnings per agency.
PRR036Editing Paysheets Changes Report
This is a payroll report that provides a list of transactions that did not pass Edit Check as part of the Editing Paysheets process.
Employee W-4 Exempt Status Report

The Employee W-4 Exempt Status report lists all employees whose current Federal Income Tax Withholding status is exempt.

The report can be run ad-hoc throughout the year and at the end of the calendar year to identify the employees currently exempt from Federal Income Tax Withholding. It can be used to identify who must submit a new W-4 for the upcoming calendar year. The report is executed every year after (February 15) the due date to submit the Exempt form.

Expired W-4 Exemption
The Expired W-4 Exemption report lists all employees who claimed ‘exempt’ on their W-4 for the prior calendar year, did not update their exempt status for the current year, and had their status updated to single and zero by the system.
HR Accounting Line Report

After a Payroll is confirmed in Florida PALM, the Actuals Distribution process will distribute earnings, employer deductions, and employer taxes across established position funding sources. Then, the GL Interface Process (PAYGL02) will load this information to the HR Accounting Line and post it to the GL.

Agency users and BOSP will be able to use PRR001 HR Accounting Line Report to view Payroll payment data from the GL HR Accounting Line in FIN. This report will include employee data, warrant number, and distribution information. It can be run as a query or output as an Excel file and filtered as necessary.

Inactive Position Funding SpeedKeys Report
The Inactive Position Funding SpeedKeys Report lists active positions whose funding records are assigned to an inactive SpeedKey
PRR023Payroll Cash Budget Balance ReportThis report is produced as part of the Actuals Distribution Process to compare the preliminary payroll amount to the available spending authority (spendable cash), remaining spending authority (appropriations), and the remaining General Revenue (GR) release available. 
Payroll Deductions Not Taken
Payroll Deductions Not Taken Report (PRR055) contains employee deductions not taken for a given payroll cycle. This report identifies the deduction code and the associated deduction not taken reason. This report is being modified to include Row Level Security per the user profiles running the report.
PRR016Payroll Deduction Report
A report that will provides deduction details by employee and will be pulled from precalculated deduction data and/or post confirmed deduction data.
Payroll Error Messages - Query
The Payroll Error Messages-Query (PRR061) prints a list of the error messages generated during payroll processing. If the system encounters an error for an employee during the Calendar Creation, Paysheet Creation, Pay Calculation or Pay Confirmation processes, the process creates a payroll error message describing the condition impacting the employee.
PRR010Payroll Register
The Payroll Register displays by employee. It provides data that reflects defined elements for the employee's pay history by payroll run, including gross wages, net pay, benefits, taxes, other deductions, garnishments, employer contributions, and payment data. 
PRR012Payroll Summary Report

A report that provides summary and detailed payroll data (payroll register) for pre-production payroll runs and production payroll runs by employee, agency or other available fields. 

Payroll Tax Report
During the payroll processing cycle, the Bureau of State Payroll (BOSP) and agencies need the ability to review the payroll taxes withheld from employee paychecks. This report will provide the daily taxes withheld in an Excel report for BOSP and agency usage. 
Payroll Warrant Status Report
A report that lists payroll Warrant details and status, indicating whether they have been cleared, outstanding, or canceled.
PRR051Position Funding Data ReportThe Position Funding Report is a comprehensive report that show users the position funding established in Florida PALM. The report will show the SpeedKey, value that gives the detailed accounting, associated with the position. The ChartField values and the status of the SpeedKey will also be available in the report. The report pulls from the following tables to give a complete story of the position funding that has been established: Department Budget Earnings Distribution Table and Valid Combination Codes Table.

Project Management Reports

Report Name
Report Description 


FCO Certified Forward Request Detail Report is a detailed, custom report which includes all FCO appropriation balances, including projects and activity balances, and the amounts agencies will request to be Certified Forward.
PCR015Appropriations Budget vs. Project Budget ReportThis report provides a comparison between Project Budget Balances and Appropriations Balances. For FCO project types, the agency should review the Appropriations Budget vs. Project Budget Report (PCR015). This report will allow the Agency to determine any variance between the FCO Appropriation and the remaining project and activity balances budgeted to those funding sources.

Purchase Order Module Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
POR008 Closed Encumbrances Report A report that lists closed encumbrances.
POR002 Encumbrance Aging Report A report that lists all encumbrances, date encumbrance was established, and the date the last activity occurred. 
POR009 Outstanding Encumbrance Errors Report A report that lists unresolved encumbrance exceptions.

System Design Reports

IDReport NameReport Description
SDR003 Speedkey Report The SpeedKey Report fetches the SpeedKeys added or modified in Florida PALM. The output file can be used by Agency Business Systems, and Enterprise partners to select the appropriate SpeedKey reflecting the combination of ChartField values needed and create transaction within each module, namely General Ledger (GL), Commitment Control (KK), Accounts Payable (AP), Purchasing (PO), and Accounts Receivable (AR) using identified ChartField values.


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